

Construction of Trust in the Doctor-patient Relationship by Social Work Intervention

【作者】 汤姣

【导师】 万仁德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会工作, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 从最近几年的报纸、电视等大众媒体和网络的大量报道中,可以看到目前医疗环境中存在着一种普遍现象,即医院方与患者方之间存在着一种紧张冲突关系,如职业“医闹”,非医疗事故纠纷,病人或家属蓄意伤害、报复医生的恶性事件,“天使保镖”等激烈现象出现。这种现象的本质原因是医患之间信任关系的严重缺失。本文以社会学信任理论为基础,认为这种矛盾的实质是社会制度转型所带来的社会信任危机在医患双方人际关系中的反映和体现,基于沟通不畅问题而致。由于双方在权力与地位上的事实不平等、信息不对称造成相互间的信任缺失和沟通不畅,导致彼此达不成共识,出现利益上的纠纷和冲突。文章首先是绪论部分,包括研究的背景和问题提出、对现有医患关系研究的文献进行回顾与综述,分别总结了国内外研究的成果及其可能的不足,另外是研究方法的阐明;其次对医患信任关系进行了全面的剖析,内容包括分析沟通与信任的关联机制、对武汉G医院医患关系及医患沟通现状的的调查研究与医患沟通的原因机理、功能和必要性阐述;再次从社会学信任理论视角、社会工作专业的应用性和沟通的实践性出发,说明医患信任关系能够被建构的可能性;然后研究社会工作介入策略与技术如何建构医患信任关系机制;最后运用访谈和满意度问卷对社会工作介入效果进行评估,然后是研究结论。总之,医患沟通问题造成医患信任关系的缺失,这成为调查研究医院医患矛盾存在的真实原因。而社会工作专业为医患关系的信任缺失问题提供一个全新的分析视角和建构思路,提供了可能的解决策略和方法路径,最终能促进医患关系动态平衡、和谐良性发展。

【Abstract】 With a lot of reports from newspapers, television and other mass media and the network in recent years, there is a widespread phenomenon in the current health care environment that there is a tense conflict between hospital side and patients, such as occupational medical trouble, intentional infliction of non-medical malpractice disputes, serious incidents of revenging doctor by patients or their families, intense phenomenon of Angels bodyguards.and so on. The nature of reason is the serious lack of trust relationships between doctors and patients. This article is based on the sociological trust theory that the essence of this contradiction is the social crisis of confidence with the social system restructuring reflected and embodied in the relationships of both doctors and patients. Mutual lack of trust and poor communication caused by the inequality of power and status and asymmetric information lead to lack of consensus with each other and the emergence of disputes and conflicts of interest.Firstly, it is the introduction of the article, including the background and the study question, review and summary of the literature of the existing physician-patient relationship, summarizing the results and the possible lack of the research at home and abroad and other research methods stated. Secondly, it carries out a comprehensive analysis to the doctor-patient relationship of trust, including analysis of the correlation mechanism between communication and trust, the research of relationship and communication status in doctor-patient in Wuhan G Hospital and elaborating reason mechanism, function and necessity.Thirdly, from a sociological perspective of trust theory, the application of the social work profession and the practice of communication, it explains the possibility of the construction of trust in the doctor-patient relationship. And then, it studies how to construct the doctor-patient trust relationship mechanism by social work intervention strategies. Finally, to assess the effect of social work intervention with interviews and Satisfaction Questionnaire,then the conclusion.In short, the lack of trust in doctor-patient relationship is caused by communication problems which becomes the real reason of doctors-patient contradiction.The social work aims to provide a new analytical perspective and constructivist thinking for the lack of trust relationship,provide a possible solution strategy and method path and ultimately promote the harmonious and healthy development of the physician-patient relationship.

  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】544

