

The Study on China’s Participation and Construction in the Global Maritime Order after World War Ⅱ

【作者】 张鼎

【导师】 王勇辉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际关系, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是个有着广阔海洋面积的临海大国,西太平洋北部海湾、良港、岛屿众多,根据《联合国海洋法公约》,中国拥有12海里领海包裹的海域,还有300万平方公里的专属经济区的广阔海域。然而,中国在历史上由于轻视海洋,在近现代时期付出了惨痛的代价,成为一个拥有强大海权的世界大国是每一个中国人所梦寐以求的。21世纪,陆地霸权已经被现有的国际秩序固定,海洋领域的秩序将更加成为大小国家争夺的焦点。中国在这一轮秩序构建中一定不能落后,接受海洋机制、参与海洋机制、制定海洋机制,中国应扮演更重要的角色。本文坚持以马克思主义为指导,以历史叙述与理论分析相结合的方法,本文通过对全球历史范围内的中国参与国际海洋秩序进程的梳理,对中国参与海洋秩序的理论基础、历史背景及内涵进行分析,以历史为视角进行研究,力图对于我国的海洋战略选择做出应对策略,以期对我国维护海洋权益、构建海洋秩序有所启示。在论述的过程中,作者以时间为顺序,但是在每个部分中又力图突出不同的侧重主题。海洋秩序变迁的进程如何?全世界范围内陆权如何转化成海权?中国传统地理观念中对于海洋的认识如何,难道都是持排斥的态度吗?当代中国与海洋秩序的互动关系如何?影响中国参与海洋秩序的主要因素与困境是什么?在全球化、相互依赖日益加深的当前,中国在海洋领域上将要做出什么样的战略选择?这些重大问题,都是本文要关注的。全文由导论和正文组成。导论部分交待了选题的意义、研究现状、研究方法、创新之处以及重点和难点。本论文内容大体上以时间为线索,主要包括五个部分:第一,全球海洋秩序的形成。对于中国传统地理观念中的海洋观、全球范围内陆权向海权的转化以及太平洋地区海洋秩序的形成进行分析。第二,冷战初期新中国参与海洋秩序的实践。这一部分主要分析冷战时期的美苏争霸背景,以及新中国早期有限参与海洋秩序的情况。第三,全球化时代中国积极全面参与海洋秩序实践与国际机制构建。这一部分是中国全方位、立体式参与海洋秩序的时期,本部分要探讨中国这一个实体与国际海洋秩序的互动关系。具体有当代海洋秩序的演变(时代背景),国际海洋机制建设的新成就(机制背景),中国与国际海洋机制的互动关系(中国参与制定规则和执行情况,以及国际海洋机制在中国的参与之下有无发生变化),中国的海洋实践活动。第四,影响中国参与全球海洋秩序的因素分析。结合史实,从中得出中国参与海洋秩序的规律性的因素分析,主要包括海洋领域的机制化制度化的趋势影响,海权大国的影响,海洋领域新兴国家与传统国家的实力消长之影响。第五,中国的海洋战略选择。根据全文的分析,给出中国未来的海洋战略对策分析,做到理论与实践的结合,有的放矢。

【Abstract】 China is a coastal country with vast ocean area. There are many bays, harbors, islands in north part of Western Pacific Ocean. According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, there are the waters wrapped by12nautical miles of territorial waters, as well as broad waters of three million square kilometers of exclusive economic zone. However, in the history of contempt marine, China had paid terrible price in the modern period, and becoming a world power with a strong sea power is the dream of every Chinese person. In the21st century, the hegemony of land has been fixed with the existing international order, the order of marine areas will be the focus of competition of large and small nations. China must not lag behind in this round of order-construction,to accept the Oceans, to participate in the mechanism of Oceans, to participate in the mechanism of Oceans, and to formulate in the mechanism of Oceans, China should play a more important role. The content of this paper generally in time clue, mainly includes five parts:First, the formation of the global ocean order. Analysis of the ocean view in the concept of Chinese traditional geography, the conversion from the continental power into the sea power in a global scale, and the formation of the Pacific maritime order.Second, China’s participation in the practice of maritime order in the early Cold War period. The main analysis in this part is the background of hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period, as well as China’s early participation of the order for the oceans in a limited way.Third, China’s participation in the practice of the maritime order and the construction of the international mechanism in an active and comprehensive way during the globalization era. This part is a period of China’s participation in the order of oceans in a comprehensive and three-dimensional way.In this section, the author will explore the interaction between China as an entity and the international maritime order.Fourth, the factor-analysis of the impact of China’s participation in the global maritime order. Combination of historical facts, drawn some conclusion from the regularity of China’s participation in maritime order factor analysis, mainly including the affection in trends-institutionalized in the field of marine area, the influences of sea power, as well as the impact of the growth and decline between emerging countries and traditional countries in the marine field.Fifth, China’s maritime strategy choice.

  • 【分类号】D820;D993.5
  • 【下载频次】152

