

Ecological Study on the Wetland Vegetation of Guangxi

【作者】 黄安书

【导师】 梁士楚;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地植被是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,湿地植被的结构、功能和生态特征能综合反映湿地生态系统的基本特点和功能特性,并能体现湿地生态环境状态和质量水平。在不同类型的湿地生态环境中生长着在在与之相适应的植被类型。本文在对广西各类型湿地进行大量野外调查和文献资料整理的基础上,利用植物群落生态学与植被生态学的理论与方法,对广西湿地植被的种类组成、区系特征、群落类型、群落特征、群落分布以及湿地植被资源保护与利用进行了较为系统的调查与分析,结果如下:1.组成广西湿地植被的植物种类有342种,隶属89科199属,其中苔藓植物3科4属4种、蕨类植物10科10属11种,裸子植物2科3属3种、双子叶植物54科109属174种、单子叶植物20科73属150种,以莎草科、禾本科、蓼科、菊科等的种类较多,分别占总种数的13.7%、11.11%、4.97%和4.68%。2.广西湿地植被区系组成中,科的分布区有7个类型和3个亚型,属的分布区有12个类型和8个亚型。其中科的区系组成以热带分布科成分为主,有3个类型和2个亚型;属的成分以热带分布属和温带分布属为主,分别有7个类型和3个亚型、5个类型和5个亚型。3.广西湿地植被可分为人工植被与自然植被两大类型,其中人工植被可分为14个群系,自然植被可分为9个植被型组,19个植被型,138个群系。4.广西湿地植被分布具有隐域性的特点,受海陆分布、地貌、水域条件、物种生活型、人为因素或地表群系组成物质等非地带性因素影响较大。根据生境类型特征,广西湿地植被大致可划分为河流湿地植被、湖泊湿地植被、库塘湿地植被、滨海湿地植被、水田湿地植被、田间或山间沼泽湿地植被、海草床湿地植被等类型。其中,两栖植物群落、半湿生植物群落、湿生植物群落主要分布于河流、库塘、滨海湿地、荒田沼泽等;挺水植物群落在湖泊、滨海湿地、河流、库塘、水田、沼泽等见有分布;浮叶植物群落、漂浮植物群落、沉水植物群落主要分布于水田、河流、湖泊、库塘、海草床等。5.广西湿地植被资源丰富,主要植被类型有水稻群落、荸荠群落、慈姑群落、泽泻群落、红树群落、枫杨群落、江芏群落、芦苇群落等。其中,一些湿地植被资源,特别是人工湿地植被资源,例如水稻、荸荠、慈姑等群落,一直是传统上广泛利用的、经济价值非常高的资源类型;有些湿地植被资源,例如,野荸荠过去曾经普遍用作编织材料,但目前由于其分布面积比较少或者有了替代品而少了利用,而多数湿地植被资源由于资源量不大、经济价值不高或者开发利用难度比较大,目前尚未开发利用。近年来,随着经济社会的发展,广西湿地植被资源因不合理利用导致日趋减少、因此加强湿地资源保护管理迫在眉睫。

【Abstract】 Wetland vegetation is the important component of wetland ecosystem. The structures, functions and eco-characteristics of the wetland vegetation do not only reflect the fundamental features and functions of wetland ecosystem, but also indicate the ecological environment condition and the quality of wetland eco-environment. There are various vegetations that are adapted to different wetland eco-environments. Based on a great deal of field investigation and related literature data of various wetland vegetations, by the application of the theories and methods of synecology and ecology, the compositions, floras, classification systems, community characters, distribution characteristics, utilization and conservation of wetland vegetation in Guangxi are discussed and analyzed systematically in this paper. The results obtained were as follows:1. There are89families,199genera, and342species in the community distribution range of wetland vegetation in Guangxi, including3families and4genera and4species of bryophyte,10families and10genera and11species of pteridophyte,2families and3genera and3species of gymnosperm,54families and109genera and174species of dicotyledon, and20families and73genera and150species of monocotyledons, and cyperus, gramineae, polygonum and asteraceae were the dominant genera, which account for13.7%,11.11%,4.97%and4.68%respectively.2. In Guangxi wetland vegetation flora compositions, there are7types and3subtypes of the family distribution area, and12types and8subtypes of the genera. In the compositions of family flora mainly is tropical distribution family which is including3types and2subtypes; and the genera mainly is tropical and temperate distribution which is respectively including7types and3subtypes and5types and5subtypes.3. Wetland of Guangxi could be divided into artificial wetland and natural wetland. The former one was classified into14common association types, and the latter one was classified into9vegetation groups,19vegetation types,138formations and several associations.4. Guangxi wetland vegetation resources is rich, though some wetland plant species has formed a large-scale used, most vegetation resources have not been used, and have a profound potential development. Vegetation distribution can be roughly divided into seven ecological distribution types:river wetland, lake-wetland, library pond wetland, coastal wetland, paddy field wetland, drought or grass field marsh wetland and seaweed bed wetland. Among these, the amphibious plant community, sub-hygrophyte community and hygrophyte community mainly distributed in the rivers, library ponds, coastal wetlands and waste swamp fields etc; emerged plants community usually distribute in lakes, and coastal wetlands, rivers, library ponds, paddy fields and swamps etc; and floating-leaves plant community, floating plant community and submerged plant community mainly distributed in the paddy fields, rivers, lakes, library ponds and seaweed bed etc.5. Guangxi wetland vegetation resources is rich, the mainly vegetation types are rice, chufa, arrowhead, rhizoma alismatis, mangroves, Chinese ash, Cyperus malaccensis, Phragmites, etc. Among these wetland vegetation resources, especially constructed wetland vegetation resources, such as rice, chufa, arrowhead etc are the high economic value types, which are extensively used on the traditional; Some wetland vegetation resources, for example wild chufa were commonly used in weaving materials, because the limited of its distribution area or a substitute by using current is less using them; and most wetland vegetation resources because their yield is limit, low economic value or the difficult of development and utilization, has yet to development and utilization. In recent years, with the development of society and economy, Guangxi wetland vegetation resources is reducing for the unreasonable utilization so strengthen the wetland resources protection management is extremely urgent.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【下载频次】310

