

Organic Agricultural Products’ Marketing Mode and Strategy Research in China

【作者】 张素洁

【导师】 张启春;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,我国农产品质量安全事件时有发生,人们对农产品的质量安全备受关注,对农产品的需求也已从对量的需求转到对质的要求上。同时,随着人们生活水平的提高和收入的增长,人们的生活方式及消费观念也发生了相应变化,使人们更加注重食品的质量安全。在这种背景下,有机农产品随之兴起。我国有机农产品的市场份额远远低于世界有机农产品的平均水平,其主要原因在于我国对有机农产品的推广渠道采用的仍是普通的营销渠道,并没有根据有机农产品的特征研究出合适的销售方式。目前国内有机农产品的市场逐渐扩大,有机农产品昂贵的价格超出了一般群众的购买能力。不完善的营销模式制约着有机农产品的进一步推广。本文第一章提出了本论文研究的背景、意义,文献综述及研究的主要内容。第二章对我国有机农产品的发展现状进行概述,并列举我国有机农产品现存的推广模式,主要有网络推广、博览会推广、会员制推广、农超对接推广这四种推广模式,并对推广策略进行了简单分析。第三章讨论的是我国有机农产品在市场推广过程中存在的问题,同时对我国有机农产品市场推广进行SWOT分析。第四章,以山东金乡有机大蒜为例,首先对有机大蒜进行了分析,阐述了有机大蒜现有推广模式及策略。第五章是关于金乡有机大蒜进一步推广过程中对模式及策略的思考。需要改进现有推广模式,在推广策略上则从消费者和生产者这两方面进行考虑,从而制定了不同的推广策略。根据消费者制定的策略是营销策略,即从产品、价格、促销、品牌这四个方面进行分析,制定推广有机大蒜的具体方案。沟通策略则是从生产者出发,需要科技特派员对其进行沟通推广,把有机大蒜的信息传播给生产者,让生产者生产出更多的有机大蒜,以此来扩大有机农产品的市场份额。第六章是结束语,是对整篇文章进行的一个总结。我国有机农产品市场发展的空间广阔,在科学技术的运用下,国家政策的支持和健康的市场环境是发展有机农产品的基本条件。有机农产品的推广模式还需要与实践相结合,这样才能对我国有机农产品的市场推广做出更详细的推广策略。有机农产品象征着健康、绿色、无污染,同时也是保护环境、坚持可持续发展原则的一种体现。因此,发展有机产业,研究出合适的市场推广方案,有利于增加我国有机农产品的市场份额,增加农民的收入,更是促进社会主义新农村建设的重要途径。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the incidents of agricultural product quality and safety in China occurs from time to time. The issue has attracted people’s attention. Meanwhile people’s needs for quantity have changed into the need for quality. At the same time, with the improvement of people’s living standard and the increase of income, people’s living style and consumption view have changed correspondingly. Now People care more about the food safety.However,in China,the market share of organic agricultural products is far below the world average. The main reason is that our promotion channel of organic agricultural products remain a traditional marketing one, and we have not come up with an appropriate marketing method according to the characteristics of organic agricultural products. At present,with the expansion of domestic organic agricultural products market, the high price is beyond people’s purchasing power. Imperfect marketing mode of organic agricultural products has restricted its further promotion.The first chapter deals with the research background, significance, literature review and the main contents of research. Chapter Ⅱ introduces an overview of the current development of organic agricultural products in China and make a list of its existing promotion mode,which are as follows:web promotion, exhibition promotion, membership promotion, direct link between farmers and supermarkets. Chapter II also analyzes the promoting strategy.In chapter Ⅲ discusses the problems in the process of promoting agricultural products and makes a SWOT analysis at the same time. In Chapter Ⅳ,Ⅰ will take Jinxiang’s organic garlic in Shandong province as an example, analyze its current extension model and strategy. Chapter V is a reflection of the promotion model and strategy of Jinxiang’s organic garlic.The marketing strategy is designed for the consumers and we make a specific analysis of the product, price, promotion and brand of the organic garlic. The communication strategy is made for the producers, it requires scientific and technological envoys to convey the information of organic garlic to the producers and enable them to produce more organic garlic,thus to expand the market share of organic products. Chapter VII will draw a conclusion to the whole study. In China, the market of organic agricultural products has a wide space for development, with the application of the science and technology, the support of national policy,and a healthy market environment are all the basic conditions for the development of organic. The extension model’s of organic agricultural products should be combined with the practice, so that we can make a detailed promotion strategy for China’s organic agricultural market promotion. Organic agricultural products symbolizes the green, pollution-free,and healthy food, meanwhile it is a incarnation of protecting the environment and the sustainable development. Therefore developing organic industry and exploring suitable marketing programs are important ways to increase the market share of organic agricultural products. At the same time, it can raise the farmers’income, and boost the construction of a new socialist countryside.

  • 【分类号】F323.7
  • 【下载频次】1357

