

China’s Sea Rights to Protection Under the Legal Perspective

【作者】 郑巍

【导师】 薛林;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “海权”是在古代海上武装斗争中形成和发展起来的一个概念,19世纪末马汉在创立海权论的时候,他认为海权不仅包括用武力控制海洋或其他任何一部分的海上军事力量的发展,而且还包括一支军事舰队源于和赖以存在的平时贸易和海运的发展。不过海权发展到今天,它的内涵己得到了极大的丰富,随着海洋成为国际社会重大政治、经济、法律、军事、文化利益的重要领域,海权的内涵也随之发生变化,据此,海权可分为狭义海权和广义海权,这主要是从国际海洋法的角度进行的划分。经过长期的发展,20世纪初的中国产生了朦胧的海权意识,历史发展到今天,中国的海权观已比较明确,然而,在现实中,中国却面临着一些列的海权问题。新中国成立后,由于历史遗留问题没有得到妥善解决,尤其是《联合国海洋法公约》通过以后,中国面临的海权问题更为严峻,主要有中日东海划界争端、钓鱼岛主权争端、南海问题等,其中,以南海问题最为复杂,这是目前世界上涉及国家最多、情况最为复杂的海权之争。在南海海域,我国有着无可争辩的历史性权利,而且在南海断续线内的水域又是我国的历史性水域,这些都是客观的历史事实,不容忽视,因为这是我国主张南海主权权利最有利的理由和证据之一。当前,我国所面临的海权问题越来越严峻,如何维护我国的海权,是促进我国海洋事业全面发展的关键之一,对我国经济社会的发展有着重要的意义。海权作为国家主权的一部分,具有极其重要的地位,它是国家主权在海洋表达权利的具体体现,也是国家利益和安全的重要内容,如何保证海权安全,在中国高速发展的今天尤显重要。国外海洋大国维护海权、管理海洋的先进经验,对我国有着重要的借鉴意义,同时,需要结合我国国情,建立我国的海权保护体系,即通过制定国家海洋战略、完善海洋法律体系、建立海洋综合管理体制、组建中国海岸警卫队等措施,维护我国海权,促进我国海洋事业的发展,最终走向海洋强国的发展之路。

【Abstract】 "Sea power" is a concept formed and developed in the ancient maritime armed struggle, in the late19th century, when the creation of Sea Power by Mahan, in his view of sea power includes not only the use of force to control the sea or any other part of the naval forces development, but also includes a military fleet from the existence of the usual trade and maritime development. However, the development of sea power to this day, its content has been greatly enriched, as the oceans become important areas of the international community to the major political, economic, legal, military, and cultural interests of the connotation of the sea power also will be changed, according to this, sea power can be divided into the narrow sea power and the broad sea power, this is mainly from the perspective of the international law of the division. After long-term development, the early20th century China had a dim awareness of sea rights, the historical development to today, China’s concept of sea rights has been relatively clear, however, in reality, China is facing a series of sea rights dispute.After the founding of new China, due to historical issues are not solved properly, Especially "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea " passed after, China is facing more serious sea rights dispute, mainly Sino-Japanese East China Sea demarcation dispute, the Diaoyu Islands sovereignty dispute, the South China Sea issue, of which the most complex is the South China Sea issue, which is in the current world involves state most, the most complex sea rights struggle. In the South China Sea, China has indisputable historic rights, and the interrupted line in the South China Sea waters of historic waters, these are objective historical facts can not be ignored, because this is China advocates the sovereign rights of the South China Sea one of the most favorable reasons and evidence. At present, our country faces the sea rights dispute to more and more severe, how to preserve our sea rights, is one of the keys to promote the comprehensive development of china’s ocean career, the development of our economy and society has an important significance.Sea right as part of national sovereignty, has an extremely important position, it is a concrete manifestation of national sovereignty to express their rights in the ocean and also the national interests and the security of the important content, how to ensure the security of sea right is particularly important in the rapid development of China today. Foreign marine country to maintain sea rights and to manage the advanced experience of the ocean, to our country has an important reference significance, meanwhile, need to combine with China’s national conditions, the establishment of China’s sea rights protection system, through the national marine strategy formulated, improve the marine legal system, the establishment of marine integrated management system, the formation of the China Coast Guard,to safeguard China’s sea rights,to promote the development of China’s marine career, and Ultimately toward the road of development of the maritime country.

  • 【分类号】D823;D922.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】418
  • 攻读期成果

