

Deng Xianhe Nancun Cottage Poems Research

【作者】 许华贤

【导师】 杜海军;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 邓显鹤是清代湖湘地区的一位重要文人,同时也是嘉庆、道光时期的重要诗人,他的文学成就是多方面的,对于地方文献整理的贡献更是突出,而其诗歌、散文都不错。对邓显鹤的诗歌创作进行研究,不仅能对个案研究有帮助,而且也能进一步了解当时的社会风貌,具有一定的意义。本文拟结合邓显鹤生平及其时代背景,总结其交游情况,探讨其丰富的诗歌内容,并尝试着给邓显鹤在清诗史上做个定位,让更多的人关注他、研究他。绪论部分对邓显鹤的相关研究情况做一个大概的梳理与概括,包括选题缘由与研究价值以及当前的研究现状。第1章,考察邓显鹤的生平、交游与著述情况,从最基本的方面了解邓显鹤作为一位诗人的面貌。邓显鹤生活于嘉庆、道光时期,封建社会走向衰败,邓显鹤虽怀抱着报效朝廷的志向,但从嘉庆十年开始,科场屡屡失意,终其一生,除做过幕僚、担任教员一职外,多数时间穷居乡里,偏于一隅。第2章,第一节探讨邓显鹤诗歌创作的分期情况及创作风格,早期诗歌风格多近魏晋,中期多近杜甫,晚期则近韩愈。第二节归纳邓显鹤诗歌的内容,有山水纪游诗、亲朋好友诗、关注时事诗、生活情趣诗等,诗作内容丰富,通过对其诗歌内容的解读,使得我们较为深入的了解诗人的内心世界。第3章,探讨邓显鹤的诗学渊源与诗学主张。邓显鹤在诗文中不止一次表露对江西诗派的赞美,黄庭坚作为江西诗派的主要代表人,自然是邓显鹤的学习对象,黄庭坚诗歌宗尚杜甫和韩愈,强调学问,强调表达自我感情,邓显鹤遵循的也是这样的路子,尊奉杜甫、韩愈,论诗重“性情”,宗唐也需宗宋,强调学养与人品及诗品的统一。第4章,分析《南村草堂诗钞》的影响与地位,对邓显鹤及其诗歌做一个客观的评价。结语部分,简要分析邓显鹤一生及其诗歌创作,进一步完善本文的研究思路。

【Abstract】 Deng Xianhe an important scholar in the Qing Dynasty Hunan region, Jiaqing, Daoguang period of the most important poets of his literary achievements are many, for the contribution of local literature is more prominent, and its poetry, essays are good. Study the Xianhe the poetry writing, not only case studies but also to further understand the social features, has a certain significance.Introduction Deng Xianhe research to do a rough combing and summarized, including the topics of reason and research value, and the current status quo.Chapter1, inspection of Xianhe of life, make friends, and writings, from the most basic understanding of Deng Xianhe face as a poet.Chapter2, section I explore the Xianhe poetry creation stage and the writing style, early poetic style, almost the Wei, Jin, medium, almost Du Fu, advanced nearly Han Yu. Section II summarized the Xianhe poetry’s content, landscape century poetry. Friends and family poem, concerned about the current events poetry, life and fun poem, the poem is rich in content, the content of the interpretation of his poetry, making us a more in-depth understanding of the poet’s heart the world.Chapter3, DengXianHe discusses the poetics of origin and poetic concepts. DengXianHe in verse in more than once in jiangxi province the praise of the poetry express, huang tingjian as th e main representative poetry in jiangxi province, nature is DengXianHe study object, huang tingj ian poetry Pope is still du fu and han yu’s, emphasize knowledge, emphasize to express themselv es feelings, DengXianHe follow is also such way, dedicated to du fu, han yu’s, held heavy "the personality," tang also need to the song, emphasize the knowledge and character and grades of unity.Chapter4, analysis of the south village thatched cottage poem bank note "and the impacts of status, and its poetry to DengXianHe do an objective evaluation.Epilogue part, briefly analyzes DengXianHe life and his poems, further improve the train of thought.


