

An Analysis to the Theme "Self Destination" of the Later Period Creations of Natsume Soseki

【作者】 李红蕾

【导师】 黎跃进;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 夏目漱石是日本近代文学的重要作家之一,他一生受到汉、日和英三国文化熏陶,但他的创作更倾向于汉文化。凭借雄厚的文学底蕴,夏目漱石在短暂的时间内创作了大量的文学作品。尤其是他的后期作品不仅在题材和内容上比前一阶段取得一定的突破,而且在思想上更为深刻。他这一时期的创作展现了人类内心挣扎与斗争的历程,贯穿了对“自我归宿”的寻求。夏目漱石以“自我归宿”主题为探求目标,为处于困境之中的人类寻求出路,这足以表明他对面临苦难和不幸的人类的深切关怀。本论文从目前国内外夏目漱石后期创作研究的现状出发,以“自我”贯穿,围绕小说中人物追求自我的历程、辅以汉诗创作展开,将夏目漱石置于明治时期的社会及文化语境中进行考察,进而全面揭示主题价值。绪言对夏目漱石加以简单介绍,对其后期创作研究现状加以清理,之后对“自我归宿”主题加以分析,努力发掘夏目漱石后期作品中的这一主题。第一章呈现须永、一郎、先生等人在爱情上和家庭中陷入的困境,探讨作家在寻求“自我归宿”之路过程中的艰辛,进而展现“人间自然”的悲剧。第二章通过对《路边草》、《明暗》及其汉诗的逐一分析,揭示了健三逐渐顺其自然,清子已从容不迫,汉诗则表现“自我归宿”的无为境界。在此,夏目漱石逐渐为我们展开“自我归宿”境界的图卷。第三章从“自我本位”根基的不稳以及局限性、夏目漱石后期思想的转变以及“自我归宿”的必要性三个方面讲述“自我归宿”主题的成因。结语论述夏目漱石后期创作中“自我归宿”主题探索的意义和局限性。

【Abstract】 In modern Japanese literature, Natsume was one of the most imortant writers, who accepted the cultures from China, Japan and Britishi. With strong literary background, he created a large number of literary works in a shrot period. Especially his later works obtain a breakthrough in subject matter and content than the previous. At the same time, thoughs are very deep.The creation of this one period show struggle and contradictions in the deep of the heart, and seek "self destination". This article’s target is to seek "self destination". This theme as the main line, is to seek a way for hunman in the delimma, which shows his solicitude for human facing more hardships and misfortunes.As a starting point of the current research to his creations, this article will reveal the value of this theme, by analyzing the theme from"self’, based on the characters pursuiting the selfhood in the novle, supplemented by the Chinese poems, and investigeting Natsume in social and cultural context in Meiji period. This paper was divided into five parts.Introduction:In this part he research makes a bief in troduction of Natsume Soseki’s life,and status quo of the works of Natsume at homeand abroad is corned out, and overview for "self destination "that concept of the implications, and dug up the theme of the writer’s works.Chapterl:Surrounding the delimma of Sunaga, Shinichiro,Sensei in love and family,this part talk about the hardships of looking for "self destination",then reveals that tragedy of "human nature".Chapter2:Discussing "wayside grass","light and shade" as wellas Chinese poems, Kenzo gradually takes everything as it comes,Kiyoko have taken it leisurely and unoppressively, whereas poem show quiety state of "self desnitation".Natsume gradually spread the volume of "self destination" for us in this part.Chapter3:This chapter tell about reasons:frominst ability "self foundation",transformation of Natsume Soseki’s thought as well as the essence of "self destination".The conclusion discusses the significance and limitations of "self destination".

【关键词】 夏目漱石自我归宿则天去私自然
【Key words】 Natsume Sosekiselfdestinationsokutenkyosinature

