

【作者】 李坤

【导师】 王清玉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 青奥会的创建无疑是奥林匹克史上的一大创举,然而,南京作为第二届青奥会的主办城市,肩负着重塑奥林匹克宗旨的使命和国际奥委会的重托,对于南京,借鉴和引进历届奥运会和青奥会的运行特点,探索符合南京的青奥会运行特点显得十分迫切。北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会无论在地域上还是在召开时间上都是距离南京青奥会最近的体育赛事,他们代表着最先进的赛事理念,代表着最前沿的赛事规模,同样也推动着奥林匹克运动的发展。南京在地理位置上和北京、新加坡一衣带水,在政治、经济、文化等领域都有千丝万缕的联系,况且北京奥运会和南京青奥会同在中国举行,从某一方面都代表着中国形象,而新加坡青奥会作为首届青奥会是南京青奥会的直接借鉴。因此,研究和分析北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点,对南京形成具有南京特色的青奥会运行特点,对兑现国际奥委会的期待,进一步推动青奥会的开发与研究将大有裨益。本文主要以北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点研究为比较切入点,论文研究过程中遵循历史与现实、国际与本土、理论与实践相结合的方法论,从四部分对北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点进行研究。第一部分是前言,首先从总体上阐述问题的提出及研究的目的和意义,以及国内外的研究现状、研究方法,为本论文研究构成基本的理论框架。第二部分从奥林匹克思想体系、组织形式、活动模式以及北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点的现状进行分析和比较,为全文研究提供一个分析比较的基准。第三部分对北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点进行深刻的剖析,阐述了北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的诞生时代背景、参赛对象、赛事规模、项目设置、活动内容、赛事实施方式和赛事影响范围上的具体现状,为进一步运行特点分析与比较借鉴做出铺垫。第四部分,探索了北京奥运会和新加坡青奥会的运行特点,为南京青奥会做出借鉴和启示:1.继续秉承青奥会的传统,坚持节俭办赛的理念。2.重点突出本土化特色,树立城市品牌形象。3.利用自身优势,努力推动青奥会的教育价值。4.持续发展,合理利用青奥遗产。本论文希望可以为南京青奥会的成功举办提供一定的理论基础和理论参考,为青奥会的运行特点的开发与研究做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Nanjing as the second Youth Olympic Games host city, bear is worn remodelingthe aim of the mission and the International Olympic Committee of the trust, forNanjing, the drawing and the introduction of Olympic Games and the Olympic Greenoperating characteristics, exploration accords with the Nanjing Olympic Greenoperation is very urgent.Olympic Games in Beijing and Singapore Youth Olympic Games both ingeographical or held in time are from the Nanjing Olympic Green recent sports events,they represent the most advanced event concept, represents the most advanced gamescale, also promoted the development of the Olympic movement. Nanjing’sgeographical position in Beijing, Singapore and a narrow strip of water, in thepolitical, economic, cultural and other fields have have all kinds of connections withthe contact, and the Beijing Olympic Games and the Nanjing Olympic Green in China,on the one hand represents the image of China, Singapore Youth Olympic Games asthe first Youth Olympic Games Nanjing green Olympic Games direct reference.Therefore, research and analysis of Beijing Olympic Games and the Singapore YouthOlympic Games running characteristics of Nanjing formation, with the characteristicsof Nanjing Green Olympics running characteristics of International OlympicCommittee, to look forward to, further promote green development and research willbe of great advantage.This paper mainly to the Olympic Games in Beijing and Singapore YOG runningcharacteristics research for studying point of comparative research, followed in theprocess of history and reality, international and domestic, the method of combiningtheory and practice theory, from the four part of the Olympic Games in Beijing andSingapore YOG running characteristics research. The first part is the preface, firstlyexpounds the problem put forward to reach the purpose and significance of theresearch, and the research status at home and abroad, research methods, this thesisstudies for a basic theoretical framework. The second part from the Olympic thoughtsystem, organization, activity patterns as well as the Olympic Games in Beijing andSingapore YOG operation situation analysis and comparison, the study is to providean analysis of the baseline for comparison. The third part of the Olympic Games inBeijing and Singapore YOG running characteristic carries on the profound analysis,elaborated the Olympic Games in Beijing and Singapore YOG birth background, theobject, event scale, project settings, activities, events and event implementation influence range on the specific situation, for further analysis of the operationalfeatures and comparison and reference makes the upholstery. The fourth part, explorethe Olympic Games in Beijing and Singapore YOG operating characteristics, for theNanjing Olympic Green make reference and Enlightenment:1continue to uphold thegreen Olympic tradition, adhere to the concept of frugal game.2focuses on thelocalization characteristic, establish the image of city brand.3the use of their ownadvantages, efforts to promote the green Olympic education value. The4sustainabledevelopment, rational utilization of green Olympic heritage. In this paper, the hopefor the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing ’s success to provide certain theoryfoundation and reference for the Youth Olympic Games, running characteristicsresearch and development make contribution.


