

Another Existential Reading of Wuthering Heights

【作者】 吉杰波

【导师】 高继海;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 艾米莉·勃朗特是世界驰名的英国作家。作为“文学之谜”,她的唯一一部小说《呼啸山庄》引起了无数学者以及批评家的注意。由于精妙叙事技巧和含混的主题,它也是最深奥的小说之一。研究者也用不同方法从不同的角度评论这部小说。从神话-原型批评到女性主义,从佛洛依德的心理分析到结构主义,从玄学派的分析到浪漫主义分析,对这部小说的阐释没有一致的意见。研究的多元化丰富了本小说的研究,我们期待用新视角来审视这部不朽之作。存在主义的特点和这部小说不谋而合。存在主义是一个把人类命运,价值及自由作为中心的学派。它肯定了人类在大千世界的地位,价值和意义。这部小说突出了这些要点。他们完美结合。用存在主义以更广泛的方式尝试分析本小说,我们会发现在分析本小说的过程中存在主义全面展现出来。本论文除了一个引言和结论外,分为三章。引言部分首先介绍了艾米莉·勃朗特的生平简况和小说的基本情节。接着按照时间顺序对国内外对该小说的评论做了一个回顾,指出从新视角用存在主义分析本小说能使我们更好地理解它。最后,论文对本文中使用的存在主义的背景和用到的理论框架做了简单介绍,并且提出了论文的意义所在。第一章论文运用存在主义关于荒诞的观点来审视这部小说。首先,它介绍了荒诞的来源及其在小说中的体现。荒诞来源于人与世界的对立,小说中的例子也证明了这一点。然后,论文引入了最大的荒谬-死亡以及小说中的人物对待它的不同态度。接着,论文列出了对待荒谬的态度:自杀和反抗。最后,它集中讨论了存在主义哲学的本质-反抗及其限制。本文也告诉我们小说中是怎么体现反抗并用西斯克利夫的例子提醒我们不要忘了反抗的限制,它是一条不能踩踏的细细的红线。第二章审视了存在主义者萨特的断言:他人即地狱以及它在小说中的体现。首先论文指出此断言的来源和相关理论。接着论文简述了小说中的不正常的人际关系,分别用希斯克利夫和亨得利及林顿的例子加以说明并且探究其原因。在本部分的最后,论文纠正了人们对他人即地狱的误解并且用希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳及凯西和哈瑞顿例子来说明:人际关系处理不好,他人就是地狱;如果处理的好,他人就是天堂。第三章包括六个小部分。它谈论了自由的很多方面。在引语中,论文引入了萨特的两个基本概念:自在的存在和自为的存在及他们在小说中的体现。第一部分是关于自由的前提。作为无神论的存在者,一方面,萨特否定上帝的存在,这是他通往人类自由的第一张通行证。小说中的人物凯瑟琳和西斯克利夫根本不相信上帝。另一方面,他拒绝接受普遍的伦理标准,这是它通往自由的第二张通行证。小说中西斯克利夫是个完美的例子。第二部分是关于自由的理论基础:存在先于本质并且小说中许多人物的表现都证实了此原则。第三部分是关于自由的含义,它意味着自由选择。小说中的人物做出了不同的选择,这些选择又导致多样的结果。第四部分关注自由的限制。人们的选择受制于若干因素,像我的位置,我的过去,我的邻居,我的环境以及我的死亡,小说也全面证明了这些观点。在第五部分它强调了自由的要求。人们自由选择,因此他们注定要承担责任。小说中的人物追逐自由并且承担了他们的责任。本章的最后一部分,它关注自由的后果。人们自由选择导致承担责任,这本身有暗含的焦虑。小说中大部分人物的表现都支持此观点。这些都证明存在主义思想和艾米丽的思想不谋而合。在结论中,我们发现了存在主义者加缪和萨特的相似点。加缪认识到世界的荒谬并提出了反抗的原则,他也为反抗设定了界限;萨特强调了行动,它和反抗几乎是一样的,行动也受制于一些情景。这些存在主义的观点栩栩如生地展现在小说中。但是仅仅这些不能解决问题。幸运的是,艾米莉提出了另外一个方案-爱,它是对反抗和行动的补充。总而言之,艾米莉的思想不仅和存在主义的思想一致,而且他们可以互相补充。融合了反抗,行动和爱,所有难题都迎刃而解,理想的新天堂近在咫尺。

【Abstract】 Emily Bront is one of the most prominent English authors in the world. As “sphinx ofliterature”, her only novel Wuthering Heights attracts the attentions of many scholars andcritics alike. Owning to its advanced narrative techniques and the subtle themes, it is one ofthe most profound novels for the analytical approach. Researchers comment the novel fromvarious perspectives. From the mytho-archetypical criticism to feminism, from Freud’spsychoanalysis to structuralism, from metaphysical analysis to romantic analysis, there is nocommon consensus on the interpretation of the novel. The diversifications in the researchenrich the study of the novel, and new dimensions and perspectives are expected on theeverlasting novel. The thoughts of existentialism fit into the novel perfectly. Existentialism isa school that takes human fate, value and freedom as its concern. It asserts human’s position,value and meaning in the universe. The novel also highlights these points. They match quitewell. Trying to examine the novel in a comprehensive way in the light of existentialism, wecan find a whole picture of existentialism will be fully unfolded during the analysis of thenovel in the thesis.The thesis consists of three chapters except an introduction and conclusion. In theintroduction, the thesis presents the life of Emily Bront and summarizes the plot of the novel.Then, the thesis covers the literature reviews at home and abroad chronologically. Next, thethesis goes through the literature review and points out that using existentialism to analyze thenovel in a new perspective enables us to understand it better. Finally, the thesis gives a briefintroduction to the framework of the existentialism that we will employ in the thesis. In thispart, it also includes the significance of the thesis.Chapter One employs existentialists’ views on absurdity to examine the novel. First, it introduces the origin of absurdity and its embodiment in the novel. Absurdity results from theopposition between man and the world and the examples in the novel illustrate the point.Then, it relates the biggest absurdity-death and different characters in the novel choosediverse attitudes towards it. Next, it lists the attitudes towards absurdity-suicide and revolt.Finally, it focuses on the essence of existentialist Camus’ philosophy–revolt and the limit ofit. It also tells us how revolt shows itself in the novel and in the end using the example ofHeathcilff, the thesis reminds us of the limit of revolt, which is a thin red line forbidden totread.Chapter Two examines Sartre’s assertion: hell is other people. First, it points out theorientation of the assertion: hell is other people and the theory about it. Then, the thesis givesa general introduction on the abnormal relationships in the novel. It goes on illustrating thispoint with the examples of Heathcliff and Hindley, Heathciff and Linton and exploring theunderlying reasons. At the end of this part, the thesis corrects the misunderstandings towardshell is other people by giving the examples of Heathcliff and Catherine, Cathy and Haretonand draws an conclusion that human relationship, if badly dealt with, hell is other people; ifproperly dealt with, and heaven is other people.Chapter Three includes six sections. It circles around many aspects of freedom. In theintroduction, the thesis introduces two fundamental concepts of Sartre: being-in-self andbeing-for-itself and how they show themselves in the novel. The first section is about thepremise of freedom. As an atheistic existentialist Sartre, on one hand, denies the existence ofGod, which is his first pass to human freedom. The characters Catherine and Heathcliff don’tbelieve in God at all. On the other hand, he refuses to take the general moral norms, which isthe second pass to freedom. Heathcliff in the novel is a perfect example. In the second section,the thesis is on the theoretical basis of freedom: existence precedes essence and the behaviorsof many characters in the novel confirm the principle. In the third section, the thesis is about the implication of freedom, which means human is free to choose. In the novel, differentcharacters have different choices and these choices lead to diverse outcomes. In the fourthsection, the thesis pays attention to the limit of freedom. The choices made by people arerestricted to several factors, such as My place, My past, My neighbor, My surroundings andMy death and the novel fully illustrates these points. In the fifth section, it emphasizes on thedemand of freedom. Man is free to choose, so he is bound to take the responsibility. Thecharacters in the novel pursue their freedoms and assume their responsibilities. In the lastsection of the chapter, it concerns the consequences of freedom. Man is free to choose andtheir choices lead to the responsibilities, which imply anxiety. Most of the characters’behaviors support the point. All these show that existentialist Sartre’s views are in agreementwith those of Emily Bront’s.In the conclusion, we find something in common between existentialists Camus andSartre. Existentialist Camus realizes the absurdity of the world putting forward the principleof revolt and sets a limit to it while existentialist Sartre emphasizes a lot on action which isalmost the same as revolt,he notices that actions are restricted to some situations. Theseviews of existentialists are vividly presented in the novel. But these alone cannot solve theproblem. Fortunately, Emily provides us another solution to the problem, which is love that isa complementary to revolt and action. In a word, Emily’s thoughts not only agree with thoseof existentialists’ but also they are complementary each other. With revolt, action and lovecombined, all the rough problems are dissolved and a new ideal heaven is at hand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】542

