

Functions and Applications to Conceptual Blending Theory in Cognitive Poetics

【作者】 黄燕儒

【导师】 熊沐清;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 认知诗学,主要以认知语言学和认知心理学为基础,是语言学与文学相结合的新学科。它既关注文学文本,又重视读者在阅读过程中与作者、文本的互动与交流,是对整个文学活动的再评价。这门新兴的诗学,几乎在人文学科的各个领域都产生了重大影响,被称为继“语言学转向”之后的又一次“认知革命”。认知诗学独特的学科魅力,引起了国内外专家的浓厚兴趣,越来越多的学者开始深入研究认知诗学的相关议题,如认知诗学的介绍,理论的应用及反思。但是,相关理论在认知诗学中所起的作用却没有得到系统地探讨。尽管表面看来一种理论已经包含了相应的功能和作用,但在涉及到某一具体的学科时,其功能显然也会略有不同。因此,廓清这些功能对于进一步发展认知诗学不无裨益。诗学,是人类的一种特殊认知和交流方式,寓意丰富。诗性的语言,意蕴深远,触及人类的心灵世界。而谈及诗歌,必然会让人想到诗学意象。文艺心理学认为意象是熔铸了作者主观意图的想象表象(金开诚,1999, p.49);认知心理学和认知语言学认为意象是表象,是“感觉、知觉的心智表征”(王寅,2006, p.175)。然而,诗歌中的意象到底是怎样被读者所理解的这一动态的认知过程还是没有得到详尽地阐释。概念整合理论是基于心理空间理论而发展起来的一种认知理论,是探索意义构建中信息整合的一种理论框架。概念整合是在一个四空间的概念整合网络中进行的:两个输入空间,一个类属空间和一个整合空间。在整合过程中,两个输入空间中的成分首先形成跨空间映射,然后有选择地投射到合成空间,再通过组合,完善和扩展的过程生成输入空间所没有的新创结构。这一结构的形成过程可以解释人们理解诗歌意象的心理运作机制。

【Abstract】 Cognitive poetics which integrates linguistics and literature is a new discipline.It is mainly based on cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology. Cognitivepoetics not only attends the literary text, but also emphasizes the interaction andcommunication between readers, authors and texts during the reading process. It is there-evaluation of the whole literary activity. This new poetics has been influencingnearly every area of human discipline significantly and regarded as another “cognitiverevolution” after the linguistic turn.The unique attraction of cognitive poetics initiates interest of scholars. More andmore scholars begin to deeply study the relevant issues of cognitive poetics, such asthe introduction of cognitive poetics, the application and modification of the theories.However, the functions of relevant theories in cognitive poetics have not beendiscussed systematically. Although a kind of theory has already includedcorresponding functions and values, touching upon a specific subject, there indeedexist some differences. Therefore, differentiating these functions will be benefited tothe further development of cognitive poetics.Poetics can be regarded as a special way of cognition and communication. Theliterary language implies among lines and touches the thought of human being.Referring to poetry, poetic images will be certainly brought to mind. In psychology ofliterature and art, image is thought to be only imaginative, which embodies particularideas and emotions of the artist (Jin Kaicheng,1999, p.49). Cognitive psychologyand cognitive linguistics define it as “mental representation of perception”(Wang Yin,2006, p.175), also adopting the terms “image”,“mental image” or “mental imagery”to refer to it. However, the dynamic cognitive process of how images in poetry will beunderstood by readers on earth has not been interpreted at large.Conceptual blending theory is a kind of cognitive theory developed from mentalspace theory. It is also a theoretical framework used to explore the informationblending in the process of meaning construction. The conceptual blending runs in a network with four spaces: two input spaces, one generic space and one blended space.During the blending process, firstly elements and structures from the two input spacesset up the cross-mapping, and then they are projected onto the blended spaceselectively, finally through operations of composition, completion and elaboration,anemergent structure is formed in the blend. With the emergent structure, thepsychological mechanism about the process of understanding the poetic imagery willbe revealed.

【关键词】 认知诗学概念整合心理空间功能意象
【Key words】 cognitive poeticsconceptual blendingmental spacefunctionimage
  • 【分类号】H0-05
  • 【下载频次】165

