

Analysis and Research of Digital Campus of Distribution Network Fault Diagnosis Based on GIS

【作者】 乔敏

【导师】 张兴忠;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高校建设的飞速发展,太原理工大学配电网规模的不断扩大,师生用电需求与日俱增,电网结构日益复杂,变更频繁,传统的供电线路检修和维护的方法暴露出了许多不足,配电网人员只能靠图纸和配电人员的工作经验进行诊断,通过大范围实地调查线路的实际情况,耗费大量的人力、财力、物力,浪费时间,且故障诊断效率低,还影响师生的用电质量。因此,如何有效将空间地理资源与配电网信息数据相结合,实现数据的共享,提高资源利用率以及故障诊断率,使配电网维护网络化与故障诊断信息化,是高校后勤管理人员面临的一大难题。针对我校目前配电网故障诊断措施落后、效率低下以及资源利用率低等问题,紧密结合配电网的特点,本文提出了以GPS作为数据采集方式,以GIS为配电网信息展示平台,以SQL为后台数据库的配电网故障诊断方案。本课题研究的是以GPS技术为数据采集方式,利用地理信息技术开发的太原理工大学配电网故障诊断系统,该系统是集地理信息技术、数据库管理技术、web应用技术等于一体的信息管理系统,具有直观性、低成本、高效率等优点。本文深入讨论了理工大学配电网故障诊断系统开发中所用到的技术,包括全球定位技术、地理信息技术、.NET技术等,并在此基础上,分析系统的总体架构、工作流程,研究了配电网拓扑建模方法和故障诊断的分析方法。本系统以太原理工大学虎峪校区为研究对象,基于北京超图公司的SuperMap GIS平台,采用浏览器/服务器模式(B/S模式),根据理工大学配电线路结构以及太原理工大学节能平台中智能表具的安装位置,建立了配电网拓扑模型,最终实现了虎峪校区地图的浏览、故障定位、供电电源分析、供电范围分析、配电设备管理、用户管理等功能,为后勤管理员故障诊断提供了一个初步的信息化试验平台。研究表明,通过地理信息系统与实时监控系统的协同工作,实现了地理空间数据与配电网数据的有效结合,便于直观地进行故障分析,实现了配电数据在管理系统与配电故障诊断系统的共享,提高了资源利用率,实现了远程室内配电网络分析、实时监控与快速故障定位功能,便于及时进行故障抢修,对于提高我校配电网管理质量,缩短停电时间,提高故障诊断效率等具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the college building, Taiyuan University of Technology with the continuous expansion of the size, teacher-student electricity consumption growing, increasingly complex network structure, frequent changes, methods of repair and maintenance of the traditional supply lines exposed many deficiencies. Distribution network staff only rely on drawings and distribution experience to diagnose the actual situation by the field survey of a wide range of ground line, wasting a lot of manpower, financial and material resources and time, the low efficiency of fault diagnosis, but also affect the teachers and students electricity quality.How effectively combine geospatial resources and distribution network information data, achieve data sharing, improve resource utilization, made the distribution network to maintain the network and fault diagnosis information, and improve the efficiency of fault diagnosis, which is a college logistics managers facing a major problem.Backward for the measures of the school distribution system fault diagnosis, fault diagnosis of low efficiency, low resource utilization, in close connection with the characteristics of distribution network, this paper presents the GPS as data acquisition, GIS distribution network information processing and display platform, the SQL database for the memory of the entire data,which is the overall design scheme of distribution system fault diagnosis.This research project through GPS technology, based on geographic information software development platform develop the Taiyuan University of distribution network fault diagnosis system.the system is a set of geographic information technologies, database management technology, web application technology Which is a information management system,it have features of intuitive, low cost and high efficiency.This paper deeply dicusses the key technologies used in the fault diagnosis system development process, including geographic information technology, global positioning technology, NET, and on this basis, analysis the overall system architecture, workflow and study the distribution network topologymodeling and method of fault diagnosis.The system studies the Tiger area of Taiyuan University of Technology campus, based on the SuperMap GIS platform, using the browser service server mode (B/S mode), which combined with our school supply line power distribution wiring installation location, as well as the location of the Intelligent tables in the energy-saving platform of Taiyuan University of Technology, established distribution network topology model.The system ultimately realize the Tiger margin campus map browser, the graphic information of the two-way query, spatial analysis, fault location, power supply analysis, fault coverage analysis, and distribution equipment management, user management functions and so on. It offers the logistics administrator of fault diagnosis a preliminary test platform.Studies have shown that geographic information systems and real-time monitoring system to work together to achieve effective integration of GIS data and energy-saving platform for real-time monitoring of power distribution equipment data to analysis the fault easily and intuitively.It also realize intelligent table with the distribution of data management system and distribution fault diagnosis system information sharing, improve the resource utilization, realize remote indoor power distribution network analysis, real-time monitoring, rapid fault location. This has an important practical significance to improve the distribution network management quality of our school, shortening the power shutdown time and improve the efficiency of fault diagnosis.


