

Analysis of Comment in "Anthology"

【作者】 伍金妹

【导师】 力之;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 魏晋以降,文论家掀起了文体辨析的风潮,论体的体制分类不由地突显出来,在整个文学创作史上显示出重要的地位。但是《文选》中的论体文的辨析研究,前人很少有专门论述,通过对前人的《文选》研究成果的学习、总结,对《文选》的论体进行再研究。论文将分为以下几个部分进行论述:第一章追溯论体的源流,考察论体成为独立文体时所具备的特征,同时与刘勰《文心雕龙》所并举的议、说来相互辨析分体。第二章着重考察《文选》中文体分类的标准,萧统把广泛意义的论体分为设论、史论和论,此章采取对比的方式,研究设论、史论与论的独.有特色,并且总结出论体这一单独形态文体的划分意义,即论体用典繁复、文风骈俪的“理”性特征。第三章采用文本分析的方法,将《文选》14篇论体文分成三大类,在分类的过程中考察论体的体制特征、艺术形式和发展变化。第四章专项研究政论之文的思想倾向,讨论论体文中占主要题材的文章的思想特征。再从论体文的艺术风格考虑,骈文的修辞手段对论体文的影响。然后,抽取特殊时间段的两篇论体文进行分析说明:为何论体文选录汉代贾谊《过秦论》为首,而东汉论体文发展至一个高峰却只选录东汉前期班彪的《王命论》一篇,这两个问题说明萧统在时间跨度上的选择,也体现出论体体制的择录标准。通过对《文选》论体的研究,分析了《文选》的论体风格形式,对萧统的文体辨析形成了比较完整的认识,以期对《文选》的文体研究有所贡献。

【Abstract】 Wei Jin Dynasty, literary theory a stylistic analysis of trend, the system of comment is highlighted, in the literary creation history shows the important position. But" anthology" in the style of previous research on few specifically discusses, based on the previous research results of learning, summarizes," anthology" on the body of research on. The paper will be divided into the following several parts:The first chapter traces the origins of body, examination of the body become independent style has the characteristics, and Liu Xie" Wenxindiaolong" are said to each other, both on the analysis of the split. The second chapter focuses on" anthology" Chinese body classification standards, Xiao Tong put the broad meaning of body is divided into a set theory, history and theory. This chapter takes a comparative way, study theory, history and theory of the unique characteristics, and summarized on the body with a single form of Stylistic Significance of dividing, namely on the body using complex style grace,"reason" features, as well as the embodiment of Xiao Tong’s thought of Confucianism. The third chapter extracting special time of the two on the body text analysis shows:why Wen Xuanlu Jia Yi" on body of Han Dynasty Qin had" led by the Han Dynasty, and the text of the development to a peak only from the early Eastern Han Dynasty the" life of King ban Biao" an article, these two problems that Xiao Tong in the time span on the selection, also reflects on the optional standard system. The fourth chapter of the text analysis method, will" anthology"14on the body text is divided into three big classes, in the classification process examination of the body features of the system, the art form and the development and changes of. Through the" anthology" on body research, analysed" anthology" on the body of Xiao Tong style, stylistic analysis of formed a relatively complete understanding, in order to" anthology" stylistic research contribution.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】221

