

Textual Researeh and Chronicle of the Confucian Classics in Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 徐林青

【导师】 董恩林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 清代学术以整理和总结中国数千年学术成果为总特征,作为中国数千年传统文化核心的经学也取得了巨大成就,影响着清代以至近代社会的政治、教育、文化等各方面,因此,董理清代经学一直是学术史研究的热点。本文属于学术史的研究范畴,以考证清代顺治、康熙时期经学著作的成书年代为重点,并对这些著作进行系年,以期研究者能更系统地把握清初经学发展情况,为全面整理清代经学作资料准备。本文分为四部分:第一部分,绪论,简述本文的选题缘由与意义、前人的研究成果以及本文的研究方法和创新点;第二部分,凡例,规定本文的著录内容、格式及编排顺序;第三部分,正文,这是本文的核心部分,按照凡例的规划,以纪年为经、以著作为纬,著录清初经学著作的成书年代,简要介绍经学家生卒、字号、籍贯等,并对部分内容作简要的考证,辨正前人著作中的讹误与舛陋;第四部分,结语,从清初顺康时期经学家地域分布以及经学著作分类统计两个方面,为前文作补充,对清初经学作更宏观的把握,并简要总结清初经学的特点。

【Abstract】 The essential character of academic research in the Qing Dynasty was to collate and summarize Chinese academic achievements for thousands of years. The Confucian classics, as the core of traditional culture, were also gained huge success, which affected the politics, education, culture and other aspects of Qing Dynasty and modern society. Therefore, the study of Confucian classics in the Qing Dynasty has been an academic research hotspot for long time. This paper, which belongs to the research category of the academic history, focus on the textual research of the written year of Confucian scholars’ works during the periods of Emperor Shunzhi and Kangxi. In this article, these works would be arranged by years, in order to grasp the development and change about Confucian classics in early Qing Dynasty systematically and make preparation for further research.This article is divided into four sections:Section one is the preface that mainly expounds the reason and significance of the choice of topic, analyses the academic achievements, points out the research methods and innovative points of this paper;Section two is the convention that defines description, format and arrangement sequence of this paper;Section three is the main text which is the core part of this article. According to the convention, historical chronology is longitude and works about Confucian classics are latitude in this text. It mainly arranges the written year of Confucian scholars’works and makes brief introductions of the Confucian scholars’birth and death year, given name, place of origin, etc. It contains textual research about some parts of the contents to identify and correct the inaccuracies and errors in the literatures.Section four is the epilogue which is a supplement to the main text from two aspects, one is the study on the regional distribution of Confucian scholars in early Qing Dynasty and the other is the classification statistics on Confucian classics works. In order to grasp a macroscopic impression, the characteristics of Confucian classics in the early Qing Dynasty are summarized at the last.

  • 【分类号】K249;B234
  • 【下载频次】153

