

The Research on the Development Strategy of Public Welfare Grassroots Organizations in Guangxi

【作者】 刘澄诚

【导师】 张新文;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 草根公益组织是指扎根在城乡社区,自下而上自发成立的公益性非营利组织,区别于广义的非营利组织、有政府背景的社会组织和只维护成员利益的互益组织,其服务的对象是社会上不特定的多数人。草根公益组织的成长步履维艰,突出表现在合法性缺失、发展经费匮乏、人力资源水平偏低、内部管理能力不足、公民基础薄弱等方面。本文通过文献分析、实证调查,认为在草根公益组织创立、成长、成熟和衰退的生命途程中,政府的支持、社会的认同等外部因素,组织的公信度、发展的内在驱动力、组织核心层的领导力、组织成员的忠诚度和自我实现感等内部因素,是影响草根公益组织生命周期的关键。草根公益组织必须努力构建自身核心竞争力,并积极争取政府和社会支持,才能迎来草根公益组织持续健康成长,我国民间公益事业才能蓬勃发展。

【Abstract】 The public welfare grassroots organization, working in the urban andrural communities, is one of the non-profit organizations which areestablished spontaneously from bottom to up. Compared with generalnonprofit organization, the nonprofit organization supported by thegovernment and the organizations protecting interests of their ownmembers, the public welfare grassroots organization serve most ofnon-specific people in society. However, the public welfare grassrootsorganization haven’t got a sustainable and rapid development. Most ofthe organizations are still faced with several difficulties,such aslegitimacy defect, lack of development funds and so on.On the publicwelfare grassroots organizations’ early, grow-up, mature, and declineway. The support of the government, the identification of the society, thepublic confidence to the organizations, the motivation of development,the leadership of the organization’s core members, and the loyalty andself fulfillment of the members compromise the key factors that influencethe public welfare grassroots organizations’ growth.Only instructed bythose, the public welfare in our county can achieve a vigorousdevelopment through the joint efforts by the government, society and thegrassroots organizations.

  • 【分类号】D632.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】314

