

Evaluating Allowable Yield of Groundwater by Using MODFLOW in Datong County

【作者】 张哲

【导师】 郑秀清;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 农业水土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水资源是大同县城市和农村居民生活饮用水以及工业、农业供水的重要取水水源,是实现大同县经济社会可持续发展的重要支撑和保障。大同县地下水开采的目标层为潜水含水层,因此该含水层的水资源量和水质状况等是当地政府及人民所关注的焦点问题。针对这些问题,在充分收集大同县相关资料及前人研究成果的基础上,本文利用水均衡理论及数值模拟方法对大同县地下水资源进行了评价。根据大同县的地形地貌条件、地质及水文地质条件,确定以冲洪积平原区及火山丘陵区作为本次评价区域;采用水均衡理论分析计算,确定评价区域内地下水资源总量为7453.40万m3。以大同县2008年地下水水质监测分析资料为基础,采用单项组分评价、综合组分评价以及比标系数法对大同县的地下水质量环境进行评价。结果显示大同县地下水质量基本为Ⅳ类水,个别地区甚至出现V类水。地下水超标项目主要为pH值、氟化物及细菌个数。通过生活饮用水卫生评价,显示大同县除永胜村和聚乐村符合标准外,其余各地地下水均不适合作为饮用水。针对模拟区的地形地貌条件、地质及水文地质条件建立水文地质概念模型。确定模拟的主要含水层位并对模拟层进行概化。根据含水层富水性特征对模拟区进行参数分区。对含水层的边界条件及初始条件以及模型的源汇项进行概化,并利用已有长观孔资料对数值模型进行识别和验证,结果表明,所建立的地下水数值模拟模型基本符合实际,较好的反映了地下水流的特征,可以进行地下水位预测计算。计算模拟区内的降雨入渗补给量、河道入渗补给量、地表水渗入补给量、侧向补给量等主要补给项和潜水蒸发量、侧向径流量、泉水排泄量等主要排泄项,并结合现状条件下的人工开采量对模拟区潜水含水层的水均衡状况进行分析。结果表明,含水层储存量变化为正均衡。运用所建立的数值模型,以2015年为预测年份,模拟预测开采量分别为3360万m3/a(2008年开采量下)、5245万m3/a(地下水可开采量)在25%、50%和75%降雨保证率下的地下水位变化趋势。在模拟结果的基础上,对比分析两种不同开采方案下地下水位变化情况,确定出大同县地下水资源可开采量为5245万m3/a。

【Abstract】 The groundwater resources play an important role in water supply for industry, agriculture, urban and rural residents living and drinking in Datong County. The sustainable utilization of groundwater resources has related to the sustainable development of society and economy can be realized in Datong County. Groundwater exploitation of Datong County mainly focuses on phreatic aquifer near the surface ground. So the water quality and quantitly of the aquifer become the focus question that the local government and public pay close attention to. To solve these problems, this paper evaluates the groundwater resources according to water balance and numerical simulation theory, based on fully collecting relative data and former study.According to geographic and geomorphic conditions, geology and hydrogeology conditions, the blunt flood plain and volcanic hilly areas are determined for evaluation region. Using the water balance theory, it evaluated the groundwater resources is totally74.534million per year in evaluation region.Based on groundwater quality monitoring data of Datong County in2008, groundwater quality of Datong Country is evaluated by adopting single component evaluation, integrated components evaluation and coefficient method. The results show that quality level of groundwater in Datong County basically is IV level, even V in specific areas. The overweight items of groundwater are pH, fluoride, and bacteria number. Through assessment for drinking water quality, except the quality of drinking water in Yongsheng village and Jule village fulfill the standard, all the rest groundwater are not meet the standard of drinking water.Based on geographic and geomorphic conditions, geology and hydrogeology conditions, the conceptual hydrogeological model is established. And it conducts parameter partition according to the watery characteristics of water aquifer. The boundary condition, initial condition of aquifer and source and sink term of model is generalized. The identification and confirmation of numerical model are conducted by making use of existing data of long-term observation wells. The results show that the conceptual hydrogeological model is basic accord with the actual, the model better reflect the characteristics of underground water, can predict groundwater table.The main recharge and discharge term of simulated domain are calculated, such as rainfall infiltration recharge, riverway infiltration recharge, surface water infiltration recharge, lateral recharge, phreatic water evaporation, lateral spring excretion and so on. Combined with aritificial exploitation yield, water balance status of phreatic aquifer is analyzed. The results show that the charge of aquifer storage in regional is positive equilibrium.Taking2015as forecast year, using the numerical model, predicted under the groundwater exploitation maintains33.6million cubic metres per year(2008is below) and the groundwater exploitation increases to52.45million cubic metres per year(Allowable Yield of Groundwater) in25%,50%, and75%of the underground water level under rainfall assurance rate in change tendency of groundwater table. Based on the simulated results, it comparatively analyzed change condition of groundwater level under two different mining schemes and confirmed the allowable yield of groundwater is52.45million cubic metres per year in Datong County.

  • 【分类号】F301;P641.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】414
  • 攻读期成果

