

A Study on Numerals with Semantic Fuzziness and Their Translation——a Case Study of300Tang Poems Translated by Xu Yuanchong

【作者】 秦晓艳

【导师】 刘兵;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 唐诗是中国唐代诗歌的称谓,标志着中国古典诗歌的高峰。唐诗不但是我国优秀的文学遗产之一,也是全世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。迄今为止许多诗篇仍旧广为流传。欣赏唐诗时会发现其中有大量关于模糊数字的妙用,这些模糊数字大多对诗歌意境的刻画起了重要作用,但同时也增加了读者理解和译者翻译的难度。1975年,美国控制论专家扎德首次提出“模糊集”的概念,这标志着模糊理论的诞生。这一理论的诞生具有深远的理论意义和现实意义,它不但改变了人们的思维方式,而且给数学、逻辑学等一系列学科带来了空前的变革。随着模糊理论研究的发展,模糊语言学也应运而生。事实上,模糊理论的产生与语言学本身有着不可分割的联系。尽管模糊语言学起步于二十世纪七十年代,但是作为一门有关于模糊语言的新型学科,它为语义模糊数字的翻译乃至译学研究开辟了新的途径。《唐诗三百首》中数字出现了390次,几乎一半以上是语义模糊数字。以许渊冲教授的译本为基本语料,作者收集了210个语义模糊数字作为研究对象。本文运用模糊理论,特别是语义模糊的相关理论和语义模糊数字的翻译原则,涉及到两个研究问题,一是研究能否对语料中的模糊数字从语义模糊的角度进行阐释分析及归类,二是研究能否根据许渊冲教授对模糊数字的翻译,归纳出其相关的翻译方法。采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,本文通过分析唐诗三百首中的语义模糊数字,同时综合借鉴其他人的研究成果,将语料中的模糊数字分为四类(明显模糊型、与文化习俗相关的数字、与修辞相关的数字、固定表达中的数字),归纳出三种翻译方法(直译、改译和省译)。从某种程度上来讲,本研究能丰富语义模糊的特定内容,为数字的语义模糊提供学术参考,而且对于读者理解中国古诗中数字的翻译也是有价值的。另外,作者希望此研究的结论能够给那些钻研中国古诗中数字英译的学者提供一定的帮助,同时能够指导语义模糊和中英翻译的教学实践。

【Abstract】 In Tang dynasty, Chinese classical poems are called Tang poems, which symbolize the summit of Chinese classical poems. Tang poems are not only one of the splendid literary heritages in China, but it is also a bright pearl of the literary treasure in the world. Until now, lots of Tang poems are still widely spread. During the appreciation of Tang poems, plenty of magic use of numerals with semantic fuzziness is found. Most of fuzzy numerals play an important role in depicting images of poems. However, it also increases the difficulty of readers’understanding and translators’translating. In1975an American cyberneticist L.A.Zadeh firstly put forward the concept of fuzzy set, which signifies emergence of the fuzziness theory. The fuzziness theory has a profound significance theoretically and realistically. It does not only change the mode of thinking of human beings, but it also brings great change to a series of subjects such as mathematics, logics, etc. With the development of the study on the fuzziness theory, fuzzy linguistics also appears. In fact, the emergence of the fuzziness theory is closely related to linguistics. Although fuzzy linguistics appeared in the1970s, as a new science on fuzzy language, it breaks a new path for translation of semantically fuzzy numerals even for translation studies.In300Tang poems numerals appear390times, of which about over half of them are numerals with semantic fuzziness. The thesis is based on the English version of Professor Xu Yuanchong and the author collects210data as the research object. According to the fuzziness theory, especially semantic fuzziness and the translation principles of semantically fuzzy numerals, two research questions are involved in the thesis:The first question is whether the numerals with semantic fuzziness in the corpus can be explained, analyzed and classified from the aspect of semantic fuzziness. The second question is whether the relevant translation methods of the numerals with semantic fuzziness in the corpus can be summed up. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research is used in this thesis. By analyzing the numerals with semantic fuzziness in300Tang poems and taking others’ relevant researches into consideration, the author classifies the numerals with semantic fuzziness in the corpus into four groups (obviously fuzzy numerals, numerals related to culture and customs, numerals related to figures of speech and numerals related to fixed expressions) and concludes three translation methods (literal translation, omission, and revision). To some extent, the study can enrich the specific contents of semantic fuzziness, provide academic references for the study of semantic fuzziness of numerals and is also valuable for readers to understand English translation of numerals in Chinese poems. In addition, the author expects that conclusions of the study can also give some aid to people who tend to study and translate fuzzy numerals in Chinese poems and guide teaching in semantic fuzziness and Chinese-English translation.


