

Challenge and Response:Research on the Faculty Management at Local Colleges in the Central Region of China

【作者】 王影

【导师】 陈彬;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国教育的迅猛发展,科教兴国的战略实施,高校教师管理工作得到了社会各界普遍重视。由于地方高等院校是我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分,所以在经济发展的过程中尤其是我国经济发展相对落后的一些省份,高等院校在其中起着具大的经济推动作用。我国东部沿海地区在政策支持和地域优势的条件下,其经济发展、社会文化方面取得了全面进步,在我国率先成为发达地区,不仅推动了本地区各项事业的发展而且为全国其他地区和省份的发展指明了方向。随着西部大开发战略的实施,西部地区凭借其丰富的资源和政策支持,该地区经济不发达的状态正在得以改善,很多地市成为西部地区经济发展的支柱城市。相对于东西部而言,中部地区如何在发展压倒一切的历史背景中体现出地区优势?如何为中部地区培养出高质量、高素质的人才?此类问题成为中部发展不可忽视的问题以及亟待解决的难题。处于主导地位的中央政府和地方政府,其对中部地区地方院校的政策和内部管理机制的缺陷使得作为高校中坚力量的教师管理存在很多问题,同时这些问题已经严重地影响了地方高校发展,无论从全国层面还是地方经济发展和高校自身发展来讲,中部地区高等院校都需寻找到自身发展的正确方向。作为本地区人才培养的中坚力量,高等院校面临着战略调整、措施完善和模式评估等系列问题急需解决,此类问题不但是地方政府和主要管部门的主要工作方向,而且更是个高校未来发展所必须认真思考的问题。从高校来讲,作为国家高等教育的重要组成部分,地方高等院校在其中作用至关重要。虽然各地方高校在人数、规模等方面不断扩大,但其教学质量和教师队伍的管理仍然存在不容忽视的问题。本文研究的对象是高校教师管理,其主要研究地域是我国中部欠发达的地区,本文通过将两者结合研究以求实现较为客观的研究效果。研究从大众化、国际化、市场化、现代化几个方面分析中部地区地方高校在教师管理上面临着的形势和挑战,研究围绕课题的起源和未来方向展开;其次从选之困和育之囧方面,着重分析中部地区地方高校教师管理存在的突出问题,比如地方高校教师选用与积极性调动存在问题;教师的培育问题则从生涯规划、专业发展、激励机制、职业操守等方面来一一论述;然后从如何提高高校教师管理入手,主要是通过原因分析,力图从内部优化到改造环境,也就是通过强内而后御外,通过内部的思想先行、措施跟进、个性服务、综合激励等多种路径来提高教师的忠诚度以博取学校的知名度,期望能够改善中部地区地方院校的教师管理,能够解决中部地区的高等院校在教师管理方面的困境。

【Abstract】 With the development of higher education, more and more people all over the world have been paid more attention to the college teachers’management. As an integral part in the higher education system in this country and its positive effect on the local economy, higher colleges play an important role in the developing economy, especially in some provinces that economic progress is relatively backward.China Eastern coastal area has become the leader of national economic development with the policy support and geographical advantage conditions. With the implementation of the western development strategy, the western regions are improving their undeveloped state which reflects in the rational economic structure and scientific industry layout. But to the central region, how to display its regional advantages? How to speed up the development to narrow gap between east and west? How to cultivate and keep the talents in the fierce competition? These questions have become one of the urgent issues to be tackled by central region.The central government and the local governments pre-dominate the leading policy, both in the management of national education system and in the mechanism of management. The defects of these policies result in some problems in the management of local college faculty. At same time, they also hinder the improvement of the teaching quality and the education management. No matter from the nation or the development of local economy or the local universities, the central region needs to seek its right direction in development. As the strength to train talents, the universities in central China are facing a serious of challenges such as strategic adjustment, improved measures, model assessment and so on. These challenges are logically to be the main work direction not only for the local governments but also for the colleges in this area. As an integral part in the higher education system in this country, the local institutions of higher education play an important role in various fields. Although the local colleges in the central part China have been continuously expand their enrollments and scale, but both their teaching staff quality and the teaching quality are still not allowed to ignore.The aim of this paper is intend to explore the status quo of faculty management at local colleges in central China, especially challenges the local colleges are facing or are going to face and responses what the local governments or colleges have made or should make. Accordingly, the contents of this paper are divided into several aspects as following. To start with, bird-viewing from the influence of higher education growth on the local college faculty management in the central China, this article analyzes the challenges met by the local college faculty management in popularization, internationalization, modernization and marketization and explains the origin and scheme of the research mainly. Then, the author issues the problems existing in the local college faculty management from the difficulties in the selecting teachers and dilemma in cultivating them. While uncovering the problems of cultivation of the teachers, there have four dimensions been focused such as the career planning, professional development, incentive mechanism and professional ethics, In addition, the article reasons the problems of local college faculty management from the internal and external and mainly explores the factors which affected school so much from various aspects. Last but not least, through all the above analysis, this thesis proposes some reasonable strategies for the local colleges so as to resist the external aggression and stabilize the interior of the school by changing ideology, taking measures, personalized service and comprehensive incentive and so on measures to enlarge the popularity of school by improving the teacher’s loyalty, and it, consequently, can manage the local college teachers effectively.


