

The Role of Conceptual Metaphorical Awareness in Chinese EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Metaphorical English Idioms

【作者】 陈雄莺

【导师】 姜孟;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 习语是一种语言的精髓,它最能反映一个民族的文化内涵和思维习惯,习语的学习是任何一种语言习得中不容忽视的一部分。然而又由于其自身的独特性,习语是语言词汇学习尤其是二语词汇习得的一大重点和难点。从古希腊哲学家亚里士多德以来,隐喻始终以一种神奇的魅力吸引着诸多学者。Lakoff与Johnson在合著Metaphors We Live By中提出概念隐喻理论,使隐喻理论的研究变得科学化并随之掀起一股隐喻热。Gibbs等学者的实证研究证明了概念隐喻的存在和通过概念隐喻学习习语的可能性。不少学者也提出了提高概念隐喻意识对词汇学习的重要性(Boers,2000)。但是目前将概念隐喻理论应用于中国学习者习语教学的实证性研究尚还缺乏,需要进一步的扩展。本文旨在对概念隐喻意识对二语学习者二语习语习得的作用进行研究,具体研究问题是:(1)二语学习者的概念隐喻意识水平与二语习语习得结果之间是否存在相关性?(2)隐喻意识水平高的学习者与隐喻意识水平低的学习者之间在习语习得成绩上是否存在显著差异?(3)基于概念隐喻意识水平的习语教学对二语学习者的可接受度如何?本研究对两个自然班的大一新生进行为期两个月的习语教学实验。一个班为实验班,一个班为控制班。对实验班的学生进行基于概念隐喻意识的习语教学,而对控制班的学生采用普通的方法进行习语教学。实验前对所有学生进行概念隐喻意识和习语测试。实验后再次对所有学生进行概念隐喻意识和习语测试,并对实验组学生进行了教学接受度问卷调查。所有实验数据输入SPSS.16.0进行分析,用T测试检验了两组学生在概念隐喻意识上的差异和习语掌握上的差异,用Pearson相关法检验了实验组学生的概念隐喻意识与习语成绩上的相关性。在检验概念隐喻意识与习语的相关性时,首先对实验组学生概念隐喻意识和习语成绩作了总的相关性比较,然后将实验组的学生按照隐喻意识高低进行分组比较。经过定性和定量分析,本文得到如下研究结论:(1)概念隐喻意识与习语习得结果成正相关,相关系数为0.537(2)隐喻意识水平高的学习者对习语的习得明显好于隐喻意识水平低的学习者;(3)有70%的学生对基于概念隐喻意识的习语教学法持肯定态度。

【Abstract】 Idioms, seen as essence of language, can best represent a nation’s culture andway of thinking. Therefore, the learning of idioms can not be ignored in any languageacquisition. However, due to their specific features, the learning of idioms has becomean important point as well as a difficult point in the vocabulary learning, especially inthe second vocabulary learning. Since Aristotle, the ancient Greek Philosopher,metaphor has drawn great attention from a large number of scholars over the world. InMetaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Johnson propose the conceptual metaphor theory,which studies metaphor theory in a more systematic and scientific manner and sets offa new round of studies about metaphor. Through empirical studies, Gibbs et al. provethe existence of conceptual metaphor in native speaker’s mind and suggest thefeasibility of applying conceptual metaphor theory in idiom learning. A lot of scholarsalso emphasize the importance of improving metaphor awareness in vocabularyacquisition (Boers,2000). However, the empirical studies of conceptual metaphortheory application into Chinese EFL learners’ idiom acquisition are still trials and arenot extensive.This thesis aims to make an investigation of the role of conceptual metaphoricalawareness in Chinese EFL learners’ idiom acquisition. The research questions are asfollows:(1) How is Chinese EFL learners’ conceptual metaphorical awareness (CMA)correlated with their English idiom learning outcomes?(2) Are there significant differences in English idiom learning outcomesbetween CMA low-score learners and high-score learners?(3) How is the conceptual metaphor-based approach to English idiomteaching accepted by Chinese EFL learners?In this research, one two months’ English idiom teaching experiment was carriedout among freshmen in two natural classes, an experimental class and a controlledclass respectively. In the experimental class, the conceptual metaphor-based English idiom teaching was implemented. In the controlled class, the normal English idiomteaching was implemented. Before the experiment, all the students took a pretest ofCMA and a pretest of English idioms. In the meanwhile, students of the controlledclass received normal English idiom teaching without any conceptual metaphorteaching. After the teaching experiment, all the students took a posttest of CMA and aposttest of English idioms. Besides, students of the experimental class were asked tofinish a questionnaire on the acceptance of the conceptual metaphor-based teaching.Finally, all the data were typed into software SPSS16.0. T test was applied to analyzethe variance of CMA and English idiom outcomes of the two groups. PearsonCorrelation Coefficient was applied to analyze the relationship of CMA and Englishidiom outcomes. In the relationship analysis, the thesis firstly compared the overallrelationship of CMA and English idiom outcomes of the experimental group. Afterthat, students of the experimental class were divided into CMA high-score group andCMA low-score group. Afterwards, Independent Samples T test was again applied toanalyze the variance of English idiom outcomes.The thesis comes to the following conclusions:(1) CMA is positively correlated with the English idiom outcomes, thecorrelation coefficient is0.537;(2) The CMA high-score group perform better than the CMA low-scoregroup in English idiom acquisition;(3) About70%students accept the conceptual metaphor-based approach toEnglish idiom teaching positively.

  • 【分类号】H313
  • 【下载频次】166

