

The Construction Research of Journalistic Professionalism in China in New Media Age

【作者】 蒋东旭

【导师】 严功军;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新闻专业主义是新闻学研究中的基本论题之一,透过对这个论题的研究,能够梳理出新闻业发展的历史脉络。新闻业的独立地位在哪里?新闻专业主义一直在努力回答这个问题。进入本世纪,新媒体技术的日新月异给新闻业带来了全新的发展生态。在我国,新闻专业主义的存在一直受到质疑。已有的质化和量化的研究显示新闻专业主义是以碎片化、局部化的特征在我国呈现出来,而这种呈现状态在新闻业从传统媒体时代进入到新媒体时代后发生了怎样的变化,是本文研究的重心。通过对新媒体传播时代新闻专业主义核心概念和新闻实践的考察,我们发现,当下我国新闻专业主义的呈现状态依然保持着传统媒体传播时代碎片化、局部化的特征,只是随着公民社会的崛起,公民参与了新闻专业主义在我国的建构,成为了有利于新闻专业主义发展的新兴权力主体。新闻专业主义也越来越受到新闻从业者的认可与向往并获得了更为有利的生存条件。

【Abstract】 The research of journalistic professionalism, one of the fundamental topics forjournalism, can present a historical line of the development of journalism. Where isthe independent status of journalism? Journalistic professionalism attempts toanswer this question. In the21stcentury, the dramatic change of new media hasbrought a new context of development ecology for journalism. The existence ofjournalistic professionalism has always been doubted in China. Both materializingand quantizing researches show that journalistic professionalism features withfragmentation and localization in China. And how this state has changed fromtraditional media to new media age is the focus of the thesis. Through exploring thecore concept of journalistic professionalism and news practice in the new mediaage, we find out that the current state of journalistic professionalism in China stillkeeps its features of fragmentation and localization of the traditional media age.However, as the rise of civil society, civilian participates in the construction ofjournalistic professionalism in China, becoming a new power subject which isbeneficial for the development of journalistic professionalism. Also, journalisticprofessionalism has been appreciated and looked forward by an increasing numberof journalistic practitioners and has gained better condition for existence.


