

Situation of Senior Students Online Reading and Relevant Strategies

【作者】 鞠琳

【导师】 熊成钢;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是信息时代,随着生活水平和互联网普及率的提高,网络阅读显示出了强大的生命力。资料显示,十八岁以下学生已成为网络阅读人群的重要组成部分。网络阅读具有诸多的特点,比如其开放性、丰富性、互动性等,这一方面保证了可以为课外阅读提供大量而丰富的资源以供阅读,另一方面也意味着其中可能隐藏着各种弊端与隐患。因此,借鉴国外对语文阅读研究的成果,结合我国教育现状正确认识网络阅读,引导学生合理开展网络课外阅读,已成为我们每位教育工作者义不容辞的责任。本文通过对国外母语教育特点的分析,以及对国外语文课外阅读研究的综述,力求在母语教学这个大背景下,分析我国高中生网络阅读呈现出的特征和弊端,指出目前高中生网络阅读的主要问题不在于读不读,而在于不知如何去选择,不知怎样去阅读和缺少自控力上.为此,本文试图从加强课堂训练、开展课内外衔接活动、开设网络阅读课等方面对高中生进行策略辅导,并尝试利用校园阅读网对高中生的网络阅读行为进行引导和监控。

【Abstract】 21st century is an age of information. With the increasing popularity of living standards and the internet,reading online shows powerful vigor.Asthe statistics shoe,students under the age of18have become an important part of the reading group who enjoy reading online. On the one hand,the characteristics of openness, richness and interactiveness,online reading provides huge amount of readingmaterial outside of class; On the other hand,there exists varieties of diadvantages and hiden dagenrs. Therefore,taking adcantage of the outcome of foreign reading resrarch and combined with the current educational situation,it has become every educator’s responsibity to have a good understanding of Net reading and instruct student to do reading reasonablely.By analyzing the features of mother tongues in foreign countries as well as the summarizing the research into foreign language reading, the essay is meant to analyze the characteristics and disadvantages in Net reading for Chinese senior students in the background of Chinese language teachers. It also points out the main problems for senior students don’t lie in reading or not,but how to choose what to read and how to restrain themselves.For that purpose, the paper try to teach relevant strategies to students in the aspects of strengthening classroom training, carrying out activities within class and out of class and offering reading lessons on the Internet.In addition, it directs and monitors students’reading behaviors through campus reading Net.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】214

