

Research on Xiangxi Clever Girl Story

【作者】 张思

【导师】 晓苏;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国民间文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在丰富多彩的民间故事宝库中,有一类传统的民间故事专门表现女主人公的过人才智,许多看来无法解决的难题,一到她们手里顿时迎刃而解,人们因此把这类故事称为“巧女故事”。巧女故事在湘西地区广为流传,本文以编纂《中国民间故事集成》时湘西各县市留下的资料本为研究对象,发现相关文本五十多篇,足见这一故事类型在该区域的流传之广。本文正文部分首先对关于巧女故事类型的研究作了梳理,并针对湘西巧女故事的具体内容,在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,提出了自己的分类体系,将其分为三型十四式,即善处事型、善说话型、善理解型三型,熊娘家婆式、择婿式、由人不由命式、智惩恶人式、舍身尽孝式、百鸟衣式、反问难题式、巧言妙对式、避讳式、我的东西更值钱式、帮弟弟做功课式、巧解隐喻式、巧解画意式和巧解欠条式十四式。其后,本文以《同船过渡》(土家族)和《银妹》(苗族)两个文本为范例,对流传在湘西的巧女故事作了一个直观地展示,然后从方言、苗语和土家语等方面展开研究,以图勾勒出湘西巧女故事的语言特征。最后,文章就巧女故事与湘西的文化展开进一步探讨,认为湘西巧女故事与当地的巫文化、四言八句及其民歌传统相关。

【Abstract】 In the colorful folk tales, there is a kind of traditional folk story which aims at depicting the heroine’s extraordinary intelligence in which many difficulties can be solved by them successfully. Therefore, we define this story as "Clever Girl Story" Clever Girl Story is widespread in Xiangxi area, the object of this study is deriving from the Chinese Folk Story Collection of Xiangxi Volume in which it contains over fifty stories relevant to Clever Girl Story.The aim of this article is to make a literature review about the style of Clever Girl Story at first. Then, depending on the explicit contents of the stories, this paper tries to make an alternative classification of this kind of story. As for type, it can be divided into three types in fourteen styles. For the types, it contains Good doing, Good talking and Good understanding; For the styles, it’s oriented in Bear Grandma, select son-in-law, human effort, punish the wicked, filial piety, feathered-clothes, ask difficult question, perfect answer, taboo, my stuff more valuable, help brother do homework, understand metaphor, understand Painting and understand iou.Later, this paper takes the two stories named Ferry on the Same Boat and Decorated-silver Girl as examples, and displays them to the readers. Then, so as to find out the language features of Xiangxi Clever Girl Story, the paper continues its research from four aspects of local dialect, Miao language and Tujia language.Finally, this paper pays attention to the relationship between Clever Girl Story and Xiangxi culture. Suppose that Xiangxi Clever Girl Story is connected with local Witchcraft Culture, Siyanbaju and Folk song tradition.

  • 【分类号】I207.7
  • 【下载频次】134

