

The Study of Saintly Characters in Shakespeare’s Dramas

【作者】 李媛媛

【导师】 李伟昉;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 莎士比亚戏剧属于伊丽莎白时期的世俗戏剧,虽然重在宣扬人文主义个性解放思想,但是由于文化渊源继承性,人文主义继承了基督教文化中“仁慈、博爱、宽恕”及注重人的性灵和道德完善等道德观念。莎士比亚戏剧创作中亦有基督教道德观的体现,不仅仅是体现在圣经典故的化用和宗教主题上,还体现在一些宗教意味浓厚的戏剧人物言行上。莎士比亚作品中的正面人物往往都是些虔诚的基督徒,这类具有圣徒精神的虔诚基督徒,或是修道士牧师,或是贞洁的女性形象,都传达出了作家的道德观念和人文精神探索。本文有由以下几个方面构成:引言主要是梳理本课题的国内外研究现状,确定本文研究方法及研究内容。第一章是莎士比亚戏剧中的基督教思想和圣徒形象溯源。在莎士比亚戏剧与基督教联系的事实基础上,通过溯源圣经和中世纪圣徒传中的圣徒形象和英格兰圣徒崇拜,对圣徒特征和精神有个广义界定。第二章是分类和评析莎士比亚戏剧中的圣徒式人物。对圣徒特征和精神有个广义界定后并按照“仁慈博爱”和“宽恕牺牲”的宗教道德角度切入文本,划分出莎剧中的三类圣徒式人物类型:一类是本身担任神职并且以身作则,宣扬“仁爱”“宽恕”等基督教传统道德观念的神父;一类是本身不具备宗教职务,但是信仰虔诚、品行高洁,面对现实和信仰的道德困境,宁愿自我牺牲的圣洁女性;还有一类是融合了市民自私“利己”心态和圣徒无私“利民”气质的和解型人物,这类人物是人文复兴时期作家对宗教道德和人文主义精神碰撞的一种妥协,显现出作家对人性解放和道德约束的思考和探索。第三章是从人物叙事学角度把握莎剧中圣徒式人物形象特征,并探讨其美学意义和没落原因。随着作者对现实矛盾认识的深入,作品中所表现出的圣徒式人物形象逐渐融合和发展,由功能性人物形象逐渐转变成心理性人物形象,这是与当时宗教改革和社会发展影响密切相关的,毕竟人文主义价值观在取代宗教道德观的过程必须经过磨合才能达到一种圆融平衡的状态。把莎士比亚戏剧置于时代背景下,凸显伊丽莎白时代莎剧中这类圣徒式人物的没落衰亡,表现出莎士比亚的宗教人文主义精神探索。结语总结了全文内容,并就莎士比亚在戏剧中塑造出圣徒式人物形象和其形象发展的特征和文学史意义进行总结。

【Abstract】 Shakespeare belongs to the secular drama of the Elizabethan period, although the focuses to promotehumanist personality of emancipating the mind, but because of the cultural origins of inheritance, andhumanist inheritance of Christian culture,"kindness, love, forgiveness" and focus on spirituality and moralperfection and moralconcept.Shakespeare creation is also the embodiment of Christian morality, not just ofuse of Biblical allusions and religious themes, is also reflected in the religious flavor, a strong dramaticcharacter words and deeds.The positive character in the works of Shakespeare are often are devoutChristians, these saints the spirit of the devout Christian, or monks pastor, or the chaste image of women, toconvey the writer’s moral values and the human spirit exploration.The article has the following composition:Introduction combing this topic research status to determine the research approach of this research.Thefirst chapter of Christian thought and the Saints the Origin of Shakespeare.The basis of the facts of theShakespeare plays and Christian links, the image of the saints in the traceability of the Bible and medievalhagiography and the saints of England worship, there is a broadly defined Saints characteristics and spirit.The second chapter is the classification and assessment of saints figure in Shakespeare’s plays.And cutin accordance with the "benevolent fraternity and forgiveness sacrifice" religious and moral point of viewSaints characteristics and spirit of a generalized definition text, divided into three categories of saints in theShakespeare types of characters: a class itself as clergy and lead by example to promote traditional moralvalues Benevolence and forgiveness Christian priest; a class itself does not have a religious duty, but thedevout conduct virtuous, moral dilemmas to face reality and belief, preferring self-sacrifice of the holywomen;Another is the integration of public selfishness selfish mentality and selfless saints, the peopletemperament reconciliation figures, such figures is the humanistic Renaissance writers on religious ethicsand humanism collision a compromise, the show writers reflection and exploration of the liberation ofhumanity and moral constraints.The third chapter is from the perspective of characters narrative and grasp the characteristics of theShakespeare in the saints characters, and explore its aesthetic significance, and the decline of reason.With the depth of understanding of the real contradictions, the saints characters works out the gradual integrationand development of functional characters gradually into the psychological character, which is close to thereligious reform and social development of related, after all, the humanist values in the process to replacethe religious morality must be running in order to achieve a harmonious, balanced state.Shakespeare in thebackground, highlighting the decline of the Decline and Fall of the Elizabethan Shakespeare such saintsfigures, showing Shakespeare’s religious humanism explore.The conclusion summarizes the full-textcontent, and to Shakespeare in the theater shape the saints characters and the image characteristics andhistory of literature meaning to sum up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

