

Two Eras of Vast Difference

【作者】 韩旭

【导师】 张旭春;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 自余华以短篇创作在文坛上崭露锋芒,即被评论界奉为当代先锋小说家的典范。他于1990年着手长篇的尝试并获得成功,主要作品有《在细雨中呼喊》、《活着》、《许三观卖血记》等;《兄弟》是他沉寂十年再度推出的长篇力作,其上、下两部分别于2005年、2006年问世,故事背景各自为十年文革岁月和改革开放之后的纷纭现代。整部小说延续了暴力与温情的双重叙事,以简洁明了的语言,带领读者在历史与当下的时空中游刃。小说在国内出版后不久,陆续以多国语言推向海外,并获得赞誉不断。然而,同一本书,却在国内引发争议、毁誉参半,批评主要针对小说的内容荒谬、手法怪诞。本文由导论、结论以及三个主体部分构成。第一章通过探讨《兄弟》对历史和记忆的处理,展示小说时间呈现“空间化”的“梦魇”特点,它影响了其中的人物事件,使他们似乎被无形的大网笼罩、始终逃不出“过去”的魔障。第二章从城镇变化和个体成长来探讨《兄弟》中的“时间化”的空间,指出小说中的地点、人物均随着“社会的仪式化进程”而变得面目全非,在消费和纵欲的“狂欢”下失去自我。第三章则通过分析余华的叙事策略和特点,总结音乐对《兄弟》写作的影响,揭示这部小说时空体的与众不同:既是对狂欢叙事的模仿、同时又是一种变异与反叛。基于主体部分的分析,本文将得出这样的结论,《兄弟》是中国当代文学中一部成熟的时空体小说:通过文革历史和当下时局的交织、公众空间和私人空间的重合,余华揭示了“两个天壤之别的时代”下的国家与城镇喧嚣纵欲的狂欢画面、群众与个人迷失孤寂的生存图景,发现了“人”在这种特殊时空下的无可奈何,并在小说中利用颠覆主流、呼应传统的方式表现了出来。

【Abstract】 Yu Hua has been considered to be the paragon in avant-garde circles of contemporaryChina after he embarked on his literary career with short stories. He started writingfull-length novel in1990and achieved great success. His novel consisted of Cries in theDrizzle, To Live and Chronicle of a Blood Merchant. After10years’ suspension, his Brothersbecame an instant hit in China since the release of its first volume in2005and the second in2006. This novel, which traces the fortunes of two stepbrothers from the Cultural Revolutionto the Consumer Revolution after Reform and Opening-up, continues Yu Hua’s duel narrationof violence and warmth between the history and current times in a very concise way. It hasbeen translated into many languages and warmly applauded abroad. However, the same workgot both praise and criticism at home, and the criticism mainly focused on the absurd storyand grotesque writing style.This thesis consists of three body chapters apart from the introduction and conclusion.Through the handling of history and memory, Chapter One manifests the time in the novelacting like the “spatial” nightmare, which impacts the characters and stories both, makesthem besieged in the past and cannot take refuge. Chapter Two focuses on the “temporal”space through analyzing the development of Liu Town and the growing-up of the individual,points out both town and human have changed beyond recognition during the modernizationof the whole society and corrupted in the consumptive and carnal Carnival. Chapter Threediscusses the narrative strategies as well as the narrative way of music in the novel, in orderto unclose the fact that Brothers imitates the carnival style and yet embodies some sort ofalienation and rebellion at the same time. Based on the body chapters, the thesis attempts toconclude that Yu Hua’s Brothers is a well-rounded novel of Chronotope, which announces thepredicament of human beings in the two eras of difference and describes such condition in asubversive way.

【关键词】 余华《兄弟》时空体时间与空间
【Key words】 Yu HuaBrothersChronotopetime and space
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】199

