

The Study on the Crime of Abandonment

【作者】 凃晓剑

【导师】 何立荣;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 刑法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会环境的变化,遗弃行为的性质及其具体表现形式均明显地呈现出多样化趋势,如若仍根据传统观点对遗弃罪的内涵及相关问题进行界定,势必会导致其与社会现状的需求出现偏差。故此,应当结合我国社会发展状况,通过借鉴国内外遗弃罪的立法经验与相关理论,从司法与立法两个层面对我国遗弃罪所存在的问题加以解决和完善。在遗弃罪的司法认定方面,应当重点解决以下几个问题:第一,遗弃罪共同犯罪形态的认定,即应当具体区分作为义务人之间共同实施遗弃行为以及作为义务人与非作为义务人之间共同实施遗弃行为这两种情况来加以认定。第二,遗弃罪未遂形态的认定,即承认遗弃罪同样存在犯罪未遂之可能。第三,分析遗弃罪与其他相关犯罪之间的区别,具体包括不作为故意杀人罪、虐待罪以及拐卖儿童罪(父母出卖亲生儿女的情况)。然而,在遗弃罪的立法完善方面,首先分析遗弃罪现行立法规定存在的诸多缺陷,包括遗弃罪“作为义务”的内涵规定过窄、遗弃罪犯罪对象与犯罪主体的范围规定过小、遗弃罪的刑罚设置缺乏区别对待以及遗弃罪在刑法分则中的位置安排不合理等。故此应当针对上述缺陷分别从遗弃罪立法规定的罪状、刑罚以及分则体系之位置这三个方面来加以完善。具体来说,在罪状表述上,首先,将遗弃罪之作为义务的性质修改为“扶助”义务并适当增加作为义务的来源;其次,将遗弃罪的犯罪对象修改为“需要被扶助的人”;最后,增设遗弃罪的单位犯罪主体并规定对其采取“双罚制”的处罚原则。在刑罚设置上,将“遗弃致人重伤、死亡”的情形设定为遗弃罪的结果加重犯。在分则体系位置的安排上,立法者应当依据遗弃罪之犯罪客体的性质对其进行适当调整。

【Abstract】 With the change of social environment in china, both properties and concrete manifestation of abandoning present obvious tendency of diversification, if we still define connotation of the Crime of Abandonment in traditional viewpoint, it wills make much so deviation in demand of social status. Therefore, according to draw lessons from the legislative experience and related theories of the Crime of Abandonment at home and abroad, we on basis of combining with development of Chinese society should solve the problems of the Crime of Abandonment on legislation and judicature, In the aspect of judicial determination of the Crime of Abandonment, we should mainly solve these problems:First, the determination on joint crime of the Crime of Abandonment. To be specific, it includes two situation, one, several obligors implement behavior of abandonment together; two, obligor and non-obligor implement behavior of abandonment together. Second, the determination on abortive form of the Crime of Abandonment, In author’s opinion, the Crime of Abandonment also has abortive form. Third, analyzing the difference between the Crime of Abandonment and related crimes, including intentional homicide of omission, maltreat and the crime of abducing and trafficking children,In the aspect of legislative perfection of the Crime of Abandonment, at first, author analyzes the defects in the current legislative regulation of the Crime of Abandonment. It includes the connotation of act duty and the range of object and subject in the Crime of Abandonment has been ruled too narrowly, the penalty setting of the Crime of Abandonment lacks of differential treatment, position of the Crime of Abandonment in the specific provisions of criminal law is unreasonable. Then, in response to above defects, author puts forward a sound advice in aspects of crime indictment, penalty and position in the specific provisions of criminal law of legislative regulation of the Crime of Abandonment. To be specific, in the aspect of crime indictment. First, modify the property of act duty in the Crime of Abandonment to’help’and increase appropriately the source of act duty. Secondly, modify the object of the Crime of Abandonment to’need to be helping people’. Finally, add unit subject to the subject of the Crime of Abandonment and establish’double punishment system’in order to punish unit subject. In the aspect of penalty setting, set the situation of’abandoning induces severe injury or death’to aggregated consequential offense of the Crime of Abandonment. In the aspect of arrangement of position of the Crime of Abandonment in the specific provisions of criminal law, legislators should make some adjustment according to the object of the Crime of Abandonment.


