

Study of FuLiang

【作者】 任欢

【导师】 胡大雷;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 文章试图对傅亮及其诗文作品做一个全面的整体研究。联系傅亮家世、刘宋时期士人的生存状态以及当时的文艺创作之风研究傅亮其人及作品,具有一定的学术意义。前言回顾傅亮基本情况及前人研究状况综述,并说明本文选题的目的和意义。正文部分由五个部分组成。第一部分为傅亮的家世。根据史料和相关作品,可以看出傅亮出生于官宦之家,他的家族,北地傅氏,虽然不如魏晋时期王、谢家族那样的显著,但是在当时也是一个不断发展壮大的士族。我们将史书中有关傅氏的材料加以整理,就会发现史书中傅氏族人的发展状况。如果追上溯源,可以追溯到殷商时期的傅说,之后在史书中的记载代代相传。傅氏家族中的不少人,有很重要的政治地位,有治国之才的贤相,有骁勇善战的武将,也有儒雅敢谏的忠臣。第二部分为傅亮生平仕历及交游。纵观傅亮的一生,都于政事紧密相连,在晋宋之际的权力斗争中,替宋武帝刘裕尽心谋划,深受信用。跟随刘裕平定桓玄叛乱,北伐关中。永初三年,傅亮与徐羡之、谢晦、檀道济受命顾托并成为辅政大臣。继而谋废高祖长子刘义符,迎立历史上有名的“元嘉之治”的开创者宋文帝刘义隆继位。然而政事多变,元嘉三年,在傅亮等人归政文帝之后,即被以逆乱的罪名诛杀。与其交往的当时的士人,大多数都是与其共同辅佐刘裕的大臣,也有当时主流文坛的文人。第三部分为傅亮思想、品性。傅亮的一生,伴随刘宋政权的交替画上了遗憾的句号。探究傅亮复杂思想,必然要先考察到晋宋之际的政治背景和文化背景。傅亮一方面受到家传儒学的影响,遵从于儒家传统,追求德才兼备的文士修养,另一方面也不可避免的受到魏晋玄学的冲击,时常进入循环无终的空虚中去。同时,幼时受到父亲对他的影响,也受到佛家思想的影响。查阅史书,傅亮的人格品质也跃然纸上:他才学过人、诵言满堂;耿介率真、注重大局;审时度势、深谋远虑;扶赞宏业、无怨无悔。第四和第五部分为傅亮作品研究。主要论述傅亮的公牍文、赋、诗歌。其中的诏诰教令类文章与政事紧紧相连,也最能体现他的文笔风采。傅亮的公文写作形成了独特的艺术风格,典雅质朴,代表了刘宋早期骈文的总体风貌,同时也体现了骈文写作的技巧,成为刘宋初期的典范。《傅亮作品注释》、《傅亮简谱》及《傅氏家族部分谱系图》是论文的前期工作,也是论文得以顺利完成的基础,分别作为附录,置于文后。

【Abstract】 The article attempts to do a comprehensive overall research about Fu-Liang and his poetry works, which has considered the background of Fu-Liang, the living condition of scholars in Song-Liu dynasty, and other-s’ research about Fu-Liang and his works in Song-Liu dynasty. So it has a certain academic significance.Foreword not only reviews the basic situation of Fu-Liang and Summary of previous research status, but also introduces the writing purpose and significance of this article.Main body consists of five parts. First part introduces the family background of Fu-Liang. According to historical data and relative works, we can see Fu-Liang was born in a noble family. His clan named "Fushi" is less famous than Wangshi or Xieshi in Wei-Jin dynasty, but is a growing noble family at that time. We organize the materials of history books about the Fushi, then can find the development of Fushi. The earlier record of Fushi is Fuyue in Yin-shang dynasty, after him records about Fushi was wrote from generation to generation. Many persons of Fushi had haven very important political position, such as wise prime minister, heroic general, and refined courtier.Second parts introduces Fu-Liang political life and excursion. Throughout the life of Fu Liang, we can see that he was closely linked to politics. During jin-dynasty to song dynasty, he helped emperor Liuyu to compete for the throne, accompanied Liuyu to put down the Dingxuan rebellion. In the3rd year of the emperor Liuyu, Fu-Liang became a colonial secretary. Then he planed to deposed LiuYiFu who was the first son of the emperor Liuyu, and helped LiuYiLong who was the pioneer of the yuanjia reigning period to compete for the throne. But politics was changing, in the3rd year of yuanjia, Fu-Liang was killed for his rebellion. At that time, people relative to him was not only colonial secretary of Liuyu, but also mainstream literati.The third part introduces the ideology and character of Fu-Liang. Whole life of Fu-Liang was accompanied with regime of emperor Liuyu. For researching Fu-Liang’s complex ideology, firstly political and cultural background of his dynasty must be studied. Fu-Liang was inflected by the metaphysics, confucianism culture, and the buddhism culture, so according to the historical books, we can see that Fu-Liang was a wise, eloquent, honest and thoughtful person.The4th&5th part introduce Fu-Liang’s works which consists of parallel style official papers, Fu and poem etc. Imperial edicts are closely linked to politics. Fu Liang document Writing formed a unique artistic style, the elegant rustic, represents the overall liusong early parallel prose style, but also reflects the parallel prose writing skills and become the early model of Liu Song.Notation of Fu-Liang’s works, Fu-liang’s life and Fushi-clan are the pre-work, which are the foundation of this paper, they are located at the ending of this article as appendix.

【关键词】 傅亮家世生平思想诗文风格
【Key words】 Fu-liangextraction and lifeideologypoemstyle
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】157

