

The Action Research on Emotional Understanding Competence Promotion Through Thematic-fantasy Play of5-6Years Old Children in Kindergarten

【作者】 肖华锋

【导师】 王峥;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 学前教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 幼儿的世界是充满情绪的世界,有人曾说幼儿是情绪的俘虏,幼儿情绪理解对其成长发展具有十分重要的作用。情绪理解能力是情绪能力的重要组成部分,也是情绪能力其他子项目的发展基础。长期以来,情绪理解都是作为儿童心理理论能力的焦点研究内容。已有研究表明,情绪理解的发展是幼儿阶段的主要发展任务之一,它有助于幼儿良好心理健康的形成,为幼儿提供形成良好人际社会交往的基础,有助于幼儿社会化发展。幼儿阶段是儿童情绪理解能力迅速发展的时期,而游戏是幼儿学习生活的主要方式和途径,研究表明,表演游戏能促进幼儿的阅读理解能力,并且对其情绪情感发展具有促进作用。因此,本研究尝试利用表演游戏作为促进幼儿情绪理解能力发展的媒介。本研究在前人研究的基础上,采用行动研究的方法,在实践过程中不断的探索以期能寻找可能的教育模式,形成可行的教育方案,为幼儿园开展促进幼儿情绪理解能力的相关实践活动提供一定的依据和参考。研究主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分,前言,阐述本研究的选题缘由,运用文献法收集相关资料,并对相关文献进行梳理,探讨情绪理解在幼儿成长发展过程中的重要作用,并论述表演游戏对促进幼儿情绪理解的教育价值,为表演游戏促进幼儿情绪理解的教育活动做好铺垫,并为下一步的实践探讨提供理论参考。第二部分,研究设计。确定本研究的研究目的、研究思路和研究方法、研究工具,以及确定研究对象与参与研究人员,为开展行动研究做好充分的前期准备工作。第三部分,表演游戏促进幼儿情绪理解能力发展的教育实施。通过对参与组幼儿与未参与组幼儿情绪理解能力的前期测评,了解其情绪能力的状况,为开展行动研究做好前期准备工作。将表演游戏的内容聚焦在:高兴、伤心、生气、害怕四个主题,并依据这四个方面的内容,确定具体的教学活动框架与方案,按照预定的方案进行实施,在实施的过程中验证方案的可行性,通过对方案以及对整个实施过程的反思、调整、再实施与再改善的循环中来不断地完善研究方案。并通过最后对参与组和未参与组幼儿重新进行情绪理解能力的测查,检验表演游戏对幼儿情绪理解能力的影响效果。研究结果显示,表演游戏有助于幼儿情绪理解能力的提升。外因情绪理解、基于信念的情绪理解、对情绪调节的理解、基于情绪线索的理解和道德情绪理解得到了非常显著的提高。第四部分,行动的反思,根据行动研究实施的过程做出反思及建议。表演游戏对幼儿情绪表情的识别与表达能力以及有关情绪理解任务中的亚能力均有明显的促进作用。通过运用表演游戏提高幼儿情绪理解能力的相关建议,幼儿园应重视幼儿情绪的发展,为幼儿情绪健康教育活动提供必要的硬件设施;为教师提供必要的基于专业发展的理论支持和机会;结合行动研究的教育实践,对关于表演游戏的设计和实施提出相关的建议;利用表演游戏,推进家园合作,共同培养幼儿良好的情绪能力。

【Abstract】 The world of children is full of emotion; someone even says children are the capture of theemotion. The emotion understanding plays the significant role in children’s growing. It is the maincomponent of the emotion competence; meanwhile, it is also the basis to promote the other parts of theemotion competence. For a long time, emotion understanding is the focus study content of in children’stheory of mind. The studies have demonstrated that the development of emotion understanding is one of themain assignments in children phase, because it can help children to form well mental health, and providethe foundation to form the well social interpersonal relationship, it helps the children’s development ofsocialization. In children phase the emotion understanding progress rapidly, while the play is the mainpattern and approach that the children to learn and to live. The studies have demonstrated thatthematic-fantasy play can prompt the reading comprehension of the children, and to their emotion andfeeling developing it also has the effect of encouragement. Therefore, this research uses thethematic-fantasy play as the medium to prompt the children’s emotion understanding.Basing on the experience of existing research, this research takes the method of action research.In the process of practice the research expect to find the probable education pattern and to form the feasibleeducation program. In order to provide some references to the kindergartens that take the action to promotethe children’s emotion understanding. The research includes the following parts:The first part, as the introduction. In this part, explained the reasons of selection this task, usedthe method of literature to sort out the literature material, and discussed emotion understanding plays animportant role during the children development, also analyzed the educational value of thematic-fantasyplay in children’s emotion understanding development. This part is the base to the following educationalactivities because it provides the theory reference to the thematic-fantasy play to prompt the children’semotion understanding.The second part, research design. Ascertain the research purpose/research thinking/the researchmethod/research tool, the research object and the people in this research. According to the children’sdevelopment status made the full preparations for the specific action research.The third part, take the research scheme into practice. Through the children’s emotion understanding assessment, understand the ability between the children5-6years old who took part in thisresearch and the children without interventions. According to the children’s development status made thefull preparations for the specific action research. The content of thematic-fantasy play in this research focuson the four aspects, glad、sad、angry and scared. According to the four aspects determine the specificeducational activity framework and plan, and put the reservation scheme into implementation. In theprocess of implementation, the researchers proved the feasibility of scheme. Through the cycle ofconstantly implementation、reflection and regulation to perfect the plan. In the end verify the effect ofthematic-fantasy play on children’s emotion understanding, through comparing the participants and notparticipants. The research shows that the thematic-fantasy plays contribute to the promotion of children’semotion understanding abilities. External causes emotional understanding of emotion understanding, basedon belief, emotion regulation, based on emotional clues to understanding and understanding of moralemotion has been very significant improvements.The fourth part, the reflection on action, according to the process of implement about the actionresearch, put summary and some advice. The thematic-fantasy play has a significant role to promote the5-6years old children’s emotion understanding abilities. Through the thematic-fantasy play give some adviceon how to improve children’s emotion understanding. The kindergarten should pay attention to children’semotional development and the motional aspects of education; prepare some facilities to the educationalactivities; provide the necessary theoretical support and opportunity on professional development to theteacher; combine the action of education practice, give some suggestions about the design andimplementation of the thematic-fantasy play. Use the thematic-fantasy play to do the family-kindergartencooperation, do the cooperation to educate children’s good emotion ability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

