

【作者】 孙学

【导师】 王清玉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “十一五”期间,党中央、国务院在教育发展方面特别指出要坚持优先发展教育,并提出了“普及、发展、提高”的三重任务———即普及和巩固义务教育,大力发展职业教育,提高高等教育质量三个基本要求。其中把提高高等院校教育质量作为一项重要的任务来抓,这表明我国的高等教育还存在诸多不足之处,还有许多方面需要巩固和提高。硕士研究生培养工作是高等教育教学工作中重要的一部分,同时硕士研究生的毕业论文写作水平是检验高等教育教学质量的重要依据之一,论文质量的高低,在一定程度上反映了高等院校对硕士研究生培养的质量,因此文章针对我国“十一五”期间篮球方面的硕士研究生的论文特征进行分析研究,了解毕业论文的总体情况,旨在了解我国篮球方面硕士论文的研究水平。论文采用文献综述法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对“十一五”期间有关篮球方面的硕士学位论文进行了分析总结,通过了解我国篮球方面硕士论文的科研情况,为篮球硕士学位论文的选题和进一步发展提供理论依据。通过对篮球方面硕士学位论文的分析总结主要得出以下结论:1我国体育学硕士学位点分布不均衡,沿海多于内陆,学科间的发展也不均衡,体育教育训练学学位点多,其他学科相对较少。2“十一五”期间体育教学训练学专业论文数量上升趋势最明显,篮球硕士论文的写作数量增幅也较明显,其中2010年数量最多,这与研究生的扩招和学位点的增加有很大关系。3“十一五”期间篮球论文研究方法的使用数量逐年增加,但是研究方法的运用层次较低,主要是采用技术性方法与经验方法、具体学科方法和逻辑论方法,对于较高层次的数学方法和系统方法的运用数量较少。4“十一五”期间篮球硕士学位论文的研究对象内容较丰富,但是对于研究对象的选择较为集中,重复性较高。5“十一五”期间篮球硕士学位论文的研究内容总体上来讲是对国内研究较多,国外研究较少,学科内研究多,交叉学科研究少,研究内容大体相似,缺乏创新。6“十一五”期间篮球硕士学位论文的引文类型较为全面,引文的平均数量呈上升趋势,外文文献应用很少,外文语种以英语为主。图书、期刊、学位论文、网页成为主要的引文资料。在核心期刊的引用上,北京体育大学学报的引用量最大,其次是武汉体育学院学报,由此说明这两种期刊对于篮球论文的贡献量最大,是以后查阅篮球论文资料的首选文献。

【Abstract】 During the eleventh five-year plan, for the development of education, the Central PartyCommittee and The State Council particularly point out that it is a priority to develop educationand set three tasks: ensuring compulsory education, promoting vocational education andenhancing the quality of higher education. To enhance the quality of higher education is the mostimportant task, which indicates that there are a lot of deficiencies in our higher education andmany aspects that need to be strengthened and improved. The cultivation of the graduate studentsis an important part of higher education. At the same time, the thesis writing capacity of thegraduate students is one of the important criteria to inspect the teaching quality of highereducation. To a certain extent, the thesis quality reflects the quality of graduate students incolleges and universities. Therefore, the article is aimed to analyze the characteristics of thetheses written by the graduate students specializing in basketball during the period of eleventhfive-year plan. In this way, the research capacity of the graduate students of basketball will berevealed. This paper adopts methods of literature review, mathematical statistics and logicalanalysis to summarize the characteristics of the theses written by the graduate studentsspecializing in basketball during the period of eleventh five-year plan. Through the analysis onthe scientific researches made by graduate students on basketball, the thesis will offer atheoretical basis for the further topic choosing and researches on basketball. The followingconclusions are drawn through the analysis:1. The distribution of master’s degree programs in Science of Physical Culture and Sportslacks balance. There are more in the coastal area than in the inland. The development of differentsubjects is also out of balance. The programs on the Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training aremore than the other subjects.2. The theses on the Science of Physical Culture and Sports increase sharply and the theseson basketball also increase. The largest number is in2010, which is closely related to theenrollment expansion and the increasing of the programs for graduate students.3. Despite the increase in the quantity of the theses, the most frequently used methods arerelatively simple, such as technical method, method based on experience, derivational methodsfrom specific subjects and the logical analysis method. As for the mathematics method andsystematic research method of a higher level, they are rarely applied.4. The research objects are variable, but they are frequently repeated.5. Concerned with the research content, there are more domestic researches than researchesabroad, more researches within the discipline than the cross-disciplinary researches. The researchcontent is similar and lacks innovation. 6. The types of references are comprehensive. The number of the references is increasing.The foreign references are much less and most of them are in English. The journals, degreetheses, and the internet have become the main material. As for the citation of the core journals,Journal of Beijing Sport University and Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education aremost frequently cited. The two journals make great contribution to the researches on basketballand are the first choice to refer to in the further researches.


