

The Study about Tourism Resource Development of National Traditional Sports in Guangxi’s West

【作者】 王振亚

【导师】 马军;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用文献资料法、田野调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法,以桂西地区民族传统体育为研究对象,探讨桂西民族传统旅游资源开发模式。“前台、帷幕、后台”理论的引入为桂西民族传统体育保护与旅游资源开发之间、文化传承与变迁间的矛盾关系提出新思路。调查研究认为:1.岁时节庆民族风情游为“前台”。前台区展示民族传统体育旅游项目和民族文化,是桂西民族传统体育旅游经济发展的主要功能空间;2.民族生态博物馆为核心的民族生态游为“帷幕”。帷幕区内通过限制规模化商业开发,使其起到对桂西民族传统文化保护的屏障作用;3.乡村游为桂西民族传统体育旅游开发的“后台”。后台保护区严格控制商业化开发行为,最大限度的保护民族传统文化的真本性。根据研究结果分析,提出以下建议:1.完善桂西旅游相关产业基础设施的投资和建设;2.民族传统体育旅游资源整合开发,打造旅游联盟品牌;3.前台商业化开发仍要坚持大众旅游道路,加大优惠政策普及范围,“帷幕”“、后台”区则要进行中高端开发;4.坚持走“政府主导、社会互动、专家指导、居民参与”的科学化道路,充分考虑旅游开发地居民利益。

【Abstract】 This paper, using literature review, field survey and expert interview,take the National Traditional Sports in Guangxi’s west as the researchobject to discuss the National Traditional tourism resource developmentmode. The introduction of “front stage-curtain-backstage” theory comeup with new ideas to solves the contradictive relationship between theprotection of National Traditional Sports and tourism resourcedevelopment, the inheritance of culture and changes.This research shows that:1. Every year, the festival traveling with national customs is “frontstage”. The front stage area is used to show some national traditionalsports tourism program and national culture, and it is the mainlyfunctional space of National Traditional Sports tourism economicdevelopment in Guangxi’s west.2. The national ecological tourism which takes the nationalecological museum as the core is “curtain”. The curtain area plays abarrier role to protect the national traditional culture in Guangxi’s west bylimiting scale commercial development.3. Countryside tourism is the “backstage” of national traditionalsports tourism development of Guangxi’s west. The backstage areastrictly limits commercial development act, and maximally protect thenature character of national traditional culture.According the results of this research, this paper comes up with thefollowing suggestions.1. Perfect the investment and development of some relevantindustrial infrastructure of Guangxi’s west tourism. 2. Combine national traditional sports tourism resource development.And make tourism union brand.3. The commercial development in “front stage” should still insist onthe general tourism way, and broaden the range of preferential policy. Thecurtain area and backstage area should take high-end development.4. Insist on the scientific way of “government leading, socialinteraction, expert guiding and residents participating in”, and take fullconsideration of residents’ advantages in tourism development area.

  • 【分类号】G812.47
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】350

