

The Analysis and Research of the Water Medium Limited of the Impeller Type Hydraulic Coupling

【作者】 崔卫秀

【导师】 董长双;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着传统能源的日益枯竭,液力耦合器作为国家大力推广的节能产品,其在刮板输送机上得到了广泛的应用。由于煤矿井下环境特殊,用水作为介质代替传统的矿物油,必将在煤机领域有很广的市场前景。水介质限矩型液力耦合器主要依靠泵轮和涡轮在旋转时带动水旋转,进而传递动力。因此它能够安全可靠的运行主要依赖于泵轮和涡轮结构的合理性,而其结构的合理性主要表现为其抵抗振动和强度的能力。作为液力耦合器传递动力的关键元件,涡轮和泵轮担任着液体动能与机械能转换的重要角色。对涡轮和泵轮的应力状态分析是设计叶轮过程中必不可少的环节,因此叶片的应力计算准确与否对叶轮的应力分析有十分重要的影响。液力耦合器的泵轮和涡轮在旋转过程中,承受水的离心力、水流压力、空气压力等作用,应力情形较为复杂。此外耦合器的叶片受到水流的冲击时,会产生振动,当叶片的固有频率和水流冲击产的频率相接近时,会发生共振。涡轮和泵轮在长期的共振情况下,会发生疲劳破坏。本文对水介质限矩型液力耦合器涡轮和泵轮的强度、振动进行研究,将对耦合器的优化设计、刮板输送机的稳定运行、防止事故发生等都有重要的理论与实际意义。根据YOXD650型液力耦合器叶轮的特点和工作特性,首先推导耦合器叶轮静力有限元方程,和叶轮的有限元数学计算模型。然后利用三维建模软件Pro/E建立叶轮的三维实体模型,在有限元分析软件ANSYS中对叶轮及单个叶片强度进行了分析计算,通过分析可得出应力的最大值和叶片应力集中的部位,同时验证其强度的可靠性,可以适当增加叶片数量与叶轮壳体内壁相接处的圆角过渡来减小应力集中。由于泵轮和涡轮在运行状态下受力情况比较复杂,可能会产生共振。通过有限元分析软件对涡轮、泵轮、及叶片进行模态分析,得出当泵轮的动振动频率达到与第6阶频率相近时,可产生共振。

【Abstract】 With the traditional energy exhausting, hydraulic coupler as a widely popularized energy-conserving product has been extensive used on the scraper conveyor. Due to the special environment of coal mine underground, the technology to use water as a media in place of traditional mineral oil will have a wide market prospect in the coal mining fields.Water medium limited moment type hydraulic coupler mainly depends on pump impeller and turbine. When rotating, hydraulic coupler relying mainly on the pump impeller and turbine makes the water rotate to transmit power. So it works steadily because of the rationality of pump impeller and turbine and this kind of rationality is presented on its ability to resist vibration. As the key components to pass the power of hydraulic coupler, pump impeller and turbine play important parts in the converting of liquid kinetic energy and mechanical energy. It is necessary to make an analysis on stress condition in the process of designing impeller. Whether the designing is accurate or not has an important effect on the analysis. In the process of rotating of pump impeller and turbine on hydraulic coupler, they bear the effects of liquid centrifugal force, liquid pressure and air pressure. It is a complicated process. In addition, when the blade of hydraulic coupler is attacked, the vibration will be generated. When the frequency of the blade is close to that produced by the water, the sympathetic vibration will be generated. As a result of the sympathetic vibration, pump impeller and the turbine will be destroyed. In this paper, the writer makes a research on the strength and vibration of pump impeller and turbine. It will be of great significance on the optimization design of hydraulic coupler, the stable operation of the scraper conveyor and preventing accidents.According to the characteristics of blade of hydraulic coupler typed YOXD650and its operational factors, the paper adopting the8nodes hexahedron units established finite element model of the impeller first deduces the Coupler impeller static finite element equations. Then the3d modeling software pro/E is used to make a3d mockup. The writer analyzes the impeller and blade strength in the finite element analysis software ANSYS and the analysis directly shows the position of blade stress concentration, figures out the maximum of the stress and validates the reliability of its strength. The author thinks that you can add proper leaf number and the wall round of impeller shell thru the transition to lessen the stress concentration. The forces are complicated when pump impeller and turbine are working, so the sympathetic vibration may be produced. Through the modal analysis of pump impeller, turbine and blades the paper concludes that the sympathetic vibration may be produced when the pump wheels that dynamic vibration frequency and6to order in similar frequency.


