

The Historical Narrative in Wang Xiaobo’s Literary Output

【作者】 刘前浩

【导师】 张岩泉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 王小波作为一名作家,生前不愠不火,死后名声大噪。英年早逝,创作随生命戛然而止;死于华年,众声喧嚣的讨论却是方兴未艾。王小波的作品有着鲜明的历史标签,其故事的铺展常常游离在历史与现实之间,给人以暖昧不清、似是而非的感觉。依托于历史叙事的技法,作者找到了反复发声的工具,以跳跃的历史、虚构的历史以及反复的历史重述来经营自己的文学世界,传达自己的思想理念。本文以文本细读入手,分析和梳理王小波作品中的历史叙事,沿时间脉络来把握其作品的历史叙事风格,发掘其艺术特色。还原其思索,延续其争论,力图以全新的面貌来把握王小波的创作。第一章主要围绕王小波早期作品《唐人故事》展开,将其中五个意旨连贯的故事进行剖析,点明其各具特色的叙事技巧,指出其分别与权力、黑色幽默、层次、反讽、颠覆相关,以之溯源王小波作品中的历史叙事,来探讨其历史叙事的生成。第二章集中于分析王小波成熟时期的作品集,以《时代三部曲》为突破口,探寻每一个层面的意义追求与叙述模式,借助于丰富的材料来挖掘各篇章历史叙事的特色,并将之归类总结。第三章整体分析王小波历史叙事的着力点,以王二谱系的建构以及人物关系网的搭建两个层面来归纳,并借助图表式的分类对比来明晰作者的叙述意图,将其历史叙事特色进行汇总。结语指出,王小波的历史叙事并不担负一个建构的功能,他所做的一切都是希望对于所处的时代,构成这个时代的前因后果,这个时代的发展方向做出一个反思,并唤醒大家的思考意识。其艺术风格与话语实践充满了试验精神,杂糅各种思想,融汇各种技法,将自己的作品打造成交锋与争鸣,辨析与追问的前台。他所追求的历史叙事的范式,沿着特立独行的思维方式展开,指向的却是理想国与哲人王的图景。从这个层面来说,王小波不是第一个人,也不是最后一个人,他所带来的思索与争鸣将一直持续下去。

【Abstract】 As a writer, Wang Xiaobo doesn’t gain a big prestige before his death. His creation ends abruptly because of sudden death while the discussion of his works is still to be continued. Wang Xiaobo’s works have a distinctive label of history, the structure of his stories are often beyond history and reality, bringing an ambiguous, paradoxical feeling. Relying on his historical narrative, the author finds useful tools. He uses jump history, fictional history and repeated restatement to run his own literary world and convey his ideas.This article is intended to start with details reading, trying to analyze and sort out the view of Wang Xiaobo’s historical narrative, grasp the historical narrative style of his works along the time, explore their artistic characteristics, restore their thinking, continue their argument, and build a whole new outlook over the creation of Wang Xiaobo.The first chapter’s analyze mainly on Wang Xiaobo’s early works which called the tale of Chinese. Tried to analyze the five coherent stories, pointing to the distinctive narrative techniques, digging out the relation to power, black humor, level, paradox and subversion. Just to explore the origin and formation of Wang’s historical narrative.The second chapter focused on the mature period of Wang xiaobo’s writing. Put "Time Trilogy" as a breakthrough, then explored the significance pursuit and the narrative mode of every aspect. Otherwise, it exploited the characteristics of historical narrative by means of a wealth of material, and made a classified summary.The third chapter analyzed the focus of Wang Xiaobo’s historical narrative in a total, concluding in two levels. One was the construction of the genealogy of Wang Er. The other one was the build of personal relationship. With the chart type classification, to clear the narrative intent of author, and summarized his historical narrative. Aimed at the develop direction of the era, made out a reflection.The concluding remarked, Wang Xiaobo’s historical narrative was not responsible for a meaning construction. All he had done, was a wish for his era, and constitute the causes and effects of the contemporary life, and wake up everyone’s sense of thinking. His atheistic style and discourse practice was full of experimental sprit, mixing a variety of ideas and techniques. Then he made his work as the front desk of confrontation and diversity, discrimination and inquiry. The paradigm of historical narrative that he pursued was commenced along a unique way of thinking. But pointed to the ideal country and the philosopher King. Therefore, from this perspective, Wang Xiaobo wasn’t the first person, also wasn’t the last one. The thinking and contending that brought from him, would last forever.

【关键词】 历史叙事生成展开着力点
【Key words】 historical narrativegenerateexpandthe focal point
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】216

