

Dynamic Analysis of Planetary Transmission System on TY Wind Power Gearbox

【作者】 历海宁

【导师】 王铁;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的高速发展,工业化进程的加速,环境与能源的可持续发展问题已经成为人们生存与发展面临的首要问题。风力发电具有建设周期短、装机规模灵活、不污染环境、不消耗燃料等优点,被世界各国优先采用。风电齿轮箱作为风电机组机械传动系统中最重要而又最脆弱的部件,起着增速降扭的作用,其设计的合理性严重影响到风电机组的正常运行。我国已经是风电装机容量最多的国家,成为名副其实的风电大国,但还不是风电强国,在风电设备制造方面与发达国家还有一定的差距。目前,我国还没有完全掌握大型风电齿轮箱设计制造核心技术,造成国产大型风电齿轮箱故障率居高不下。因此,对风电齿轮箱进行系统分析与研究对促进我国风电制造业的健康发展有着重要意义。本文以TY型兆瓦级风电齿轮箱为研究对象,首先对其进行动力学仿真分析研究,之后根据分析结果对潜在薄弱环节提出改进方法,最后对风电齿轮箱齿轮传动系统进行了共振分析。主要研究内容和研究成果有以下几方面:1)详细分析了TY型风电齿轮箱结构,并与主流机型进行分析对比,TY型主要区别之处在于均载方式上:第一传动级采用太阳轮浮动均载而第二传动级采用行星架浮动均载。2)分析了风电齿轮箱所受载荷,讨论了风电齿轮箱交变载荷处理方法,并对实际交变载荷进行了等效处理。3)在考虑结构系统影响的前提下,搭建了刚柔耦合TY型风电齿轮箱虚拟样机,实现了Pro/E、 Hypermesh、 Romax Designer联合仿真,对导入部件进行了静强度分析,并以此检测导入部件是否参与系统传动。4)在考虑冲击载荷的影响下,对TY-1型风电齿轮箱传动系统进行了多工况稳态分析,分析找出了4个薄弱部件:高速级上风侧两个轴承、第一传动级太阳轮、高速级输出小齿轮。通过分析发现:高速轴上风侧轴承动态承载能力不够;低速轴上风侧轴承受边缘载荷作用;故障齿轮接触疲劳损伤严重,啮合错位造成齿面载荷分布不均局部应力过大,齿面易产生疲劳点蚀;冲击载荷加剧了各部件疲劳损伤,降低了各部件的寿命。为此,将高速轴上风侧轴承更换成高动态承载能力轴承,将低速轴的固定—游动支承方式调整成两端固定支承方式,各轴承寿命均达到设计要求,同时减小了低速轴自由端的变形量,降低了对第二级齿轮传动的影响。另外,通过齿轮修形改善了由啮合错位所造成的齿面载荷分布不均现象,减小了齿轮传动误差,提高了齿轮传动的动态稳定性。5)对TY型风电齿轮箱进行共振分析,找出潜在共振响应点。利用Romax动力分析模块求解出系统前40阶固有频率及振型,采用Campbell图对系统进行共振分析,在特征频率作用下系统存在10个潜在共振响应点特别是5、11、24阶固有频率落入了风机主要运行区,通过分析共振点处的振型,可知共振主要引起各齿轮扭摆与径向窜动。

【Abstract】 With a high speed development of society and industrial process, sustainable development problems of environment and energy have become primary problems that existence and development of human beings face. Wind power generation is adopted preferentially by every country in the world because of following advantages, including shorter construction time, flexible installed capacity, not pollute the environment and not consume any fuel. Wind power gearbox is the most important but the most fragile component in wind turbine mechanical transmission system. And it plays the role of increasing speed and reducing torque. In addition, the design rationality of wind power gearbox affects the normal operation of fans seriously. Our country has become a country which has the most wind power installed capacities in the world. So, China is worthy of the name of the wind power country, but not a power country. With developed countries, there is a certain gap in this area of wind power equipment manufacture. The designing and manufacturing technology of wind power gearbox has been regarded as one of the main bottlenecks constraining wind power manufacturing development. And the failure rate of domestically produced wind power gearbox remains stubbornly high. Therefore, it is meaningful to strengthen design and research of wind power gearbox for improving healthy development of wind power manufacturing.This paper takes megawatt wind power gear box of TY type as research subject. To begin with, dynamics simulation analysis research is conducted. Then, the improvement methods of potential weakness are put forward based on analysis results. At last, resonance analysis of the whole wind power gear box system is carried out. The main research contents and results are shown as follows.1) Through conducting analysis of gearbox structure in detail, and by comparing with mainstream model, the main difference of TY type is in the way of load average distribution. The first stage adopts floating load average distribution of sun gear while the second stage adopts floating load average distribution of planetary carrier.2) The load applied on wind power gear box is analyzed, and treatment methods of alternating load is discussed. In addition, equivalent treatment of actual alternating load is conducted.3) Taking influence of structure system into consideration, rigid flexible coupling TY type virtual prototype of wind power gearbox is established, and realizes united simulation of Pro/E, Hypermesh and Romax Designer. Strength analysis of imported components is conducted by the finite element method. At the same time, on the basis of what has done as above, it can be easily to test whether the imported components are taking part in system transmission. 4) Considering impact loads generated by turbulence and emergency brake, steady-state analysis, which is under multiple load conditions, of transmission system in TY-1wind power gear box, is carried out. Four weakness parts are found through analysis, including two bearings in high speed and upper wind, input solar wheel and output pinion in high speed. Through analysis, it can be discovered that dynamic bearing capacity of high speed axis, which is in high speed and upper wind, is not enough, and edge load is applied to low speed axis, which is in high speed. Contact fatigue damage of fault gear is serious. Because of meshing dislocation, local stress is bigger, and load distribution of tooth surface is uneven. Therefore, fatigue pitting is easily generating on tooth surface. Besides, impact load increases fatigue damage of components, and reduces components life. For this reason, bearing on high speed axis, which is in high speed and upper wind, is changed into bearing with a high dynamic bearing capacity. And the fixed-floating supporting way of the low speed axis is changed into fixed supporting way at both ends. Bearings life meet the design requirements, and at the same time, free end deformation of low speed axis and influence of second grade gear transmission are reduced. Furthermore, through shape modification, it not only improves uneven phenomenon of tooth surface load distribution due to meshing dislocation, but also reduces gear transmission error and enhances gear transmission dynamic characteristics.5) Through resonance analysis of virtual prototype in TY wind power gear box, potential resonance response points are found. By using Romax power solution module, the first forty order nature frequency and vibration mode are solved. The resonance analysis of gear transmission system is conducted through Campbell graph, and ten potential vibration response points, which are under the function of characteristic frequency system, can be found out. Especially five, eleven, twenty-four order natural frequencies have fallen into the main operation area of wind turbine.Through analyzing the vibration mode of resonance point, twist and radial shifting of gears are caused in these resonance points.


