

Reflective Teaching High School Thought Political Lesson in This Paper

【作者】 杨效伟

【导师】 刘明华; 程崇杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文阐述了中学思想政治课的反思性教学,就是将反思性理论运用于中学政治课的教学实践中去。教师借助于对教学实践的行动研究,通过听课观摩、观看教学录像、教研活动、写反思日记等形式,不断反思自己和他人在中学思想政治课教学中的优点和不足,客观对待教学实践,取其精华,弃其糟粕,批判继承。同时还要在教学实践中,面向各种优秀教学理论,博采众长,以我为主,为我所用。在中学思想政治课的教学实践中,从教学整体的和变化发展的教学实际出发,充分发挥主观能动性,用科学的教学理论指导我们的教学实践,坚持与时俱进,开拓创新,以求真务实的精神探求中学思想政治课的教学发展规律,对教学的各个方面进行反思,发挥学生的主体作用,提高学生发现问题,解决问题和合作探究能力,让学生学会学习和教师学会教学相结合,教师通过对自己教学的反思,改正教学中的不足,发扬自己教学中的优点,以提高自己的教学水平和学生的学习效果,努力提高教学的合理性。最终,通过反思性教学,使自己由一个教书匠成长为一名学者型教师。本文探讨了反思性教学在思想政治课教学中的应用,并坚持以马克思主义为指导思想,坚持辩证法的革命批判精神,坚持用发展的观点和创新的思维方式,对待思想政治课的教学实践。在行文中的思路遵循:“提出问题——探讨研究问题——解决问题”的思路,对中学思想政治课反思性教学的形成及特征,反思性教学中存在哪些问题,然后提出解决的策略,以及作为反思性教学的教师应该具备的基本素质进行探讨。本文主要是针对反思性教学在具体到思想政治课上怎么进行应用,以及应该采取的措施。作为反思性教学和平时的传统的教学区别之处就在于,反思性教学不仅仅是传授知识,而更重要的是要提高传授知识的艺术性。要在教学中,不断的运用批判性的思维,发现其中合理之处是什么,那些值得我们今后借鉴,并提出自己新的看法,加以发展和创新,从这方面看,其具有创新性;存在哪些不合理的因素,如何对其进行研究,加以改正和剔除,具有研究性。中学思想政治课的反思性教学,一方面通过对思想政治课教学的反思,促进思想政治课教学质量和水平的提高,更重要的是要求教师要有发现思想政治课教学中问题的意识,要通过分析教学中积累的丰富教学经验,透过现象抓住思想政治课教学的本质和规律,促进教师自身不断成长,让教师得到全面发展。并且教师自身的成长是一个辩证否定永无止境的发展过程。通过教师自身的发展,提高教学能力,然后激发学生的学习兴趣、挖掘学生的智慧,让学生学会学习,使学生成长为一名自觉的、主动获取知识的学习者,最终达到教师和学生的共同发展。

【Abstract】 This paper describes the reflective teaching middle school politics class, is the reflection theoryapplied to teaching practice in the Middle School Politics. Teachers by means of action research onteaching practice through lectures to watch, watch educational videos, teaching and research activities,write a reflection diary and other forms, and constantly reflect on themselves and others the strengths andweaknesses in the ideological and political teaching in secondary schools, and objective approach to theteaching practice, take its essence and discard its dross, and critical inheritance. But also in teachingpractice, for outstanding teaching theory, absorbing, focus on ourselves and for our own use.Teaching Practice in middle school politics, development and changes in teaching from teaching thewhole reality, and give full play to the initiative, scientific teaching theory to guide our teaching practice,adhere to the times, blaze new trails in order to seek truth andpragmatic spirit to explore the law ofdevelopment of the teaching of middle school politics to reflect on all aspects of teaching, play theprincipal role of students, improve students ’problems are detected, problem solving and cooperation toexplore the ability of the students’ learning to learn and teachers learning to Teachteachers throughreflection on their teaching, to correct the lack of teaching, to carry forward the advantages of their ownteaching in order to improve the standard of teaching and student learning, and strive to improve therationality of teaching. Ultimately, through reflective teaching, so that their growth by a Jiaoshu Jiang as ascholar-teachers.This paper explores the application of reflective teaching in the ideological and political teaching,and adhere to Marxism as the guiding ideology, adhere to the dialectics of the revolutionary critical spirit,adhere to the viewpoint of development and innovative way of thinking, to treat the teaching practice of ideological and political. Thinking of ideas to follow the wording:"to ask questions-to explore theresearch question-to solve the problem", the formation and characteristics of secondary school ideologicaland political course of reflective teaching, reflective teaching, what are the problems, and proposestrategies to solve them. as well as reflective teaching, teachers should have basic quality.In this paper, is how specific to the ideological and political lesson for reflective teachingapplications, and should take measures. Reflective Teaching and the usual traditional teaching differencebetween is that reflective teaching is not just imparting knowledge, but more important is to enhance the artof imparting knowledge. Teaching, the constant use of critical thinking, discovery of which a reasonableplace is worthy of our future draw, and make their own new perspective to development and innovation,from this perspective, the innovative; exist What unreasonable factors, how they study, to be corrected andremoved, with the researchReflective teaching in middle school politics class, on the one hand, the reflection of the ideologicaland political teaching, promote the improvement of the quality and level of ideological and politicalteaching is more important is the awareness of teachers have found that the ideological and politicalteaching toseize the nature and laws of the ideological and political teaching through the analysis ofteaching accumulated rich experience in teaching, through the appearance to promote the teachers continueto grow, and allow teachers to get all-round development. And the teacher’s own growth is a never-endingprocess of development of a dialectical negation. Development of teachers, improve teaching ability, andthen to stimulate students’ interest, and tap the wisdom of the students, for students to learn how to learn, toenable students to grow into a self-conscious, take the initiative to obtain the knowledge learners, andultimately achieve the co-teachers and students developments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】121

