

From Cattle Farming to Tractor Ploughing: Research on Farm Implement Changes and Influence in a Zhuang Village

【作者】 龚世扬

【导师】 玉时阶;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 农具是农耕民族谋生的工具,农具的发展变化直接影响着农业生产,进而影响到农村社会的发展,因此研究农具的变迁对我们认识和了解农村社会有着重要的意义。本文采用人类学、社会学、历史学的研究方法,对一个壮族村屯百年来农具的使用情况进行田野考察,以农具的变迁为研究对象,描述了该村农具变迁的过程及表现形式,分析了农具变迁的动因,探讨了农具变迁对村屯经济社会的影响。该村农具变迁的个案表明:农具的发展变化也是科学技术的发展变化,农具变迁的实质是科学技术进步与传播的结果,在现代化进程中,传统农业社会要向现代农业社会过渡,必然要关注科学技术,只有因地制宜、扬长避短,才能得到更大更好的发展。

【Abstract】 Farm implements are living-making tools for farming ethnic groups. Thedevelopment and changes of farm implements can directly influence theagriculture production and the development of rural society. Therefore, it is of vitalimportance to understand urban society through the farm impalement changes.With the method in anthropology, sociology and history, the author investigated thefarm impalements changes in recent100years of a Zhuang village. Taking farmimpalement changes as the research object, the essay describes the process andmanifestation, analyses the cause of farm impalement changes, and discuss itsimpact on urban economic society. The farm implement changes in this villagereveal that, the development and changes of farm implements are also thedevelopment and changes of science and technology. The substance of farmimplement changes is the result of the development and dissemination of scienceand technology. In the course of modernization, science and technology are thenecessary requirement in the transition from traditional agriculture societies tomodern agriculture societies. Great development can be achieved throughproceeding in light of local conditions, making best use of the advantages andbypassing the disadvantages.

【关键词】 广西武鸣壮族农具变迁
【Key words】 Wuming County of GuangxiZhuang Ethnic GroupFarmImplementChanges

