

Biography Teaching in the Senior High School Research

【作者】 王素芳

【导师】 付民之; 徐砚田;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 传记是我国一种久远又活力四射的文体,它发源于亘古时代,成熟于汉代,繁盛于现当代。《史记》是传记这种文体成熟的标志,其后《汉书》、《后汉书》等传记作品也有佳作。到了现当代,传记得到空前发展,无论是传记作品的数量还是作家数量都达到顶峰。同时传记自身的特点,让它成为一项重要内容进入语文课程。特别是新课改后,传记作品对学生的多方面影响受教育界的关注,其地位也在语文教材中有所提升,传记作品被设为一个独立的单元;同时每年高考试卷中传记作品的命题率较高,分值也较多,且近三年个别省份在实用类文本阅读部分也出现了人物传记试题。面对这种变化,许多从教者不知所措。现就这些问题展开论述。全文共三个部分:第一章从理论上界定了传记和传记文学的概念,总结了传记文学的特征:真实性、表现传主个性、艺术性、一定的顺序性,还对传记这种文体进行了分类。这部分的内容可以使读者初步了解传记作品。此外还论述了传记教学的研究意义和教学现状。主要从传记研究的现实意义和教育意义两个方面阐述了研究传记教学的意义,教学现状分为必修和选修课的教学现状。第二章主要将传记同其他写人记事类文体如写人记事记叙文、写人记事散文、小说、戏剧、古代叙事散文进行对比,及从高考试题中得出教学启示。第三章梳理了高中语文系列教科书中传记的选文,并分析了一下选文特点,总结教学方法。总之,传记应结合自身的特点来教学,教师应该运用各种方法调动学生学习的积极性,充分发挥传记的励志及其他功能。

【Abstract】 Biographies literature is a permanent and dynamic literature and it originated in from the Handynasty, mature and prosperity in Modern and Contemporary. The Records of the Grand Historian isbiographical literature badge of maturity, The History of the Han Dynasty, the history of latter Han of hisworks are also masterwork. Biographical literature Modern and Contemporary, unprecedented development,and biographies without number or quantity of writers has achieved the peak. The biographical literatureown characteristics and let it become an important element in the language classes. Especially after thechange, biography for many respects, influence by the education of its position on language teachingmaterials. the biography is set to an independent unit;the college entrance exam a year in the biographyrate higher and more, and header values,And nearly three years in some provinces practical read the text ofthe characters in his papers. Faced with such a change, a lot of teachers all get confused.The text of three sections:First chapter in theory to define the biographical literature of theconcept of a summary of literary: authenticity, expression, artistic biographies of the hero of character anddegree of order, for his literary group made a brief summary. This part of contents readers can make apreliminary understanding of his work. Beside,discussing the characters in his teaching research andteaching the status.The main point from his study of actual significance and the two sides on his teaching,research and teaching the status quo is compulsory course in the status quo. Chapter3will primarily figureswith other people remember his style of people crowded in the narrative, write one long prose, fiction,drama, and the prose narratives in contrast, and from the college entrance examination papers to reach theteaching of revelation. Chapter4is tease out the high school textbooks language of the characters in thebiography of the text, and analyze the characteristics of the selected text and teaching methods.In short, biographical literature should be combined with its own characteristics to teach, teachersshould use a variety of methods of mobilizing the initiative of the students learned, full life of the spirit andother features.

【关键词】 高中传记教学研究
【Key words】 Senior high schoolBiographyTeaching and research
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】295

