

The Political Change and Character in Emperor an to Shun of East Han-China

【作者】 彭天仪

【导师】 赵国华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 东汉时期在中国历史上是一个十分重要的关键时期,可惜在秦汉史研究中受到的关注相对较少。东汉中后期,整个社会发生着剧烈的变化,因此本文以安帝时期位居三公之列,最终却因反对朝中内宠专权而被逼自尽的太尉杨震为中心,来考察安顺之际政局的演变与特点。本文首先从弘农杨氏家族的发展入手,这一家族从军功贵族到士族的转化,与时代发展紧密相连,其中的关键人物是杨恽。杨恽仕途上的悲剧,也形成了弘农杨氏家族一种“消极入仕”的家族性群体心理,这也成为杨震五十始仕的重要原因。但是随着儒家入仕理念的驱动和对国家、民生的社会责任感,杨震终于在母亲去世后,于晚暮之年开始了自己的仕宦生涯。其次,笔者分析了安帝时期后党和帝党的构成与斗争。帝党与后党的斗争贯穿安帝一朝,并持续影响着安顺之际的政局,其本质是对皇权的争夺。而杨震的仕宦生涯,与帝党、后党之间势力的兴衰消长有着紧密的联系。以邓太后去世为界,可将杨震的仕宦生涯分做前后两期,前期杨震辗转迁任,赢得了清廉公正、选贤任能的美誉;而后期则是持续与内宠势力做着坚决的抗争。最后,杨震五次上疏劝谏安帝远离内宠,不仅未被安帝接受,反而身遭嫉恨,最终被陷害免官。杨震通过自尽完成了自己人生的升华,成为反抗强权、刚正不阿的典范人物。他以一死促进了清浊流的分化,激励着士人勇于同权贵抗争,对安顺之后的东汉政局、社会及其家族产生了深远影响。弘农杨氏一跃成为当时大族,并开始迈向门阀士族化的道路。这一家族的发展史,成为汉代家族发展史的标本示范。总之,皇权的“未固定”性,是导致皇权不断流转于外戚、宦官之手的重要原因。皇权与士权的矛盾对立,是导致这种偏转始终存在的根本原因。杨震清廉公正、刚直不阿、不畏强权的政治操守,至今仍有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 As a critical moment in Chinese history, East Han Dynasty presented to be less valued than it exactly deserved by the academic. Especially at the late ages of the empire, Chinese society made a dramatically movement against the old normal standard. Thus, this article takes the Hong-Nong Yang family and its representational member Yang Zhen as the illustration of the political changes during this period. Although Yang used to gain the highest position as one of the three councilors in the An-Di Emperor government, he had to commit suicide because he fights against to the power unruly snatched by the eunuchs.At the very beginning, this article tries to narrative the development route of the Hong-Nong Yang family, from military aristocrat to intelligent aristocrat, which closely combine with the timing development itself. The point person Yang Yun in the family history and his tragedy political career shaped a negative group psychology about input politics of whole family, which results Yang Zhen not going to be an officer until he is fifty. After his mother’s death, he finally start his career in the government in an elder age out of the faith to Confucian’s thought of social participation and the responsibility of the nation’s benefit.Second, this article has an analysis of the structure of the Emperor’advocators party and the Empress’maiden family party, and the competition between them. The essence of their competition is how to snatch the scepter. During the whole An-Di Emperor period, it had had last all along, and gives a strong influence on the current political situation. Yang Zhen’ political career also have an involvement in the matter of the up and down of bilateral party. By the death of grandmother Empress Den, his life could be divided to two parts; in the early period, he win his reputation of justice and honest while he occupy some miner position in local office, and in the late, he keep a long-term struggle against with the Empress’ maiden family and their advocators.At last, Yang Zhen tries to persuade the Emperor to stay away from His Majesty’s harmful eunuch advocators totally five times. But the advice does not accept by the Emperor and Yang has been discharged from his office. Through the way of commit suicide, Yang Zhen has been considered as the leadership of the opponents, which has promote the process of the Qing-Liu and Zhuo-Liu intellectuals’identification, and also give a great influence on the changes of the political situation, the whole society and his own family. Hong-Nong Yang family has become one of the most powerful families and going to become intellectual aristocrats. This development route is the most typical one during the West and East Han Dynasty period.In a nutshell, the unfixed feature of the imperial succession of East Han-China result the throne could always be unruly gained by the Empress’family or the eunuchs. The sense of justice, honest and unbeaten bravery to fight for the legitimate rights of Yang Zhen also means a lot in nowadays.

  • 【分类号】K234.2
  • 【下载频次】171

