

An Eco-translatological Study on Michael Berry’s English Translation of Huozhe

【作者】 侯书婷

【导师】 熊兵;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 《活着》是一本在中国十分畅销的小说,自1993年出版以来,销量一直很高。该小说被翻译成多国语言,在国外也颇受欢迎。其英文版由美籍学者白睿文所译,该译本在美国发行后占据了图书排行榜榜单很长时间。目前学界对于该小说原文的研究已经比较充分,但是却很少有人研究白睿文的翻译以及他所译的英文版《活着》,因此笔者选择白睿文所译的英文版《活着》作为研究对象,采用胡庚申的生态翻译学理论为基础对其进行研究。生态翻译学是最近刚刚兴起的一门学科,将生态和翻译融合在一起,以揭示翻译的实质。该理论认为译者是中心,将翻译理解成适应和选择,认为翻译就是一个译者不断选择和适应的过程。以胡庚申的生态翻译学理论为基础,笔者首先从原文、译者和译文这几个角度分析了白睿文翻译《活着》时所处的翻译生态环境。继而从语言、文化和交际三个维度分析白睿文的译作是否最大程度适应了翻译的生态环境,使翻译的整合适应选择度达到了最佳。译者白睿文本着尊重和推崇中国文化的初衷来翻译这本小说,保留了大多数的语言形式和语言风格,重现了小说的内容和生动画面。由于中美两国语言、文化差异较大,且原文《活着》本身的历史背景比较特殊,翻译这部作品的难度比较大。虽然白睿文尊重中国文化,慎重对待翻译工作,但在译品中还是出现了一些翻译错误,对此笔者进行了指正。本文旨在通过对译文的分析,证实翻译的生态环境对译者的翻译行为的影响,证实生态翻译学的适用性,并引起译界对白睿文这名为中国当代文学的传播作出重要贡献的年轻译者的关注。

【Abstract】 Huozhe is one of the best-sellers in China. Since it was published in1993, the circulation has stayed high. The novel has been translated into many languages. In foreign countries, it is also very popular. The English version of Huozhe was translated by American Michael Berry. When the novel reached American, it hit the best-seller list and stayed there for months. The studies on the original text Huozhe is sufficient. However, few studies have been conducted on Berry and his translation of Huozhe. In view of this, the author of this thesis decides to choose Berry’s translation as research object, with eco-translatology as its theoretical basis. Eco-translatology, which has been just emerging during the past few years, integrates translation and ecology together to analyze the translation process. The theory takes "translator-centeredness" as its core concept, and regards the translation process as adaptation and selection. According to Hu’s theory, translation is a selection activity of the translator’s adaptation to fit the translational eco-environment.On the basis of Hu’s Eco-translatology, the thesis firstly explains the translational eco-environment of Berry’s translation. Then, it analyzes Berry’s adaptation and selection from three dimensions, including linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions to see whether the translation adapts to the translational eco-environment and whether the degree of holistic adaptation and selection is high. The translator Michael Berry respects Chinese culture and keeps the most linguistic forms and language style in his translation, vividly representing the plot of original text in front of target readers. However, because of the great difference between Chinese and American culture and the specialty of original text’s historical background, it is of great difficulty to translate Huozhe. Although Michael Berry took the work seriously and respected the original text, translational inappropriateness still exists, which are pointed out and analyzed by the author in Chapter6.The thesis aims to analyze the influence of translational eco-environment on the translation process, to prove the applicability of eco-translatology, and to make the researchers pay more attention to the young translator Michael Berry who has contributed a lot to the spreading of contemporary Chinese literature to the western readers.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】649

