

A Comparative Study of News Translation and News Interpreting from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory

【作者】 赵晓霞

【导师】 李芳琴;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 翻译, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,随着各个国家的经济、科学技术、文化的发展,国际交流也越来越受到重视。要进行交流,了解他国文化,生活和国际动态,可以通过很多渠道,其中最重要的两种渠道是阅读新闻翻译稿和现场收听新闻口译。由此可见,新闻翻译作为最重要的交流工具之一,也越来越受到重视。需要我们注意的是,收看现场的新闻英语与阅读新闻译稿之间不仅有相似之处,还有不同之处。新闻包含着很多政治因素,所以新闻笔译与新闻口译中的翻译原则和交际功能大致相同,此外,新闻的功能有多种,比如反映一个国家的文化生活,国情等等。尽管如此,二者还是有区别存在,在新闻笔译里,因为译员有相对更多的时间用来思考,其译文的准确度就远高于新闻口译的准确度,同时在译员的深思熟虑以后,特别是考虑到新闻在译语文化的特殊功能,有些部分就被修饰或者删除了。再者,由于新闻口译的时间有限,有些信息被译员误解甚至丢失,所以新闻口译的清晰度也在一定程度上不及新闻笔译。最后,在新闻口译中,译员要一直集中注意力用来听和理解源语言以及组织句子的结构和内容,所以译员经常选用更为简单的表达方式来减轻自己的脑力负担和让听众更容易听懂。这样一来,其译文的可读性就比新闻笔译更强些。为什么会存在这些区别呢?由目的论我们可以得出,翻译的目的决定翻译的途径和策略。正是因为二者的目的不一样,才导致了新闻笔译与新闻口译的翻译标准,翻译对象,翻译的准确度以及可读性不一样.

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the development of economy, science, technology, and culturein the world, international communication draws more and more attention. People canuse many channels to understand culture of foreign countries as well as internationalaffairs, and the most important two channels are news translation and news interpreting.So we can find that these two ways draw more and more attention. However, it isimportant for us to know that there are not only similarities between news interpretingand news translation, but also differences which can not be overlooked.News contains many political elements, so the principles of expression,function of communication are similar in news translation and news interpreting. Inaddition, news has various kinds of functions, for example, reflecting culture, life, andstate affairs of a country. However, there are many differences. In News translation,because translators have comparatively more time to think and consider the specialfunction of news in the target culture, precision is higher than that in interpreting.Besides, due to limited time, some information might be misunderstood or missed, sothe degree of clarity in news interpreting is lower than that in news translation to acertain extent. What is more, time is too short for interpreters when they must listencarefully and comprehend well at the same time, so they always choose simpleexpression in order to reduce their mental burden and make the audience understandsource language more easily. Thus the version of news interpreting is more readableand simple.Why are there these differences? According to the Skopos Theory, the aim oftranslation decides ways and strategies of translation. Just because the main aim ofnews translation and news interpreting is different, the standard, target, precision, andreadability are different between news translation and news interpreting.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】155

