
从译者主体性视角看Breakfast at Tiffany’s的两个中译本

A Study of Two Chinese Versions of Breakfast at Tiffany’s----from the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity

【作者】 彭琳

【导师】 李亚丹;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 译者是翻译的主体,也是文化建构的重要参与者,译者在翻译过程中对原作的理解和阐述不可避免地受到其所处文化背景、个人经历和自身价值观的影响。翻译研究随着“文化转向”,已经逐渐从侧重译文对原作的忠实程度走向重视翻译主体的研究,并逐渐走向深入。这种转变改变了翻译主体在传统译论中长期遭到遮蔽,导致译者地位边缘化的处境。译者由于文化背景、个人经历、社会地位以及主体意识形态的不同,会导致对原文的解读,构造和表达方面有差异,在翻译中会产生不同的效果。本文以译者主体性为理论基础,以Breakfast at Tiffany’s的两个中译本为研究对象,分析两个译本中的翻译差异,用以证明译者主体性贯穿翻译活动的始终,并对翻译的效果产生重要影响,并尝试探究造成译者主体性差异的深层原因。本文所选择的案例分析译本是以深刻的主题和精辟简洁文字著称的美国南方战后代表作家杜鲁门·卡波特的小说——Breakfast at Tiffany’s的中译本。文中主要介绍汤永宽和董乐山所译的两个中译本。两位译者在同一时间年龄相当的时候翻译此书,无论是所处的社会背景还是翻译状态,两者都极其相似,然而两个译本呈现出明显差异。本文通过对这两个译本的分析来看译者主体性的发挥在翻译中会产生怎么样的不同以及怎样产生的不同。本文发现,在人物形象的解读和刻画上,尤其体现在对女主人公Holly的态度上,两位译者存在很大的差异。汤永宽译本里的霍莉思想开放、说话毫无遮掩、举止粗鲁、私生活混乱。而董本里的郝莉却是另一种形象。董乐山眼中的郝莉是个心地善良的女子,即使她行为不端也只是因为她不得不在男人的豺狼世界里谋求生存。董乐山对女主人公充满了同情,因此在译本中对其语言行为、外部特征等方面进行了不同程度的美化。在对小说中其他人物的刻画中,两位译者又各有不同的取向,在对贝尔曼的描写中,汤永宽描述较为客观,未掺杂过多个人感情色彩,而董乐山对其外貌,行为,话语的丑化使得两个译本中的同一人物形象呈现很大反差。除此之外,对拉斯蒂的人物形象的处理又有所不同,汤本中的拉斯蒂是个丑态百出,性格不善,无情无义的人,而董本中此人幼稚可爱,经历坎坷,值得同情。从语言文字的特点方面来看,两位译者也是风格迥异。汤本大量出现古典汉语表达方式,使译本带上浓厚的汉语色彩;而董本采用更平实的表达方式。这与两位译者对于原著的态度有关。在各自译者序言中,汤永宽折服于卡波特文字的精炼而董乐山更看重小说情节的价值。因而汤译在翻译中注重用词的打磨,有些地方甚至不惜句子的通畅;而董译更看重情节的阐述和文章的可读性,因而也未能重现原文“不可易二字”的精湛。除此之外,对待小说中出现的敏感话题,如种族歧视和同性恋现象,两位译者的态度和处理方式使译文呈现出明显差异。汤永宽倾向于用隐晦的语言表达敏感话题甚至隐藏信息不予译出;董乐山选择将其显性化。最后,两位译者在修辞的翻译上也作了不同的处理。汤永宽在他的译文中保留修辞的本体喻体以及其他修辞痕迹,必要的时候会辅以解释说明;而董乐山几乎全部采取意译,并未保留修辞手法。本文通过对这两个中文译本的对比研究,论证译者主体性在翻译中的操控地位。同时希望能引起译界对于Breakfast at Tiffany’s及其译本的兴趣。

【Abstract】 The translator is the subject of translation, who contributes to cultural construction. In the course of translation, the translator’s understanding and description of the original text will turn out to be different resulting from the influence of his cultural background, personal experience and his own values. With the occurrence of "cultural turn", translation studies have gradually moved from focusing on faithfulness to the original texts to paying more attention to translation subject. This shift has changed the traditional situation of translators where they were regarded invisible.Different cultural backgrounds, experiences, social positions, and other ideologies of the translators will lead to various interpretations, different structures and expressions to produce different effects in the translation. Based on the translator’s subjectivity, this paper carries out studies on two Chinese versions of Breakfast at Tiffany’s by analyzing the two versions to present the differences caused by translator’s subjectivity and to make further exploration of the causes of the differences.Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of American literary classics. It was commonly regarded as the best fiction novel of Capote. Ever since two Chinese versions were published in1988, many a scholar in China has devoted time and energy to the study on Capote. It is regrettable that few studies showed interest in Chinese versions of his novels. Two Chinese versions of Breakfast at Tiffany’s have been chosen for the study. One was rendered by Tang Yongkuan and the other, Dong Leshan.This paper has found that there are many differences in the two versions even though the two translators translated this work almost at the same time. Taking their choices of words as an example, high frequency of classic expressions became one of the distinctive characteristics in Tang’s version while Dong prefers colloquial expressions. Tang Yongkuan used many four-character Chinese idioms in his version so that it reads naturally and idiomatic in Chinese. On the contrary, Dong Leshan aims to express the idea in the way that is easy for Chinese readers to understand. Correspondingly, he tended to split long sentences into short ones.The differences become even more obvious when it comes to description of literary images. In the two versions, Holly, the heroine in the novel turns out to be very different resulting from the subjectivity of the two translators. In Tang’s version, she is rude, uneducated and dissolute. However, in Dong’s version, she is helpless, pure and warm-hearted. The different attitudes can be traced in their prefaces. In Tang’s preface, he described Holly as a wild girl who lingers in cafes, bars and other social networking places with all kinds of men in order to earn her living and survive in the complicated society. Holly in Tang’s mind is a capacity-limited girl who has to compromise to her fate in order to make her dreams come true. He didn’t appreciate the behaviors of Holly, therefore, he used degraded words to describe her appearance, language and behaviors. Nevertheless, Dong Leshan has a quite different idea about Holly. In Dong’s eyes, Holly is good in nature though she seems vainglorious and profligate. Even though her personal life is in a mess, she is still an unsophisticated girl in essence. In his preface, he argued that Holly is an unfortunate girl from low class with good virtue. What’s more, Dong quoted Holly’s words to identify that she has an inner noble quality. These words of Dong Leshan convey the information that he speaks positively of the heroine. To him, Holly deserves praise and sympathy, which makes him highlight Holly’s merits and conceal her defects in his translation. Apart from Holly, Berman and Rusty Twaler, other two characters in this novel, are also presented with different descriptions in the two versions.Translators’subjectivity also lies in their attitudes to sensitive social topics in their translations. Tang Yongkuan chose to render them indirectly or erase the information while Dong made them explicit rather than implicit.The last aspect is figurative language. When translating similes, metaphors or personifications, Tang retained the literal meaning and sometimes added its figurative meaning while Dong ignored the literal meaning and just represented the figurative meaning.Through a comparative study on the two Chinese versions, this paper aims to present the manipulation of translator’s subjectivity in translation. At the same time, the author wrote the paper with the purpose to attract attention to the two Chinese versions of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】150

