

The Study on Harmony of Land Use and the Eco-environment in Kaifeng City

【作者】 张运祺

【导师】 朱连奇;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 自然地理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存发展的物质基础,人类的生存空间及生产活动都与土地发生着密切的联系。土地利用是人类最重要的生产生活方式之一,也是人类社会与大自然相互影响和作用,共同发展与不断进化的产物。土地利用的动态变化,是自然、经济和社会等诸多因素共同作用的结果,其实质是人类为满足其社会经济发展需要,不断调整配置各种土地利用的过程。工业革命以后,掠夺性的经济增长方式激化了经济发展与生态环境之间的矛盾,同时也给土地资源带来了深远的负面影响,不合理的土地利用方式使得生态环境质量日趋恶化,土地的协调有序利用也遭到了严重破坏。城市化进程的迅速推进,促使建设用地需求急剧增加,城市规模扩大与耕地保护之间的矛盾日益突出,人地矛盾加剧,环境问题也越来越严重。当前,我国正处在一个新的战略机遇期,党中央提出全面建设小康社会与和谐社会的目标。开封作为中原经济区的核心城市,应抓住中原战略崛起的发展机遇,把握城市的发展方向和目标,增强城市的核心竞争力。因此,对开封市土地利用与生态环境的协调度进行评价,无论从社会经济发展角度,还是土地生态利用的可持续性的角度,协调土地利用与生态环境的关系都具有十分重要的意义。本文以开封市为研究区,对开封市土地利用与生态环境的协调发展程度做出了协调度评价,全文共分为六个部分:第一部分:主要介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义,并对国内外土地利用协调性评价研究的现状进行综述。第二部分:归纳总结了土地利用协调评价研究的理论基础。第三部分:首先介绍本研究区概况,包括自然地理概况和社会经济概况,然后,对开封市土地利用变化特征进行了研究。第四部分:土地利用协调度评价的方法,包括评价体系,数据的处理方法以及评价模型。第五部分:运用灰色模型以及协调发展度模型对研究区土地利用系统中的社会经济子系统和生态环境子系统协调度进行了综合评价,并对结果进行了分析。第六部分:主要结论与不足。结果表明:1998-1999年期间土地利用协调发展类型属于初级协调发展类,2000-2003年期间属于中级协调发展类,2004-2008年期间演进到良好协调发展类。评价结果显示了研究期内开封市土地利用的社会经济子系统与生态环境子系统由研究初期的初级协调发展演变为后期良好协调发展类,土地利用系统的协调发展度呈现逐年增长的态势,土地利用正逐步向协调、可持续的方向发展。

【Abstract】 Land is the material basis on which human beings live by it. The living space and productive activitiesof human being are closely related to land. Land utilization is one of the important productive lifestyles ofhuman being, and also the outcome of common development and constant evolution under the mutualinfluence and impact of human society and nature. The dynamic change of land utilization results from thejoint effort of nature, economy, society and other factors. It is, in fact, the process of constantly adjustingand allocating all kinds of land utilization to meet the needs of social and economic development by humanbeing. After industrial revolution, the plundered pattern of economic growth intensified the contradictionbetween economic development and ecological environment. At the same time, it brought far-reachingnegative impact on land resources, unreasonable pattern of land utilization made the ecological andenvironmental quality increasingly deteriorative, and coordinated and orderly utilization of land was undergravely damage. The rapid boost of the urbanization course urged the sharp increase on the need ofconstructive land. The contradiction between expansile urban scale and cultivated land protection wasincreasingly prominent, the contradiction between human and land was intensified, and environmentalproblem was to become more serious everyday. At present, China is at a period of new strategicopportunities. The Party Central Committee proposed the target to build a moderately prosperous society inall aspects and a harmonious society. As a core city in central plains economic zone, Kaifeng should seizethe developmental opportunities in the rise of central China, grasp the direction and aim of urbandevelopment and strengthen its core competitiveness. Therefore, whether from the perspective of social andeconomic development or of unstainable utilization of land, the launch of evaluation on the coordination ofland utilization and ecological environment in Kaifeng city has significant meaning as well as thecoordinating relations between them.This paper takes Kaifeng city as research area, makes coordinated evaluation on the coordinatedevelopment of land utilization and ecological environment in Kaifeng city. This paper is divided into sixparts.Part1: This part mainly introduces the research background, aim and meaning, and summarizes thecurrent condition of the coordinated evaluation on land utilization at home and abroad. Part2: We concludes and summarizes the theoretical basis of researching coordinated evaluation onland utilization.Part3: It firstly introduces the general situation of the research sample-Kaifeng, including the generalsituation of physical geography and social economy. And then it studies the changing characteristics of landutilization in Kaifeng city.Part4: It proposes the method of coordinated evaluation on land utilization, including evaluationsystem, handling method of data and evaluation model.Part5:Using gray model and coordinated development model, it overall evaluates the coordination ofsocial and economical subsystem and environmental subsystem in the system of land utilization in researcharea, and analyzes the result.Part6: Main conclusion and shortage.The result shows that the coordinated development type of land utilization during1998to1999belongs to primary coordinated development, that during2000to2003belongs to middle coordinateddevelopment, and that during2004to2008evolves towards better coordinated development. Theevaluation result shows that during the research, the social and economical subsystem and ecologicalenvironmental subsystem of land utilization in Kaifeng city translate from primary coordinateddevelopment at the first time into better coordinated development afterward, the coordinated developmentof land utilization system appears a tendency to rise year after year, and the land utilization is developingtowards coordination and sustainability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】X820;F301.24
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】262

