

Discrimination on Qu Qiubai’s Idea of Popularization of Literature and Art

【作者】 张艳霞

【导师】 李逸津;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 五四新文化运动踏出了中国文学现代化历程的第一步,它是以“科学”、“民主”为旗帜的文学启蒙运动,而30年代的左翼文学则是以“大众化”为旗帜的文学革命运动。左翼革命作家将眼光深入到劳苦大众中,发掘他们的革命积极性,强调文艺的思想内容,重视其教育功能,要求文学首先要为群众所接受认可,用无产阶级的思想意识去“武装”工农大众,这是左联文学的一个突出特点,也是无产阶级革命文学运动的重要内容之一。而瞿秋白在这一运动中的贡献巨大,他对“文艺大众化”的各个方面进行了系统全面的阐释,并亲身实践创作。但是瞿秋白在推动“大众化”的过程中是否一味强调文学的政治功利性而忽视文学的规律和审美价值呢,在“大众化”中是否有“化大众”的因素?这种现象又是如何产生的呢?本文的意图就是从宏阔的历史角度出发,对他文艺大众化思想的萌生与提出进行梳理,重点探究他既作为革命领导人又作为文学家在处理文学问题上的特殊之处,在领导“文艺大众化”运动中流露出的知识分子情结。本文具体写作要点如下:引言:对于国内外瞿秋白文艺思想研究作了简略回顾。在20世纪20年代瞿秋白的作品及其文艺思想就得到了较高的评价,50年代成为禁区,而新时期对瞿秋白思想的研究从各个角度切入,取得了很大的进展,甚至在国外也得到了较多的关注。关于其文艺大众化思想的研究也有,但对“大众化”中显露的“化大众”因素却没有更加深入细致的分析探讨。而产生这个问题的原因就在于他的革命者与知识者的双重身份。第一章:瞿秋白文艺大众化思想的形成背景。虽难觅瞿秋白出生的阶级和他后来文艺思想之间的关系,但是早年生活对他的思想有着潜移默化的影响。“士大夫”的家庭培养了他最初对文学的爱好和扎实的文学素养,家庭的没落让他接触体会到了下层劳苦大众的善良与艰辛。在学堂里接受的进步思想,让他幼小的心灵中埋下了救国救民的远大抱负和革命的种子。第二章:瞿秋白文艺大众化思想汲取的外来资源。到北京后他考取了俄文专修馆,并后来作为报社记者远赴俄国考察,在此过程中,他受俄国文学和文化影响颇深,俄国文学中关注现实和下层小人物的传统给他很大启发。在五四中粗浅了解的马克思列宁主义经过在俄国的系统学习,他对其文艺思想有了深入细致的了解。这些外来资源对他文艺大众化思想的形成有很大影响。第三章:瞿秋白文艺大众化思想的提出和要点。在回国之后他活跃于文坛和革命战线上,对大众化问题已经有了初步的思考。参与左联领导时期,他的大众化思想形成,有了一套完整的理论体系,就文艺大众化的语言、体裁、目的、创作方法和具体措施都进行了详细地阐述,并进行大众化作品的写作尝试。为左联的发展做出了巨大贡献。第四章:瞿秋白文艺大众化思想辨析。本章是论文的重点部分。在两次“文艺大众化”的讨论中,论争者由于革命者和知识分子的双重身份而经常陷入矛盾境地,时时表现出“化大众”的倾向。瞿秋白的文艺思想虽然强调文学的革命性和阶级性,但他也在不自觉中从文学家的角度来思考问题,在强调“大众化”的同时也包含了“化大众”的思想。这也正是他文论的深刻和闪光之处,中国文学需要“大众化”,同时也需要“化大众”。结语:瞿秋白文艺思想在当今仍有重要的现实意义,对商业传媒运作下“大众文化”的媚俗化和庸俗化,有着重要的扭转和抵御作用,“大众文化”应该丰富人民的精神生活,引导人民走向更高的审美层次,不应靠“低俗化”来赢得市场。

【Abstract】 May4th New culture movement is the first step of China literature modernization. It is a literary initiatory movement,which views"democracy" and "science" as the oriflamme.While the left-wing revolutionary literature views "popularization" as oriflamme in the1930s. The left-wing revolutionary authors paid attention to the mass and exhumed their revolutionary positivity. They emphasized the ideology and educational function of literature.They demanded that the literature firstly should be accepted by the mass and then "arm" the mass with proletarian ideology. It was a specialty of the left-wing literature,and also was the important content of the movement of the proletarian revolutionary literature.Qu Qiubai’s contribution is enormous in this movement, who has studied every aspect of "the popularization of literature and art" by the numbers.He has indited personally again.But in the process of "popularization", if he only emphasize the politicization instead of literary rule and aesthetic value? Whether "popularization "contain the factor of "advance the mass"? How did this phenomena engender? This paper deals with the germination and advance of his idea of the popularization of literature and art from wide historical angle.The keystone is a research of his specialty on dealing with literature,since he is a revolutionary leader as well as a litterateur.He telegraphed the complex of intellectual in the movement of popularization of literature and art.The detailed points of this paper is as follows:Foreword:The topic is a summary retrospection about the research of Qu Qiubai’s art theory at home and abroad. His works and art theory were evaluated high in the1920s, but during the1950s it became a forbidden zone. Since the new period,the research about Qu Qiubai’s theory studied from various views and acquired great advancement. Moreover,it bringed the attention from abroad. There are some researches on his popularization of literature and art, but few scholar analyse"advance the mass" carefully which unfolds in "popularization".The reason is his double identity as revolutionary and intellectual.Chapter I:The forming background about Qu Qiubai’s idea of popularization of literature and art. Although there’s nearly no relation between his natal class and his idea of literary and artistic,his early life has affected his ideas gradually. Because of his "scholar-bureaucrat" family, he brought up the original taste and well-knit accomplishment on literature.When the family came down,he experienced goodness and hardship from the lower mass.Studying ascensive ideas in school,he seeded heart with retrieval nation and revolution.Chapter Ⅱ:The foreign resource about Qu Qiubai’s idea of popularization of literature and art. When he gone to Beijing,he passed the exam on Russian special school.After that,he explored Russian complexion as newspaper office’s reporter.In this period,he was affected deep by Russian literature and culture.The tradition of regarding real-life and lower zilch given him elicitation.In Russia, he learned the Marxism-Leninism by the numbers,which he realize simply in May4th. At this time,he understand their iterary and artistic thought ulteriorly.The foreign resource strongly influenced his idea of popularization of literature and art.Chapter Ⅲ:The mention and outline about Qu Qiubai’s idea of popularization of literature and art.When he came back,he has been working actively at literature and revolutionary line, there was some primary thinking about popularization. During he participated in the left-wing literature, he formed the idea of popularization that has a self-contained system.He expatiated on language、 style、 intent、 technique and measure, and also attempted to write some articles about popularization.He has made great contribution to the development of left-wing literature.Chapter Ⅳ:Discrimination on Qu Qiubai’s idea of popularization of literature and art. This chapter is the centra part of this paper. In the twice argumentations of "the popularization of literature and art",the controversialists often got into contrary condition as a result of their double identity as revolutionary and intellectual. Ever and again they represented the trend of "advance the mass".Although Qu Qiubai’s literary and artistic thought emphasize revolution and class consciousness, he considered the things on the side of litterateur unconsciously.In the emphasis of "popularization" also contain the thought of "advance the mass",this is just the profound and glittery points on his theory.China’s literature requires "popularization" as well as "advance the mass".Concluding:Today, all the same,Qu Qiubai’s literary and artistic thought has important meaning for realism.Under commercial media operating, It plays a important role for reversing and resisting the recreational and vulgar trend of "popular literature ".The "popular literature"should enrich mass spirit,lead mass making for higher taste. It’s unmerited to possess market share by depending on "vulgar trend"


