

A Study on Spatial Location of Cultural and Creative Industries in Zhengzhou

【作者】 李慧

【导师】 苗长虹;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新经济和后工业社会的到来,文化创意产业作为知识经济社会中新的财富创造形态,在世界各地迅速崛起,引起了政府和学术界的广泛关注,我国各地也掀起了大力发展文化创意产业的热潮。《国务院关于支持河南省加快建设中原经济区的指导意见》把建设华夏历史文明传承创新区作为中原经济区的五大战略定位之一,要求郑州大力发展文化创意产业,加快城市转型,发挥区域中心城市的辐射带动作用。产业的空间区位问题一直是经济地理学研究的核心,文化创意产业的发展需要哪些区位因素和环境条件是产业可持续发展首先要关心的问题。本文运用新经济地理学的相关理论,在研究郑州文化创意产业发展现状和空间分布的基础上,探索基于本地的文化氛围、人才知识、制度环境、市场经济等条件下,郑州文化创意产业发展的空间特征和影响因素等,为郑州创意产业集聚区选址提供一些思路。论文首先是理论基础部分,包括绪论,文化创意产业的相关概念、分类、特征及理论研究综述。在此基础上,根据新经济地理学的制度、文化与关系理论,提出理论研究框架,归纳并探讨了影响文化创意产业发展的空间区位因素和区位集聚机制。其次是实证分析部分,介绍了郑州市文化创意产业的发展建设情况,分析其空间分布格局和特征,并总结郑州发展文化创意产业的环境条件。再次,以郑州小樱桃卡通公司为案例,介绍其成长历程,分析影响其发展的空间区位因素及其动力机制。最后是结语,对全文进行回顾总结。本文主要结论:①文化创意产业基于地方的文化和资源优势,呈现本土化和空间集聚化发展特征。文化创意产业的区位是地方环境与企业创新能力的共同互动的结果。其成功发展的环境条件,宏观上包括社会文化环境、人才知识资源、政府制度环境、市场经济环境以及相关技术行业的支持等,微观上包括成本因子、交易成本因子和规模经济因子等,而社会关系网络则是联系宏观和微观之间的纽带,这些因素耦合作用共同影响着文化创意产业的区位选择。②郑州文化创意产业发展整体处于起步培养阶段,大多数园区都大力扶植发展动漫产业。在空间分布上,郑州的文化创意产业除软件、动漫等新兴产业外,其余主要分布在京广铁路以东的城市中心区;企业多在基准地价的3-5级区域,产业园区主要集中分布在基准地价的5-7级区域,在西北和东北两个高校和商圈集中的区域有较为集中的分布。③在发展实效上,文化创意氛围、人才知识资源、政府政策扶植、区域相关行业的支持、市场经济因素等区位优势都是郑州文化创意产业发展的影响因素。尤其是区域创新环境和地方制度环境在郑州文化创意产业的发展集聚过程中发挥了重要的作用。④郑州小樱桃卡通公司的发展过程表明,文化创意产业集群的形成发展,不仅是企业自身成长的过程,更是行动者与地方环境共同作用的结果。影响郑州动漫产业集群的形成演化的因素,主要是创新环境、地方制度环境、市场环境以及相关支持行业。政府的介入有利于动漫产业集群的形成发展以及构建与外界交流的知识管道,从而弥补大学、科研机构等人才智力资源以及城市的吸引力和便利性的不足。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of the new economy and the post-industrial society, cultural and creativeindustries rise rapidly around the world and arouse widespread concern in government and academia as anew type of fortune in the knowledge-based economy. And in our country, all over the country has also setoff a craze develop cultural and creative industries. The construction of Chinese history and civilizationheritage Innovation zone has been one of the five strategic positioning in the central plains economic zone,which is written in <The guidance of the State Council on the support of Henan Province to accelerate theconstruction of the Central Plains Economic Zone>.It asked Zhengzhou vigorously develop the culture andcreative industries, speed up the urban transformation, play the city’s leading role of radiation as a regionalcenter. Industrial space problem has always been the core of economic geography, we concern first indeveloping cultural and creative industries is which location factors and environmental conditions is theindustry sustainable development need. In this paper, we use the new economic geography theory, on thebasis of the status quo and spatial distribution of the study the development of cultural and creative industriesin Zhengzhou, to explore the spatial characteristics and influencing factors of the cultural industrydevelopment based on the basic situation in Zhengzhou and provide some ideas for the site of Zhengzhoucreative industries area.Basic theory is the first part of this paper, it contains introduction, the related concept,classification and features of culture and creative industries and Theoretical research of this paper. and then.According to the system of the new economic geography, culture and relations theory, we proposedtheoretical research framework and summarizes and discusses the spatial location factors and the area of the development of cultural and creative industries cluster mechanism. The second part of this paper is anempirical analysis, it introduce the development and construction of the cultural and creative industries inZhengzhou,analyze the spatial distribution pattern and characteristics and sum up the environmentalconditions of the development of cultural creative industries in Zhengzhou. The third part is a case aboutZhengzhou Cherry cartoon company, introduced its growth course, analysis the impact of the developmentof spatial location factors and the dynamic mechanism. At last is conclusion, review and sum up to the fullpaper.The main conclusions of this paper are:①Cultural and creative industries base on local cultural and resource advantage, show thelocalization and spatial clustering development characteristics. The location of the cultural and creativeindustries is the result of the interaction of the local environment and enterprise innovation capability. Theenvironmental conditions of the successful development contain social and cultural environment, personnelknowledge resources, government institutional environment, the market economy environment and thetechnology industry support. At the macro factors,and contain cost factor, the transaction cost factor and thefactor of economies of scale at the micro factors, then Network of social relations is the bridge of this twofactors, all these factor affect the location choice of the cultural and creative industries.②The culture and creative industries in Zhengzhou is in the initial training phase, most of theindustries parks are support to the development of animation industry. On the spatial distribution, in additionto software, animation and other emerging industries, the rest are mainly in urban centers to the east ofBeijing-Guangzhou railway; most enterprises are in the3-5class regional benchmark premium and mainlyconcentrated in the5-7class regional benchmark premium in the industrial park. The northwest andnortheast two universities and the business district area are another concentrated distribution areas. ③In the effectiveness of development, factors affecting the development of Zhengzhou culturaland creative industries contains location advantages of the culture, market factors, the support of regionalindustry, intellectual resources, and the facilitate of the city.especially The regional innovation environmentand the local institutional environment play an important role in the development of the agglomerationprocess of Zhengzhou cultural and creative industries.④The development process of the cherry cartoon company in Zhengzhou showed that Theformation and development of the cultural and creative industries cluster is not only the process of enterprisegrowth, but also the result of the role of actors and local environmental. The factors that affect theZhengzhou animation industry cluster are mainly Innovative environment, the local institutionalenvironment, market environment, as well as related support industries. Government intervention is in favorof cluster formation and development of animation industry knowledge and builds the pipeline thatcommunication with the outside world. Which make up the lack of the intellectual resources of universities,research institutions and other personnel, as well as the attractiveness of the city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

