

"Jie" Zhu(borrow Pig): a Study on the Reciprocal Behaior of Marriage in a Village of Dabanyao, Fengcheng Guangxi

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 吕俊彪;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在一向自诩为“礼仪之邦”的中国传统社会中,婚礼的不可替代性被赋予了丰富的内涵和象征意义。然而,婚礼的筹办常常会涉及到大量物品与金钱的开销,这种开销对于物质生活并不丰裕的人家,尤其是对于经济欠发达地区的少数民族人口来说,或许是一种甜蜜的负担。不过,他们通常都会以自己独特的方式来化解这种“负担”。大板瑶人作为瑶族人口较少的一个分支,主要分布在广西防城港市峒中镇地区的中越边境线上。由于历来受到山区自然环境影响和地理区位的局限,大板瑶人的生计方式比较传统,其主要经济收入来源相对单一。而为缓解较低水平的货币收入与庞大的婚嫁消费支出之间的紧张关系,不少当地人往往通过“借”的方式来筹措婚嫁庆典所需的各种物资。猪肉作为大板瑶人餐桌上最主要的肉食,往往也就成为大板瑶人筹办婚礼中最大的一部分开支。因此,“借”猪是大板瑶人最重要的食物筹措方式。本文以婚礼仪式作为考察的平台,对婚礼筹办过程中所衍生出的“借”猪习俗进行调查与考证,对“借”猪习俗在大板瑶人的社会生活中所产生的社会功能进行研究。广西防城峒中镇细坑村大板瑶人的“借”猪习俗,就其表现形式来说,是当地人在筹办婚礼的过程中因难以独自承担宴请宾朋酒席之消费应运而生的一种互助方式,但这种互助方式却也潜藏着他们对生产成本、交易费用等方面的现实考量。在此意义上,大板瑶人的经济行为具有某种文化的实践理性;就其实质来说,则是维系大板瑶人社会关系的重要方式,对整合当地社会发挥了重要作用。

【Abstract】 In traditional Chinese society, which has always been self-proclaimed“ceremonies”, the wedding is irreplaceably given the rich connotationsand symbolic significance. Preparations for the wedding ceremony ofteninvolve the overhead of a large number of items and money. In the familywith less affluent material, especially the minority in the economicallyunderdeveloped areas, this overhead is a kind of sweet burden, but theyusually have their unique way to resolve this “burden”.Daban Yao is a branch of Yao with a little population, and mainlydistributed in Dongzhong, Fangchenggang, Guanxi Province where is tothe border of Vietnam. They live a traditional life because of theenvironment and the geographical location, and have a relatively simpleway for their incomes. However, in order to alleviate the tension betweenthe huge spending of marriage and the low level of their family income,many indigenes often borrow from others. Pork as the main meat on thetable of Daban Yao, and often become the largest part of the expenses inthe wedding. Therefore, borrow pigs is one of the most important ways toprepare foods for wedding.This paper took wedding ceremony as a platform for the inspectionto investigate the “borrow” pig custom which derived from the process ofthe wedding preparation. And also did some researches on the socialfunctions brought by “borrow” pig custom in Daban Yao’s life. The“borrow” pig custom in Daban Yao at Xikeng, Dongzhong, Fangcheng GuangXi province, on its manifestations, is a mutual mode in localswedding who cannot afford the banquet alone, but the behavior ofindigenes also lurk production costs, transaction cost, and otherconsiderations. In this sense, The economic behavior of the Daban Yaopeople is cultural in practical reason. And its essence is one of the mostimportant way to maintain the social relations of the Daban Yao, andplaying an essential role in integration of the local community.

  • 【分类号】C951
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】126

