

The Study on Selection and Promotion of the District Magistrate in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 李换平

【导师】 张德宗; 苗书梅;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 宋代的知县、县令,可以由京朝官、幕职州县官、大使臣、小使臣等各类文、武臣担任,京朝官和大使臣充任者称知县,幕职州县官和小使臣充任者称县令。县令之职,“最为亲民”,知县、县令的选任和迁转尤为重要。宋代知县、县令的选任,以按资格注拟为主,荐举制发挥着重要的补充作用。宋朝按照县望等级、事务繁简和地理位置等,划分京朝官阙位、选人阙位和武臣阙位,分别选用符合条件的文、武官员担任知县、县令。随着时代的变迁,京朝官和选人之间、文臣和武臣之间不断地进行着调整。宋代对担任知县、县令者,从出身、考任、举主等方面提出一定的限制条件,有出身、无出身、摄官出身、流外出身、进纳出身人等满足相关条件要求之后,才可以注拟知县、县令差遣。宋代知县、县令满任后,可向通判、签判、干办公事(勾当公事)、知州、监司、在京职事官等各种差遣迁转。宋代官员的选任方式,有堂除、部注、奏辟、权摄等,知县、县令满任后,可以按不同的任官方式担任新的差遣,多种任官方式的存在,是构成知县、县令迁转去向多样化的原因之一。资序和履历比折的存在,可以在不同岗位上积累升迁条件,这也是知县、县令迁转去向多样化的重要原因。为官过犯的影响,也造成知县、县令迁转去向多样化。在宋代,知县、县令阙位一直填充不满,缺员现象严重。这个问题是由多种原因造成的,首先,宋代知县、县令职责繁重,县政面临重重困难,士人畏于作邑,这是知县、县令缺员的主要原因。此外,造成知县、县令的缺员,还有地域因素和社会背景因素。地域因素造成的缺员,如广南等地自然条件恶劣,士人不愿赴任。社会背景造成的缺员,主要在王安石变法时期、两宋之交、秦桧专权时期。为解决知县、县令的缺员问题,宋朝廷采取一系列措施,如强调实历知县的重要性、调整知县、县令的选任方式、降低选任要求、加速知县、县令升迁,但并未能改变知县、县令缺员的局面。

【Abstract】 In the Song Dynasty, district magistrates were select from metropolitan officials, court officials,ancillary, minister commissioner-in-chief and xiaoshichen. District magistrates from metropolitan and courtofficials were called zhixian, District magistrates from ancillary and xiaoshichen were called xianling. Dueto their managing people directly, the appointment and promotion of district magistrates were especiallyimportant.The appointment of district magistrates mainly follows qualifications, and recommendation plays acomplementary role. The positions of district magistrates were divided into several categories formetropolitan and court officials, ancillary and military officials according to social stratum, affairs andlocation of the counties. The selection were adjusted among metropolitan and court officials, ancillary, civilrespectively and military officials according to the current political situation. There imposed restrictions onthe selection of district magistrates, including class origin, official career. Only when they met with allthose restrictions, could those metropolitan graduate, circulating offices, provisional be chosen as districtmagistrates.District magistrates promoted to the assistant prefect position, to department magistrate position;toregional inspector position or court gentleman position and so on. Because of many kinds of selection,equality of qualification stems from officer experience and official career the promoted position of thedistrict magistrates were various.There were shortages of district magistrates due to regions, the current political situation and difficultieswhich disturbed the counties. In order to change the situation, a series of measures were taken, such aslimiting the dispatch assign of the officials who had not been district magistrates, departmental appointment,holding a post reward, expiring reward, promotion of qualification stems from officer experience, cuttingdown the numbers of officials who could recommend, shortening the circuit of evaluation for reassignment,promotion, being giving preferential treatment in dispatch assign and so on, but all of these failed to changethe situation.

【关键词】 宋代知县县令选任迁转
【Key words】 the Song Dynastydistrict magistrateappointmentpromotion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【下载频次】236

