

A Study of Effective Interaction of the Classroom Teaching between Teachers and Students in Primary and Secondary Schools

【作者】 何艳杰

【导师】 张新海;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程标准倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究,交流合作,在课堂教学中强调师生交往,建构互动、和谐的师生关系,创设能引导学生积极主动参与的教育环境。师生互动是课堂教学过程的重要组成部分,因此在课堂教学中师生有效互动成为必然。课堂教学中的师生有效互动的过程是教师和学生共同学习的过程,是一个认知过程也是一个交流与合作的过程。课堂教学中的师生有效互动直接影响认知和交流的效果。为了解课堂教学中师生有效互动的达成情况,本研究对课堂教学中师生互动现状进行了实际调查研究,并针对存在问题提出了相应的对策。在研究的过程中,笔者主要使用文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法。通过阅读文献了解中小学课堂教学中师生互动研究现状,寻找研究的切入点;在此基础上,对中小学课堂教学中师生互动进行了理论分析;设计了中小学课堂教学中师生有效互动的调查问卷和访谈提纲;运用问卷调查和访谈法,了解中小学课堂教学中师生互动现状。调查结果表明:大部分教师认为师生有效互动对教学质量的提高非常有利、对学生和教师的发展非常有利,但实际操作时却很少与学生进行积极有效的互动;大部分教师对师生有效互动有一定的认识,但对师生有效互动的理解并不深刻,对其达成信心不足,并且重视度也不高;教师在设计教案时对师生互动环节忽视或设计不确切、不科学;在教师的实际教学中,师生有效互动的落实或被忽视,或呈现出形式化。这些问题严重阻碍了师生有效互动的有效达成。导致这些问题的原因主要有:唯理智教育观念的束缚、实用主义教育价值观的制约;教师自身的专业素质和人文道德修养的影响;师生有效互动达成本身的特殊性以及教师专业能力和情感掌控能力等因素的影响。为了使师生互动在课堂教学中能够有效达成,学校和社会应为教师提供良好的支持氛围并加强教师的师生互动领域相关知识的学习与研究,以提升教师对师生有效互动的认识,在教学设计中,教师应该恰当地处理互动内容;在教学实施中,教师应该做到营造积极的互动教学氛围。

【Abstract】 The new curriculum standards advocate students’ active participation, willing to explore, exchangesand cooperation. In the classroom teaching, we emphasize the communication between teachers andstudents, teachers should construct interactive, harmonious teacher-student relationship, creatingharmonious educational environment in which students love to participate in the teaching process actively.Interaction between teachers and students is the important part of the teaching process, the effectiveinteraction between teachers and students in classroom teaching has become an inevitable. The process ofeffective interaction between teachers and students in classroom teaching is the process in which teachers’and students’ learn together, it is a cognitive process as well as a process of communication andcooperation. Effective interaction between teachers and students in classroom teaching directly affects thecognitive and communicative effect. In order to understand the achievement of interaction betweenteachers and students in classroom teaching, this study undertakes a practical investigation on the realsituation of interaction between teachers and students in the classroom teaching, and puts forward thecorresponding countermeasures.In the course of the study, the author mainly uses literature method, questionnaire survey method andinterview method. Through reading and analyzing relevant journal essays and academic papers on thecurrent situation interaction between teachers and students in primary and secondary school, we find thestarting point of this study. On this basis, we undertake a theoretical analyze on the interaction betweenteachers and students in classroom teaching of primary and middle schools. Under the inspiration ofrelevant questionnaires, the author designs new leadership and teachers’ questionnaires on the interactionbetween teachers and students in classroom teaching in primary and middle schools. By using the methodof questionnaire investigation, we get to know the situation of interaction between teachers and students.The questionnaire mainly searches the real facts through the allocation of time on the interaction betweenteachers and students, such as, in a new lesson, teachers’ teaching takes almost the whole class andinteraction time cannot be guaranteed. The survey results show that: most of the teachers think that effective teacher-student interaction ishelpful to the improvement of teaching quality, and favorable to the development of students and teachers,but they rarely carry out active and effective interaction with students in actual classroom teaching. Most ofthe teachers have a certain understanding on effective teacher-student interaction, but they do not haveprofound understanding of effective teacher-student interaction, they lack confidence in it and attachinsufficient importance to teacher-student interaction in class; the problem of teacher-student interaction isusually ignored or designed inexactly and unscientifically in teachers’ teaching plans; in everydayclassroom teaching, the process of teacher-student interaction is often ignored or carried out in a formalizedway, these problems seriously hindered the effective teacher-student interaction. The causes of theseproblems are mainly as these: teachers’ sensible education ideas and pragmatism education values,teachers’ professional quality and humane and moral cultivation; the particularity of effectiveteacher-student interaction and teachers’ professional ability and emotion control ability as well as otherfactors.In order to make sure that teacher-student interaction can be carried out effectively in classroomteaching, school and society should provide teachers with good atmosphere and strengthen study andresearch on teacher-student interaction; teachers should learn related knowledge and enhance theirunderstanding about teacher-student interaction; in the course of teaching design, teachers should properlydeal with the interactive content; teachers should create a positive, interactive teaching atmosphere inclassroom teaching.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】540

