

"Escape" from Sorrow for Spring:"Personal" Sex Dimension of Shang Shi&Chun Tao

【作者】 谢谨

【导师】 肖百容;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 性爱主题作为神秘与神圣的言说,从古至今在文学中始终扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。剖析性爱意识的丰富内涵,便可领悟到只有尊重人性的性爱表达才能折射出最为澄澈的爱、恨和自由。可是性爱文学中寻求个人认同的发展并不是一蹴而就的,而是社会机制下历经数千年艰难曲折演变而来的进化结果。五四时期就处于这样的临界点下,革命先哲一边憧憬新时代的前景,标榜现代性爱观下焕然一新的“个人”觉醒,但一边却又无法逃脱旧传统的藩篱,无法调和个人与社会的内在矛盾。本文就是在这样的文化语境中试以性爱意识为出发点,探究《伤逝》、《春桃》其中的差异性表现,只希望在现在这个依然“性丑”、“谈性色变”的年代能借两篇文章抛砖引玉,探讨被遮蔽的研究性视角以及文学史本身。本文采用文本细读的方法立足《伤逝》、《春桃》,呈现了同样是“人之觉醒”下的性爱意识形态,但却展示了文化语境中备受压抑的女性不同程度的自我觉醒而导致的不同结局,“‘逃’逝伤春”就暗含了这种命运的基调。女性本身就带有社会强加的双重枷锁,一是纲常对个人的压抑,二是男性对女性的压抑。在两性的历史上,女性似乎无法改变“第二性”的尴尬地位,也难以拥有自己的话语方式。激进的女权主义者要求反抗性别压迫寻求两性平等,甚至忽略性差以男性的标准要求自己来掩饰女性的特质,这种无性或男性化的公平无疑过犹不及。这也是本文选用两名男作家文本来书写两性问题的原因所在。全文分三部分展开论述,主要内容如下所示:第一章以历时性研究为起点,梳理了性爱文学的发展阶段,论述了在礼教一统天下的古老中国,受特定的历史以及传统宗教的影响下,着力夸大了性爱中“爱”的不朽而贬低了自然肉体的重要性。待发展到明代认识到过分注重灵魂导致的割裂性时,却又因刻意渲染肉身情欲走向了另一个极端。不管是“‘爱’的偏执”还是““性’的矫枉”根植点都在于没有把“个人”独立意识纳入两性的观照之中。直到五四的狂飙突进,开展从身体到灵魂的革命,基于“个人”觉醒的性启蒙思潮方才崭露头角,真正承认了性爱意识的多元内涵。同样是“我是我自己”的时代强音,却喊出了不同的命运。这样就引出了本文的第二部分。第二章分两部分专节对《伤逝》、《春桃》分别进行阐述和分析,中国家庭关系中的“娜拉”出走后“不是堕落,就是回来”的谶语,在子君身上得到应验。子君在同居之前也曾有过十分进步的独立意识,但一旦涉及到性爱关系便心甘情愿地沦为涓生的附庸,纵使生活举步维艰仍然深陷礼教的窠臼,没有胆量或者说没有意识可以走上社会开创新生,只是在涓生不爱的事实后踏上了死亡之途。春桃则是开辟了堕落、回来之后的第三条路,不但拥有坚定的独立意识,而且用一己之力寻找在社会中的立足之地。李茂、向高作为性政治中占有绝对优势的男性,却被具有异样光芒的春桃给掩盖了。在求生本能的驱使下春桃不但从身体上觉醒接纳一女二夫的生活模式,更重要的是敢于主宰命运,匡正了性爱叙事中“第二性”被侮辱被损害的悲剧价值。第三章则是讨论了“逃”逝伤春的原因所在。虽然两篇文章的抽样分析,不足以反映整个大时代的性爱观念的变化,但这种从伤春到“逃”逝伤春基调的转变,离不开社会环境的影响制约,就比如从标举个人主义到认识到个人解放局限的转向,以及五四时期整个文坛的多愁善感到三十年代追求“力”之美的昂扬激情;当然也与作家的宗教影响有关,鲁迅针砭时弊急于对儒家“圣道”的批判,而许地山更多地从人道主义出发推崇佛耶的“博爱”;不可避免地还与创作手法中的叙事视角息息相关,涓生的第一人称元叙述霸权遮掩了子君的话语权利,而《春桃》的表现手法则是客观公允的第三人称叙事角度,赋予性爱关系中的女性反抗声音的存在。还有不可忽略的是吸收国外文学思潮的影响,他们同样关注自然主义,一个取其“真”,一个纳其“自然”,也是产生差异的原因之一。他们作为时代的集大成者,在文学的表象世界发现了个人与社会的矛盾,却难以撼动男人与女人之间的本质矛盾。这也是文本论述的又一生发点所在。

【Abstract】 The theme of sex as a mysterious and sacred topic, since ancient times always plays an indispensable role in the literature. Analysis of sexual consciousness connotation, can be realized that sexual expression only respect for humanity can reflect the most pure love, hate and freedom. The development of erotic literature for personal identity not accomplish at one stroke, but the evolutionary outcome after arduous and tortuous thousands of years evolved from the social mechanism. May Fourth period just being at this critical point, revolutionary sages looking forward to the new era on a perked "personal" awakening of modern concept of sexual aspect, but unable to escape from the old traditional barriers, personal and social contradictions are also irreconcilable. This article based on sexual consciousness as the starting point under this cultural context, inquiry Shang shi and Chun tao on the differences of performance in order to cast a brick to attract jade in this conservative time, discover the perspective of veiled research and literature history itself.This paper adopts the method based on text reading Shang shi and Chun tao presented as "personal awakening" sexual ideology, but oppressed women display the different ending in varying degrees of self-awareness,"Escape from sorrow for spring" implies the fate tone. Female with the double yoke imposed by society, one is ethical to personal, the other is male to female. In history between the sexes, female seem to be unable to change "the second sex" embarrassing position, cannot have their own way of discourse. Radical feminists struggle against gender oppression for gender equality, even ignoring the difference of sexes and demand themselves with male standards to cover up the characteristics of the female, the fair of asexual or masculine undoubtedly abnormal. This is the reason why I choose two male writer to probe into the sexual issues.The thesis consists of three parts, the main contents are as follows:the first chapter from the diachronic study as a starting point, summarizes the development stages of erotic literature, discusses the ancient China influenced by the specific history and traditional religion, exaggerate the "love" of the immortal in the sexual ideology, debased natural importance of the flesh. As time went by,the writer in Ming Dynasty realized that too much emphasis on the soul easily split intrinsic of the sex issues, but they deliberately embroider flesh desires caused to the other extreme. Whether "love paranoia" or "sex bigot" the grounding point is not the "personal" independent consciousness into the gender perspective. Until the fiery revolution from body to the soul of May Fourth period,based on the "personal" awakening of the sexual enlightenment thought just appeared, truely admitted the multiple connotations of sex consciousness.The same ictus of "I am myself" shouted out the different destiny. This leads to the second part of this article.The second chapter is divided into two parts, expound and analyze the Shang shi and Chun tao.The prophecy of the result,which Nora leave away is "either fall or back" in Chinese family has been fulfilled,just like Zi jun. Before cohabitation,she had very progressive independent consciousness, but when it comes to the sexual relationship,she is willing to become the vassal of Juan sheng. Even if they live a tough life,she still be restricted by ethic rules, no guts or no consciousness to create a new life away from home,death is the only choice when she knew Juan sheng didn’t love her any more. Chun tao found out the third road neither fall nor back,not only have a strong sense of independence, but also live on her own labor.Instead, Li mao, Xiang gao as the male didn’t play the dominant role. Chun tao received the lifestyle of polygamy driven by the survival instinct.Most importantly,she has the courage to dominate the fate, corrects "the second sex"with insult and injury tragic value in the erotic narration.The third chapter discussed the reason of "escape" from sorrow for spring. Although the two article of the sampling analysis, not enough to reflect the whole era change of the concept of sexual. But the tone changed from sorrow for spring to "escape" from sorrow for spring, cannot leave the effect of social environment constraints, such as from the flaunting individualism steering to recognize individual liberation limited, and the atmosphere of whole literary world changed from melancholy to passion between May Fourth period with thirty times. Also have close relation with the religious influences of the writer,such as Lu xun always critique on Confucian,But Xu dishan prefer humanitarian point of view respected the "fraternity" with Buddhism and Christianism.Inevitably,bound up with the creation of narrative perspective,first-person meta-narratives hegemony of Juan sheng concealed the discourse right of Zi jun,the expression of Chun tao from the third person narrative perspective is objective and fair, the against sound can be presented of female in sexual relationships. There can not be ignored is the absorption of foreign literature ideological trend influence, Lu xun and Xu dishan all pay attention to naturalism, one nearly to "true", one choose the "natural", is also the reason for the difference.They are regarded as landmarks of the time,under the semblance of literature easily recognized the contradictions between person and society, but difficult to vibrate the intrinsic conflicts between male and female.It is another germinal point of the thesis.

【关键词】 性爱“个人”女性《伤逝》《春桃》
【Key words】 Sex "Personal" FemalShang shChun tao

