

Design and Research on Walking Stitutions of Underground Emergency Drainage Vehicle

【作者】 袁英

【导师】 寇子明;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着煤炭开采量的不断增加,随之而来的安全问题也日益突出,尤其以矿山水患的灾害性影响较为显著。虽然已有多项较成熟的排水技术应用在矿山生产当中,但由于灾害的不可预测性,使现有的排水技术在应急救援中有些显得捉襟见肘。此时具有集成度高、紧急排水需求响应迅速、排水设备流量大、现场准备时间短、井下复杂路面通过性好、可实现快速救援、保障井下工作人员的生命及物资安全等特点的应急排水车应运而生。本文针对应用于垂直深度为300米以下斜井应急排水的作业车的行走机构进行设计研究。由于井下地形复杂和工作环境恶劣,作业车必须具备优良的机动性、稳定性和良好的越障能力。因此提出一种采用履带式底盘,液压驱动,轨道及履带行驶方式自由切换,车身防水的总体设计方案。根据履带车辆的设计经验及行走机构的主要技术指标,对应急排水车履带行走机构主要结构参数、液压驱动系统的参数进行了设计计算;对行走机构的组成零部件进行三维建模,并对其履带架进行有限元分析。基于RecurDyn平台建立履带行走机构的虚拟样机,并进行动力学仿真来验证方案设计的可行性。对应急排水车在几种复杂地形上的行驶性能和平地转向性能以及稳定性影响因素进行分析研究。对各工况相关运动学、动力学参数进行了分析,并对履带行走机构行走性能作出了评价与预测。仿真分析结果表明,履带式行走机构结构设计合理,运动灵活,能平稳通过所设计的地形指标。可以顺利直行转向,可以跨越0.3米高障碍,0.9米宽濠沟,小于25度斜坡等复杂地形,具备良好的越障通过性能和良好的机动性。最后,对样机进行模拟试验,考察液压驱动系统与行走系之间的匹配以及行走机构的性能反映。

【Abstract】 With the development of coal mining quantity unceasing increase, the attendant security issues have become increasingly prominent, especially in mine flood disaster. Although there are a number of mature drainage technology applied in mine production, because of unpredictable disasters, the existing drainage technology in emergency rescue of some appeared to catch the collar. Emergency drainage car with characteristics of high integration, emergency water demand rapid response, large flow, short preparation time,which can also realize the rapid rescue, and protect underground work personnel’s life and material safety, emerges as the times require.This article studies on walking mechanism of emergency drainage working vehicle which is applied in vertical depth below300m inclined. Due to the complex terrain and harsh working environment, working vehicle must have excellent maneuverability, stability and good ability of obstacle surmounting. Therefore, a overall design scheme of crawler chassis, hydraulic drive, track and track the running mode switch was put forward.Based on tracked vehicle design experience and running mechanism of the major technical indicators, the main structure parameters of walking mechanism of hydraulic drive system emergency drainage crawler was designed, the design and calculation of parameters; three-dimensional model of running mechanism of component parts was built, and the crawler frame was analysed with finite element.Based on RecurDyn platform, establishment of the virtual prototype model of the crawler system and simulation, demonstrate the feasibility of the program design by simulation results, analyze the driving performance, peaceful transition and stability factors of emergency drainage car on several complex terrains. Setting up parameters of kinematics and dynamics for several kinds of working conditions, evaluate and predict the walking performance of the crawler system. The simulation results show that the structural design of the crawler traveling mechanism is reasonable, flexible movement, smooth through the design of the topographic index. It can be smoothly straight steering, span0.3m high barriers to0.9m wide trenches, less than25degrees slope and other complex terrain, and has a good performance on surmounting obstacles and flexibility.Finally, test the prototype and simulation, examining the match between the hydraulic drive system and the walking system and reflect ion of walking mechanism performances.


