

Research on Construction Technical of Integrated Thermal Insulation System Made of Thermal Insulation Glazed Hollow Bead Mortar

【作者】 邓超杰

【导师】 张泽平;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统,是目前综合优势最显著的建筑节能保温体系,具有很好的应用前景。为了使广大施工现场技术管理人员对玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统及其施工管理全面充分了解,确保工程施工质量,体现出该保温系统的良好综合效益,促进该保温系统推广应用,应对玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统施工工法进行研究,解决该保温系统在施工中遇见的问题,并对成功的施工管理经验进行总结,编写出施工工法,供广大施工现场管理人员参考、学习和指导施工,具有重要的现实意义。首先,针对当前施工现场有许多的管理人员对工法的知识还相当匮乏,对工法的认识比较模糊,需要对工法做更深入的了解,本文对工法与施工组织设计、施工方案、技术规范、学术论文、专利等几个方面的异同点进行了分析和总结,可以将其作为工法知识普及的基本内容供大家参考,并对工法怎样更好地在企业内部推广应用,提出了以建立工法库为核心的工法推广应用机制。其次,对以往玻化微珠保温砂浆保温系统的保温效果达不到设计要求、空鼓、开裂、脱落等质量问题,应避免的普通室内抹灰中常见的阴阳角准确度差的问题,分析了其产生的原因,给出了解决办法,以避免玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统出现此类问题;指出玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统施工中,应重视厨房、卫生间地面防水的问题,其防水应满足保温层不被水分侵入为原则,并给出了防水设防的方法及施工要点。最后,结合玻化微珠保温砂浆保温系统常见质量缺陷的解决办法和玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统的施工管理经验,根据《国家级工法编写指南》的要求,对施工工法文本所应包含的工法特点、工艺原理、施工工艺流程及操作要点、材料与设备、质量控制、安全措施、环保措施等各项主要内容进行了研究和总结,初步建立了玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统施工工法。本文通过研究,为玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统应用企业找到-条能够在企业内部长期有效的推广应用施工工法的途径;初步建立起玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统施工工法,为今后正式形成施工工法,提供参考。希望相关单位尽快组织玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统施工工法的编写、申报,使玻化微珠保温砂浆整体式保温系统借助于工法的规范性、宣传性,得到更大范围的工程应用。

【Abstract】 Integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar is the most significant comprehensive advantages in building energy-saving insulation system, with a good prospect of application. In order to make the majority of the construction site management personnel familiar fully to thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar and its construction management, to ensure the quality of construction and reflect a good overall efficiency of the insulation system and promote the popularization and application of the insulation system,we should study on construction technical of integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar and cope with the problems encountered in the insulation system construction and sum up the success construction management experience and compliant a construction technical for the majority of the construction site management personnel to reference and learn and guide the construction, it has important practical significance.First of all, many construction site management personnel are lack of knowledge of construction technical and awareness of the construction technical relatively vague in the current, they need do more in-depth understanding on it, Therefore, the thesis do analysis and summary on the similarities and differences between construction technical and construction organization plan and building engineering and construction program and technical specifications and patents and papers, we can make it as basic knowledge of construction technical for construction site management personnel in reference. The thesis promotes a construction technical application mechanisms established by construction technical storage as core in order to better put construction technical into application within the enterprise.Secondly, the quality problems of thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar, unsatisfied the design requirements and hollowing and cracking and loss and ensuring accuracy of inside and exposed corner, are analyzed and solved to avoid similar problems appear in integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar. The waterproofs meet the insulation layer from moisture intrusion principle of the kitchen and bathroom ground should be paid more attention.Finally, construction technical of integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar was preliminarily established according to the common problem and construction management experience of thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar and guidelines for the preparation of national construction technical. In this paper, long-term effective application way of construction technical of integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar in enterprises and construction technical were set up through research, in order to achieve formal construction technical. The relevant units about integrated thermal insulation system made of thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar should do that as soon as possible.


