

【作者】 仲寅

【导师】 张淼;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 魏晋以来,汉代经学势衰,以阐扬老庄道家思想为旨趣的玄学成为时代精神的主题。特别是两晋时期,《庄子》受到了玄学家们的广泛青睐,借《庄子》以阐发自己的思想成为一种时尚。而较早于两汉交替之际传入中国的佛教,一直试图借助我国原有的传统文化来寻求自身的生存与发展,对老庄道家思想特别是《庄子》思想的广泛接受是魏晋时期佛教中国化的显著特征。因此本文借助文献记载和学界研究成果,从认同基础、哲学意蕴、意义及影响三个方面对魏晋僧人是如何接受《庄子》的问题进行了再探讨,力求有所收获。首先,从魏晋僧人对《庄子》接受的认同基础上来看,印度佛教思想的传入与魏晋时期玄学的勃兴为僧人接受《庄子》思想提供了良好的契机。汉魏之际,两汉儒家经学对传统文化的影响仍然明显。传统文化的历史继承性和相对稳定性决定了它对外来佛教思想具有一种本能的怀疑与排斥,而此时玄学的勃兴使得本完整的传统文化链条被打开了缺口,于是佛教便有了可趁之机。需要指出的是,汉魏之际佛教僧人在翻译佛经和传播佛教教义的过程中,由于语言与文化环境的不同,使得佛教僧人积极攀附中国传统文化,特别是老庄思想,这为魏晋时期对《庄子》思想的借鉴和吸收,打下了良好的基础。其次,从魏晋僧人对《庄子》接受的哲学意蕴上来看,魏晋时期佛教僧人从本体论向度和认识论向度对《庄子》的吸收与借鉴尤为明显,主要是对其重要范畴、言说形式、思维方式以及思想理论等方面进行广泛的接受与运用,为佛教教义的深化与发展提供了有益的帮助。特别是对《庄子》思想中“气”论、“道”论以及“无”论思想的吸收与借鉴,为具有有国特色的佛教本体论思想的最终建立提供了理论和方法上的支持。而佛教终极本体的确立后还面临着一个如何认识这一本体的问题,在解决这一问题时,《庄子》又为佛教僧人提供了方法论支持。第三,从魏晋僧人对《庄子》接受的意义与影响来看,僧人群体对《庄子》思想的借鉴与吸收不仅深刻影响了佛教在魏晋时期的发展过程,同时形成的这种“以佛解庄”的研究方法也深刻影响了以后的佛学研究实践。同时,魏晋僧人对《庄子》接受过程也是庄学得到快速发展的过程,魏晋时期的玄学家能够以一种有别与先秦两汉的研究视角来看待《庄子》文本与思想,很有可能受到了佛教思想的影响。

【Abstract】 Since the Wei and Jin, the spirit of the times theme was to play Taoist thought as the idea ofmetaphysics as Han classics declining. Especially during the Jin Dynasty, Chuang Zi by thephilosopher are widely favored by Chuang Zi and becomes a kind of fashion. While earlier in theturn of Chinese Buddhism, has been tried with our traditional culture to seek their own survivaland development, the Taoist thought in particular Chuang Zi thought of the widely accepteddynasties is a significant feature of Buddhism in china. This paper is discussed from the identityfoundation, philosophical connotation, significance and influence.First of all, from the Buddhist monks for Chuang Zi accept agree the fundamental point ofview, India Buddhism and the Wei and Jin Dynasties metaphysics incoming prosperity for themonks to accept "Chuang Zi thought" provides a good opportunity. During the Han and WeiDynasty, study of Confucian classics in Han Dynasty on the traditional culture influence was stillapparent. Traditional culture’s historical succession and the relative stability had decided it toBuddhist thought has an instinctive suspicion and exclusion, while metaphysics prosperity makesthe complete traditional culture chain opened gap, then Buddhism had to take advantage of themachine. It is noted that, during the Han and Wei Dynasty Buddhist monks in the translation ofBuddhist scriptures and propagation of Buddhist teachings in the process, the Buddhist monkactive clings to the Chinese traditional culture, because of language and cultural environment isdifferent, especially Taoism, the Wei and Jin Dynasties to Chuang Zi thought of the referenceand absorption, to lay a good foundation.Secondly, from the Buddhist monks for Chuang Zi to accept the philosophy point of view,the Wei and Jin Dynasties Buddhist monks from the ontological dimension and epistemology todegree on Chuang Zi absorption and reference is particularly evident, mainly on the importantcategory, the way of thinking and the thought theory etc. are widely accepted and applied for theteachings of Buddhism, the deepening and development of helpful. Especially for the Chuang Zithought of "Qi"," Tao" and" Wu" on the theory of the absorption and reference, as has thecountry characteristic Buddhist ontology to build the final provides theoretical andmethodological support. While the Buddhist ultimate ontology establishment also faced anawareness of how the body problem, to solve the problem, Chuang Zi for Buddhist monksprovide methodological support.Third, from the Buddhist monks for Chuang Zi acceptance of the meaning and impact,Buddhist monks group Chuang Zi thought of the reference and absorption of not only has aprofound impact on Buddhism in Wei and Jin period of the development process, at the sametime the formation of this" solution to the Buddha Chuang" research method also profoundly influenced the later Buddhist research practice. At the same time, the process by monks toChuang Zi the acceptance is the process of Chuang School getting rapid development. To adistinct and the Qin and Han Dynasties on the view of Chuang Zi text and ideology, the Wei andJin Dynasties philosopher is likely to have been effected by Buddhist thought.

【关键词】 魏晋时期佛教僧人《庄子》接受
【Key words】 Wei and Jin DynastiesBuddhist monksChuang ZiReception

