

The Research about Super Large Span Steel Pipe Arch Truss Roof Solar Power Capabilities and Its Elastic-Plastic Properties under Strong Earthquake

【作者】 王志伟

【导师】 李海旺;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界建筑的日益增多,建筑耗能超越工业耗能和交通耗能,一跃成为社会耗能之首。在不可再生能源日趋减少的情形下,太阳能因其清洁和无限性引起大家重点关注。经过不断的开发创新,太阳能建筑一体化成为建筑未来的发展方向,尤其是光伏发电技术与建筑一体化在大跨度空间结构上的应用成为建筑行业的一大亮点。人类文明的发展并不能阻挡自然灾害的发生,地震灾难作为自然灾害之首,具有不可抗拒的破坏力,灾后造成的严重损失也是人们无法承受的。从已发生地震后震区情形可知,为了使灾民能及时得到治疗尽快恢复正常生活,有必要建设抗震性能极强且用太阳能提供能源的大跨度空间结构的避难所以备灾后使用。据此,本文设计了240m跨矢跨比0.15的钢管拱桁架模型,并对其太阳能应用做了初步探索,进一步对其抗震性能做了研究,主要工作如下:1.对太阳能发电原理、太阳能电池类型及其发电量计算方法、太阳能在建筑上的应用可行性等做了分析。2.对配备了太阳能发电设备的240m跨钢管拱桁架进行设计,根据太阳能电池发电量计算方法对整个屋面太阳能发电量进行计算分析。3.为满足抗震避难所及太阳能应用要求,在宁河波作用下对原设计结构进行动力弹塑性分析,经分析对原设计结构进行了部分截面调整,并对比了调整前后两模型的结果。4.为进一步确定调整结构是否满足作为抗震避难所及太阳能应用的要求,采用宁河波、LOMA波和上海人工波对调整截面结构进行了X向、Z向、X+0.65Z双向地震的响应分析。本文通过对上述两大部分内容的分析研究,得出结论如下:1.超大跨度空间结构相比其他结构而言,更加适合太阳能的应用;经发电量计算,可知该结构太阳能板发电量足以供馆内日常生活使用,并且作为抗震避难所,灾后可以当作应急电源使用。2.经分析对比可知,调整后单榀钢管拱桁架用钢量比原设计结构用钢量增加了11.2%,但拱桁架水平抗震能力提高了167%,竖向抗震能力提高了119%,双向抗震能力提高了198%。3.不同地震波同一方向作用下,结构破坏时最大位移值基本一致,且都小于空间网格结构的容许挠度值,即结构跨度的1/250。4.分析结果显示,调整结构在罕遇地震下仍可使用;强震作用下结构最大位移值小于空间结构正常使用时最大允许挠度值,同时也满足了太阳能板正常使用的条件

【Abstract】 With the growing number of world-building, the building energy consumption beyond the industrial energy consumption and transport energy consumption, became the first social energy consumption. In unrenewable resources decreasing circumstances, solar energy caused everybody attention for its clean and infinity. After continuous development and innovation, bilding integrated solar energy has become the future development direction of the building, especially the photovoltaic technology and building integrated applications on the large span space structure become a major bright spot in the construction industry.Development of human civilization can not prevent the occurrence of natural disasters, earthquake disaster as natural disasters, with an irresistible destructive disaster. People can not afford the serious losses after the earthquake earthquake. We can know from the circumstances after the happend earthquake, in order to make the victims can receive timely treatment then resume normal life as soon as possible, it is necessary to build the large span spatial structure refuge for post-disaster use, which have strong seismic performance and use solar energy to provide energy. Accordingly, this paper designed240m span, cross ratio of0.15in arch truss model, made a preliminary exploration of its solar energy applications, but also study their anti-seismic performance furtherly, the main works are as follows:1. Do an analysis for the principle of solar power generation, solar cell type and its power calculation method, the feasibility of the application of solar energy in building.2. Design240m span steel pipe arch truss equipped with solar power generation equipment. According to the solar power calculation method, calculated and analyzed the entire roof solar power generation.3. In order to meet the requirements of anti-seismic refuge and solar energy application, do elastoplastic dynamic analysis on initial designed structural under the NH wave, do a partial cross-section adjustment on the original design structure through analysis, and compared the results of the two models before and after adjustment.4To further identify the adjust structural whether meet the requirements of anti-seismic shelters and solar energy applications, using NH wave, LOMA wave and RG wave on the adjust structure did seismic response analysis in X, Z, X+0.65Z-bi-directional.This article according to the above two parts content analysis study, draws the following conclusions:1. Compared to other structures, super large span space structure is more suitable for solar applications,through the power calculation of the structure, we can see the solar panels generating capacity is sufficient for the daily life, and as anti-seismic shelters, it can be used as emergency power after disaster2. We can know through comparison, steel amount of adjustment single beam of steel tubular arch truss increased11.2%than the original design structure steel consumption, but the arch truss horizontal anti-seismic capacity increased167%, vertical anti-seismic capacity increased119%, bi-directional anti-seismic capacity increased198%.3. Different seismic waves in the same direction, the maximum displacement value is basically the same when structural damage, and it is less than the allowable deflection value of space frame structure, namely1/250of the structure span.4. The analysis results shows, structural adjustment in the rare earthquake can still be used; Under strong earthquake, the maximum displacement value is less than the maximum allowable deflection of the normal use in the spatial structure, but also this meet the normal conditions of use solar panels.


