

The Research of Correlation about the Education and Social Status and Human Relationships

【作者】 冯鑫

【导师】 赵国权; 邢红平;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国当前社会,个体的受教育水平与其社会地位之间呈现出明显的正相关关系,而且二者之间存在着很强的相互间的影响和作用。也正因如此,许多家庭和个人希望通过接受教育这样途径来提高和维持自身的社会地位,并因此而重视教育并在教育方面进行巨大的投入。同时为了确保公平性、公正性和可操作性,以高考为主要标志考试选拔制度被确立下来,但是也导致了一系列的问题,比如,人们在教育上的的竞争不仅严酷而且激烈,使得中小学学生学业压力大负担重;由于我国高等教育资源配置不均衡、基础教育发展不均衡等问题,而产生的高考移民问题。这些问题看似教育问题,其来源却是社会问题,其中很大程度上是来源于社会竞争中存在的问题。强势阶层利用其拥有的社会资源,在与弱势群体的竞争中占据优势地位,并挤占弱势群体的发展空间,在教育领域中这一现象表现得较为突出,其表现是许多出身于较高社会阶层的学生在享受的教育资源和升学方面拥有着比较明显的优势。而在教育竞争和社会竞争中存在着一个非常重要的因素,即人际关系。一般而言,拥有良好人际关系的个体会在竞争中拥有较大的优势。在当前的社会转型中,由于社会和历史原因,我国社会上存在着许多利用人际关系去从事违规违法活动的现象。由此人际关系不仅严重侵蚀了社会公平与公正的现象,而且有时还直接助长了各种腐败,在教育领域人际关系也起到了这样的消极作用。但另一方面良好的人际关系是社会正常运行与社会和谐的重要保障,同时也是教育事业得以有序运行的重要因素。对个体而言,拥有良好的人际关系对其自身生存与发展有很大的帮助,使得社会上许多人投入大量精力、时间和金钱等资源投入到经营人际关系上,导致人们投入于教育和提高专业技能等方面的时间、精力和资金相对减少。而且如果众多的个人都去“搞关系”,那么将不利于社会的公平与公正,会对整个社会良性运作产生消极与负面的影响,并最终会反过来损害社会中个人的利益。因此个人的理性可能会导致集体的不理性,个体的自我保护措施可能会伤害到个体的权益。尽管就长期而言,随着社会的发展与进步,人际关系对教育和社会的作用和影响会相应减少,但人际关系对于教育和社会各个方面的影响力仍然不容小觑。鉴于人际关系的重要性和两面性,如何发挥人际关系的积极作用并抑制人际关系的消极作用便是一个非常值得重视的问题。

【Abstract】 In the current Chinese society, there is positive correlation between the education levels of individualswith their social status, and they influence each other. Therefore, lots of people want to improve their socialstanding by education, that’s the real reason that they invest hugely to the education. In consideration of theequity and the justice and the operability, College Entrance Examination System was chosen bygovernment and the whole Chinese society. But it result in many problem, such as students pressure ofcompetition is too high in middle and primary school, and the immigrants for NCEE (Migration for collegeentrance examinations) phenomenon which causes a lot of social issues. It looks educational problems;actually they are social problems, just cause of the grim social competition. The mighty groups suppress thedevelopment of the vulnerable groups by right of their social resources, especially in the education realms.There is a very important factor in this procedure. The factor that people know well just is humanrelationships.Generally, individuals who own human relationships usually stay in the advantaged position. Forvarious historical and social reasons, there are lots of unfair and injustice that caused by guanxi in theChinese social transition era. Indeed, human relationships bring some negative influence to the wholesociety including education, but human relationships are very important for social orders and socialharmony, that’s mean human relationships have a dual character, just like everything. For the whole societyguanxi lead to misallocations of resources and corruption, and is harmful to people. The phenomenon thatpeople go against themselves is another “tragedy of the common”.To the human relationships, the negative influence would decrease and the positive influence wouldincrease in the long term. However, for the current Chinese society, how to make it happen as early aspossible is a large problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G40-052
  • 【下载频次】286

